Inmate In Tagalog

Inmate In Tagalog

example of high profile inmate and high-risk inmate?

Daftar Isi

1. example of high profile inmate and high-risk inmate?


Inmates classified as high-risk or special management constitute an estimated 10-15 percent of the nation's prison population. ... The most serious forms of disruptive behavior within a prison, such as homicide, escape, aggravated assault on inmates or staff, and riots, are rare.

2. define high profile inmate and high risk inmate?​

Define high profile inmate and high risk inmate?

What is high profile inmate? Someone or something with a high profile is someone or something that is well regarded and attracts a lot of interest. There have been a number of high-profile cases where the non-renewal of a fixed-term appointment has called into question the postholder's true freedom. Choristers from all cathedrals go on to high-profile careers.


Jaybee Nio Manicad Sebastian (January 20, 1980 – July 18, 2020) was a high-profile Filipino prisoner at the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) who was convicted in 2009 of kidnapping for ransom and carjacking. He was notorious for leading a prison gang and reportedly being complicit in the prison's illicit narcotics trade.

Criminal career

Sebastian was jailed in the early 2000s for abduction and carjacking and was held at the Manila City Jail awaiting a verdict on felony charges. He got associated with Sigue Sigue Commando inside the Manila jail and acted as an overall counselor to the prison gang. He was moved to the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) in Muntinlupa after his arrest in 2009.

Sebastian allegedly led Presidio, one of two jail groups active in the illicit drug trade, at the NBP. The other party was Carcel, who was allegedly headed by convicted kidnapper Herbert Colanggo.

Under President Rodrigo Duterte's presidency, Sebastian was accused by Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II of conducting a three-year funding drive to promote Leila de Lima's Senate candidacy for the 2016 elections in return for de Lima tolerating Sebastian's drug trafficking presence within the NBP. De Lima previously served as Justice Secretary under Duterte's boss, Benigno Aquino III.

On September 28, 2016, Sebastian and two other inmates were killed, and a Chinese drug lord named Tony Co died after being stabbed in NBP Building 14.

What is High risk inmate Inmates categorized as high-risk or special management account for about 10-15% of the nation's inmate population. Homicide, escape, and aggravated assault on prisoners or staff are examples of the most extreme types of disruptive activity inside a facility.


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3. Reporting late for inmate formation and inmates headcount without justifiable reasons?​


Although the reasons for this high prevalence are not entirely clear, some scholars ... By the late 1990s, the average inmate could find much less recourse

4. what is diversification of inmates?​


• Diversification – it refers to penal system's implementation of segregation. ...  • Auburn System – it is one of the forerunners of modern correctional system wherein they confine the prisoners in single cells at night but allow them to work in congregate shops during the day.


Correct me if I'm wrong Ü


 • Diversification – it refers to penal system's implementation of segregation. ...  • Auburn System – it is one of the forerunners of modern correctional system wherein they confine the prisoners in single cells at night but allow them to work in congregate shops during the day.



5. Why are jails and prisons congested with inmates? Do you think this condition is an extreme punishment to the inmates? Who should be blamed for the congestion?​



because maybe they done an extreme bad deeds so that politics pushnished them extremely

6. why is human rights important to inmates?​


being a inmates will make you in a danger zone, so the only law that could protect you is human rights


✨ Answer ✨

why is human rights important to inmates?

Because All prisoners shall be treated with the respect due to their inherent dignity and value as human beings.

The basic rights include right to food and water, right to have an attorney to defend himself, protection from torture, violence and racial harassment.


7. what is the importance of inmate security clasification​

It enables the institution to gauge the proper custody level of an inmate, to identify the inmate's education, vocational, and psychological needs, and to separate non-violent inmates from the more predatory. Classification is also indispensable for any coherent future planning."

8. what is the purpose of transferring the inmates?​


Routine transfers


Prisoners are responsible for telling family where they are. Common reasons for a transfer include access to services and facilities, rehabilitation and progression to a lower security prison.


to avoid congestion


to avoid the spreading of diseases, etc.

9. discuss the admission procedure of inmates in the bucor ​


Correctional and medical professionals will interview inmates. The interviews help the personnel at the correctional facility identify the prisoner's category and the area and institution that are best suited to meet their demands. Nurses will extensively evaluate the prisoner's health issues and, if required, administer medicine.


10. Importance of diversification and classification of inmates


The goals of classification systems are numerous. They include but are not limited to managing inmate risk, reducing prison violence, minimizing escapes, providing programs to address prisoner needs, equitably assigning inmates to facilities and custody levels.

Classification is the ongoing process of collecting and evaluating information about each inmate to determine the inmate's risk and need for appropriate confinement, treatment, programs, and employment assignment, whether in a facility or the community.



11. What is the purpose of inmates diversification program.​




prisoners. It is the program specifically designed and given to a prisoner, during a limited period, prior to his release, in order to give him an opportunity to adjust himself from the regimented group like in prison to the normal, independent life of a free individual.



Convict is (legal) a person convicted of a crime by a judicial body while inmate is a person confined to an institution such as a prison (as a convict) or hospital (as a patient).

