Who Said There s No Place Like Home

Who Said There s No Place Like Home

" THE OWL AND THE WOODPECKER"Once upon a time, in a a forest far away, there lived a woodpecker. The woodpecker lived in a tree in which he slept all night and worked all day.In the tree next door, there came to live an owl who liked to work all night and slept all day.The woodpecker worked so hard and made so much noise that his tapping woke the owl. You see, a woodpecker pecks at the wood and makes a continuous tapping sound."I say, you there!" screeched the owl. "How can I possibly sleep with all that noise going on?""This is my three," the woodpecker said, "and I shall tap it as I please."The owl lost his temper. His screeches and hoots echoed through the forest and animals for miles came running to see what was the matter."You carry on tapping, Master Woodpecker," squeked the mouse. "Owl is always bossing and chasing us about,""Oh, do be quiet," growled the bear, "Woodpecker, stop tapping and let Owl sleep. We like a peaceful life around here."Angrily, the owl swooped down on the small animals who ran for their lives and hid in all kinds of curious places. "Bully," they shouted when they were very safe.Then the owl ask the bigger animals what he could do to stop the noise but they all shook their heads. "How should we know?" they said. "You are the wise and clever one. Perhaps you could move to another tree.""Why should I?" snapped the owl. "I like living in this tree. That noisy woodpecker must move."But the woodpecker would not move. Day after day, his noisy tapping kept the owl awake. And day after the day the became more and more bad-tempered. He began to be so crotchety and rude that all the other animals decided that something must be done.So they held a meeting."Something must be dome," said the badger."Woodpecker was here first, so owl must leave.""But he says he will not leave his tree," replied the Deer"In that case we shall have to push down the tree, and then he will have to leave," said the crafty Fox.That night, while the owl was out hunting they all tried to push down tree. But no matter how hard they pushed and pulled and panted they could not move the tree the smallest bit. So they gave up and went back home.Some time later, two strangers came to the forest. They were a pair of beavers, and the took fancy to the owl's tree, and started to gnaw at the trunk.Every day they gnawed a little more, until it seemed as if they would gnaw the trunk right through.Then one day a great storm shook the forest. The wind roared through the trees. It was so strong the woodpecker gave up tapping, and so for once, the owl slept in peace. The owl's tree began to creak and crack and groan as the wind grew more and more fierce, but the tired owl slept soundly on.Suddenly the woodpecker saw the owl's tree begin to away and fall. At once he struggled bravely through the storm and tapped loudly close to the owl's ear to wake him. The owl woke up in a fury, hearing the woodpecker tapping on his tree, but when realized his tree was being blown down his anger quickly disappeared. Together the woodpecker and the owl struggled to safety just as the tree crashed to the ground.Then the storm died away, and the owl thanked the woodpecker for saving his life. Now he was glad that the woodpecker had been his neighbor.--------------------------------The map below is called the story grammar map. Write the missing elements of the story in it. STORY GRAMMARTitle: ____________________________Author: __________________________SETTINGWhen? __________________________Where? __________________________Main characters: ___________________________________________________PLOTInitial event: ______________________________________________________Initial response: ___________________________________________________Attempt/s: ________________________________________________________Outcome: ________________________________________________________Consequence: ____________________________________________________Reaction: _________________________________________________________Write a summary of the stroy in the space provided below.The story happened in ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________​

Daftar Isi

1. " THE OWL AND THE WOODPECKER"Once upon a time, in a a forest far away, there lived a woodpecker. The woodpecker lived in a tree in which he slept all night and worked all day.In the tree next door, there came to live an owl who liked to work all night and slept all day.The woodpecker worked so hard and made so much noise that his tapping woke the owl. You see, a woodpecker pecks at the wood and makes a continuous tapping sound."I say, you there!" screeched the owl. "How can I possibly sleep with all that noise going on?""This is my three," the woodpecker said, "and I shall tap it as I please."The owl lost his temper. His screeches and hoots echoed through the forest and animals for miles came running to see what was the matter."You carry on tapping, Master Woodpecker," squeked the mouse. "Owl is always bossing and chasing us about,""Oh, do be quiet," growled the bear, "Woodpecker, stop tapping and let Owl sleep. We like a peaceful life around here."Angrily, the owl swooped down on the small animals who ran for their lives and hid in all kinds of curious places. "Bully," they shouted when they were very safe.Then the owl ask the bigger animals what he could do to stop the noise but they all shook their heads. "How should we know?" they said. "You are the wise and clever one. Perhaps you could move to another tree.""Why should I?" snapped the owl. "I like living in this tree. That noisy woodpecker must move."But the woodpecker would not move. Day after day, his noisy tapping kept the owl awake. And day after the day the became more and more bad-tempered. He began to be so crotchety and rude that all the other animals decided that something must be done.So they held a meeting."Something must be dome," said the badger."Woodpecker was here first, so owl must leave.""But he says he will not leave his tree," replied the Deer"In that case we shall have to push down the tree, and then he will have to leave," said the crafty Fox.That night, while the owl was out hunting they all tried to push down tree. But no matter how hard they pushed and pulled and panted they could not move the tree the smallest bit. So they gave up and went back home.Some time later, two strangers came to the forest. They were a pair of beavers, and the took fancy to the owl's tree, and started to gnaw at the trunk.Every day they gnawed a little more, until it seemed as if they would gnaw the trunk right through.Then one day a great storm shook the forest. The wind roared through the trees. It was so strong the woodpecker gave up tapping, and so for once, the owl slept in peace. The owl's tree began to creak and crack and groan as the wind grew more and more fierce, but the tired owl slept soundly on.Suddenly the woodpecker saw the owl's tree begin to away and fall. At once he struggled bravely through the storm and tapped loudly close to the owl's ear to wake him. The owl woke up in a fury, hearing the woodpecker tapping on his tree, but when realized his tree was being blown down his anger quickly disappeared. Together the woodpecker and the owl struggled to safety just as the tree crashed to the ground.Then the storm died away, and the owl thanked the woodpecker for saving his life. Now he was glad that the woodpecker had been his neighbor.--------------------------------The map below is called the story grammar map. Write the missing elements of the story in it. STORY GRAMMARTitle: ____________________________Author: __________________________SETTINGWhen? __________________________Where? __________________________Main characters: ___________________________________________________PLOTInitial event: ______________________________________________________Initial response: ___________________________________________________Attempt/s: ________________________________________________________Outcome: ________________________________________________________Consequence: ____________________________________________________Reaction: _________________________________________________________Write a summary of the stroy in the space provided below.The story happened in ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________​



Author: Brian Wildsmith


When? Once upon a time
Where? In a forest far away

Main characters: The owl and the woodpecker (are the main characters)


Initial event:

The woodpecker made so much noise, that it made the owl unable to sleep and couldn’t bare to tolerate the woodpecker’s continuous taps.
Initial response:

The owl lost his temper. His screeches and hoots echoed throughout the forest, and animals for miles came running to see what was the matter. The animals held a meeting that they should make the owl leave because the woodpecker was there first before him. Knowing the owl is too stubborn to leave because it was his tree and like it there, they planned to push the owl’s tree.


The animals’ plan didn’t work out because they couldn’t move the tree the smallest bit. They gave up and went home.

“Some time later, two strangers came to the forest. They were a pair of beavers, and the took fancy to the owl's tree, and started to gnaw at the trunk.Every day they gnawed a little more, until it seemed as if they would gnaw the trunk right through.”


“One day a great storm shook the forest. The wind roared through the trees. It was so strong the woodpecker gave up tapping, and so for once, the owl slept in peace. The owl's tree began to creak and crack and groan as the wind grew more and more fierce, but the tired owl slept soundly on.”

The woodpecker rescued the tired owl from the storm. After that, the owl was glad that the woodpecker had been his neighbour because he saved his life. If he wasn’t there, he’d be gone along with his tree from the storm.