13. what are the pecuniary aids given to an inmate?​

it means beh na basta yan yung sagot

14. importance of inmate security classification​


It enables the institution to gauge the proper custody level of an inmate, to identify the inmate's education, vocational, and psychological needs, and to separate non-violent inmates from the more predatory. Classification is also indispensable for any coherent future planning."

15. Example of inmate spech


Being in prison for life can be a real challenge, the inmates wake up early in the morning and if lucky they can take a shower with cold water. They brush their teeth and depending on the correctional facility the inmates are able to go outside to spend some time to play a sport, do physical training, or just walk and talk with other inmates. The most trusted inmates get jobs inside the facility and some even are able to get into school. Serving life in prison can be really hard, the offender has to get used to doing exactly the same thing each day, eating the same type of food, seeing the same people, walking through the same halls. An inmate will have to get his mind on something else, being in prison can be eternity if an offender thinks…show more content…

Some prisoners are claustrophobic; they can’t be in small tight places for example their prison cell. The prisoners were used to being on the streets doing whatever they felt they wanted to do; now they got to follow rules and do as they’re told. Inmates with life sentences have to stay in prison until they’re no longer alive, knowing that some even try to commit suicide. No one would like to be in prison for life, just thinking about can make everyone scared. Inmates serving life in prison are able to get special services, depending on their conduct. Inmates have double celled housing space for themselves, a person can get frustrated being small places and since the inmate is going to be there for life they want to at least let him feel good. The inmates also get employment opportunities, also depending in their conduct. They want the inmates to spend their time out of trouble and helping them get distracted can get them out of trouble.


16. What is the Objectives of Vocational training of Inmates​

Answer:The goal is to provide inmates with skills that will improve their eligibility for jobs upon release. Most prison vocational training is geared toward traditional blue-collar employment in areas such as electronics, auto mechanics and handicrafts.


Hope it helps


Paki brainliest po pls

17. what is the inmate security classification in the philippines​

Inmates are classified according to their security status and determined security risk category. The categories are as follows: Maximum Security – This includes highly dangerous or high security risk inmates as determined by the Classification Board.

18. Vocational training for Inmates​


Benefits to Vocational Studies

Although it is true that academic college studies can open doors to some of the best career opportunities, vocational studies have several marked advantages:

The programs take much less time to complete than two- or four-year college programs. If you will be released in a short amount of time, you still might be able to complete a vocational program while incarcerated;

The courses and programs are typically less expensive;

The schools often offer better payment plans;

It is easier to take the exams because the courses usually do not require that tests be proctored;

All the courses required for a specific certificate or diploma are offered in an easy-to-use packaged format; and

The programs are practical. You will use what you learn very quickly.


19. definition of inmate in level of formality​


The level of formality you write with should be determined by the expectations of your audience and your purpose. For example, if you are writing a cover letter for a job application or a college academic essay, you would write in a formal style. If you are writing a letter to a friend, writing something personal, or even writing something for a humorous or special interest magazine when informal writing is expected, you would use a more informal style. Formality exists on a scale—in the example below, a letter of application to a known colleague can result in a semi-formal style.

follow my account please

20. What is the importance of inmate security Classipication?​

It enables the institution to gauge the proper custody level of an inmate to identify the inmates education vocational, and psychological needs and to seperate non violent inmates from the more predatory.

21. discuss the importance of diversification and classifications of inmates​


To properly organize them properly.


We need to organize them based on their data records, crime, and their physical attributes so that we wont be confused. Because inmates are actually many and we cannot determine them easily.

22. why is human rights important to inmates?​


Why is human rights important to inmates?​


Why is human rights important to inmates?​

You have legal rights and protection, even when you are in prison. This includes protection against discrimination, such as racial discrimination, disability discrimination, age discrimination, or sexuality discrimination.



23. discuss the purpose of inmates diversification program​

Answer:prisoners. It is the program specifically designed and given to a prisoner, during a limited period, prior to his release, in order to give him an opportunity to adjust himself from the regimented group like in prison to the normal, independent life of a free individual.


24. Explain the protocols in separation of categories of inmates​


There are two types of segregation outlined by the Bureau of Prisons: disciplinary and administrative detention. The rules and policies pertaining to each vary. Disciplinary segregation is a form of separation from the general population for a specified period of time.

25. Conclusion of Vocational Training of Inmates​


Employment is critical in keeping released offenders out of prison. ... Vocational training is one of the most critical educational and rehabilitative programs that prisons can provide. Training gives inmates the skills for a trade or industry and a chance to earn a good wage.

#Carry on learning

#mark a brainliest



alam ko yan pero diko sasabihin

27. what are the bases of releasing an inmate​


their behavior in jail


own opinion Lang po


their behavior in jail

28. what are the basic need of the inmate​


Many articles focus on the fact that after the basic physiological needs of food, safety and shelter are met, the higher basic needs of “belongingness and love” and “esteem and self-actualization”' need to be met in a prison setting.


Sana makatulong po.

29. explain what is Prompt release of inmate.​


you need to be smart and have a good value and nice brain

30. what is first class inmates​


The first-class prisoners, they are given some facilities.


Hope it help

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