Write a summary of the story in the space provided below. The story happened in

In a forest far away, a woodpecker and an owl who are at odds with each other because of different sleeping schedules and noise issues. Woodpecker's noise disturbs Owl's daytime sleeping. The feud gets so big that the other animals try to intercede. They eventually come up with a solution to solve their problem. Owl has a change of heart when Woodpecker's bravery saves his life.

2. Directions: Read and analyze the issues presented and their differing viewpoints. Write your comprehensive report inside the box. Issue Viewpoint A Viewpoint B My Comprehensi ve Report about the Issues Online shopping Convenience of online shopping. Customers can purchase items from the comfort of their homes or work place Frauds and receiving of fake products are not able to be returned. Write your comprehensive report about online shopping? Liquor banhttps://pepper. ph /the-liquor-ban law-the-pros-an cons-of-forced sobriety/-Less drinking after work.-Loss of income for local businesses.(Because of the ban, your husband or boyfriend will get home because earlier they aren't allowed to drink beyond one in the morning. In the(While biggerrestaurants don't only serve alcohol, there are places cater to the drinking crowd.that exclusivelyWith specialized theirWrite your comprehensive report about liquor ban.The pros and cons of academicbreakhttps://www.rappleom/newsbreak/ia/-cons-academic break-philippines during-covid-19 pandemicstudies program. said that stoppingeverything right now would allowstudents who arebeing left behind to catch up.The Philippinetheir motivation for learning.Cornelio said thatAssociation of State Universities andthe possibility of students losing their "momentum inColleges estimated that a total of 44,069 collegestudents of statelearning is high.The students willlosetheuniversities andcolleges (SUCs)were unable to enroll during thepandemic. "Pushing through with theacademic term willleave already the most vulnerablebehind." Cornelio said, adding thatthe pandemic hasaffected finances of families. and thattheof studying. Assuming that it's one for a year. Yun ngang (For just semestral break, it takes time for them to feel motivated again. How much more if it's more than two weeks or 50? We always have to think of the weakest link. The smartest ones can always catch up." he said. a)momentumWrite your comprehensive report about the pros and cons of academic break. *Students losingmomentuminEqual opportunity for all(Professor JayeellearningComelio, ADMU director of thedevelopment(While imposition the of anacademic break could bring relief tostudentsandteachers, this would eventually affectMoneyThe pros and cons of OFWshttps://www.pinoy otw.com/news/410 38work-abroad-pros cons.htmladvantage of being an OFW is money. OFWs typically earn at least twice what's considered decent О wage in the Philippines for the same amount of work. Overseas employers might be more generous in granting bonuses. careerduringadvancements.and have laws thator relationship alsowindfallsprovide cash like gratuity pay and end of service benefits. But let^ prime stemptations... SuchDetachment from family(...You don't seeyour child grow up.(The first distinctrear become them competent, upright members of society. When things go wrong. they get hooked to drugs or fail to finish studies children sometimes blame parents for abandoning them their toformative years. Being detachedfrom familyattractsa gap between the breadwinner cannot dwell on this advantage for toolong since it can be quite deceiving.be too costly that it breaks families apart]Write your comprehensive report about pros and cons of OFW. There are advantages and challenges of wind energyhttps://www.energov/eere/wind/adv antages-and-challeng es wind-energyIt's a clean fuel sourceor naturalwhichconventional power plants, concern particulate matter. exists overnitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide-causinghuman5.Turbines might cause noise and aesthetic pollution(Althoughwind(Windenergy doesn't pollute the power plants haveair like power plants that relyonrelativelylittleenvironmenttoimpact on thecombustion of fossil fuels, such as coal comparedgas, emitthe noise produced by the turbineblades and visual health problems impacts to theand economic damages.) Windlandscape.)turbinesproduceatmosphericemissions thatcause acidgreenhousegases.)rain,ordon'tsmog.Write your comprehensive report about advantages and challenges of wind energy. ​







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