Yearn Tagalog

Yearn Tagalog

what is the meaning of yearned​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the meaning of yearned​

Answer:Have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from.

Explanation:"she yearned for a glimpse of him"


past tense: yearned; past participle: yearned

have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from


thats all

2. Full of yearning or desire ​




dko gets sryy haha

3. learning activity 5: Yearn ​


words of promise or commitment as a concept words the describe the topic words ending in the different wordsexperiences/approaches/ theories concept

4. How does Judaism fulfill human yearning for meaning and wholeness​


The goal of Jewish life is to embody Torah, the living word of the living God addressed to all creation through the life and experience of Am Yisrael, the Jewish people. This Jewish insight teaches us that as Jews we have the opportunity to take the wisdom of our tradition and make it real in the world in which we live. What we say and what we do is consequential.

By making the spiritual and ethical insights of our Torah the foundation of our lives, we transcend our human limits. We connect ourselves to God, and can join our people’s prophets, priests, kings, heroes and sages as one of those who live and teach Torah.  

Our lives are our teaching. How we live and what we do reveal who we are and who we want to become. When we, as Jews, strive to make the Torah real in our lives, we partake of a living tradition. We become part of a human community dispersed over time and space whose struggles with life’s issues give us the wisdom and insights we need in our lives. We join our own life experience with theirs as we take their teachings and transform them into our own. This becomes our own personal commentary on the Torah and is the heart of our legacy to those who follow us.

As Jews, we honor a life well lived. We remember yahrzeits (anniversaries of deaths) rather than birthdays. The thrust of our mourning practices is to make sure that the values our loved ones tried to live by become part of our lives. The hesped, the eulogy, focuses on the spiritual legacy bequeathed to mourners.

5. How does Daoism fulfill the human yearning for meaning and wholeness?​


By supporting others..


Correct mo if im wrong



saan ang question


complete you're question

7. Write a prayer about the Street Children who are yearning for a family.​


I pray that they will be safe and protected by God and may they find a foster family soon


Hope it helps:)))


Prayer for Protection and Care Over Our Children

Heavenly Father, we praise you for Your love and faithfulness in all things. We thank You for your protection and care over our families. Thanks be to You for giving us wisdom and righteousness for raising our children. We confess that some days, parenting is very tough. Many days we can feel anxious, stressed or overwhelmed. We ask that You would make us more like You, more aware of your constant Presence in our lives. Help us to release our children to You, so that You are free to fully accomplish all that You desire within the hearts of our child(ren). Please fill our day to day life with Your truth, and cover us with Your favor in all things. Amen.


hope it helps a lot

8. my children are poor yet they yearn to go to school.a.compoundb.independent clausec.complexd.compound-complex​





Compound Complex Sentences ExampleWhen I grow up, I want to be a ballerina, and my mom is proud of me.I will get to watch television, but first, I have to clean up the dishes after we finish eating.We won the game, but my uniform was muddy because it rained the entire time.


Hope it helps



9. Determine the root word and affixof yearning.​


Root Word: Yearn

Affix Used: -ing

10. Use a passage from the book of Psalms to express the prayer that your heart yearns at the moment.​

Use a passage from the book of Psalms to express the prayer that your heart yearns at the moment.

Psalm 84

Prayer: God, teach me to seek—to see—your dwelling place. Let that be my heartbeat: to behold your beauty in your sanctuary. Thoughts: Too often my soul longs for things other than God. It desires these trite bits of earth so much that I may even faint in my efforts to gain them.

11. what is the economic situation in the country today as you see it? what do the Filipino's in general yearn for?​



In 2017, the Philippines was among the top three growth performers in the region. Only Vietnam and China did better. The Philippine economy grew from 6.9 percent year-on-year in 2016 to 6.7 percent year-on-year in 2017. Growth was anchored in strong exports, while investment growth significantly slowed and consumption growth moderated. The Philippines’ annual exports rose sharply in 2017 and became the main engine of economic growth, while imports continued to grow by double-digits. Investment growth slowed in 2017, following two consecutive years of rapid expansion, and climbing inflation slowed real wage growth and contributed to a moderation in private consumption growth.

Sustained economic growth is likely to continue to contribute to poverty reduction. Under the assumption that the responsiveness of the poverty rate to economic growth follows historical trends, the poverty rate, based on the lower middle-income poverty line of US$3.20/day, is projected to decline from 27.0 percent in 2015 to 22.9 percent and 21.7 percent in 2018 and 2019, respectively, as economic growth remains robust. These projections would imply a continuing trend of one million Filipinos being lifted out of poverty each year. Factors that have been driving poverty reduction in the Philippines include the movement of employment out of agriculture, a sustained inflow of remittances, and the government’s conditional cash-transfer program.


The country’s medium-term growth outlook remains positive. The Philippine economy is projected to continue on its expansionary path and grow at an annual rate of 6.7 percent in both 2018 and 2019. In 2020, growth is expected to level at 6.6 percent. The economy is currently growing at its potential, making productive investment in physical and human capital essential so that the economy can continue to grow along its current growth trajectory. Investment growth hinges on the government’s ability to effectively and timely implement its ambitious public investment program. Moreover, the government needs to clarify the role of the private sector in its investment program.

Domestic risks are becoming more prominent. Inflationary pressure is expected to intensify in 2018 due to both domestic and external factors. The Philippine economy is also at risk of overheating. The implementation of the public infrastructure program is vital to the country’s growth outlook, as private investment is expected to weaken. Prudent fiscal management and the implementation of the government’s tax reform agenda could help secure the country’s fiscal sustainability. External risks remain present, especially a faster-than-expected policy normalization in advanced economies that could trigger financial volatility and increase capital outflows from the Philippines. Renewed protectionist sentiments in several advanced economies will also elevate policy uncertainty, which may disrupt trade and investments.

Higher real wages are essential to achieve shared prosperity and inclusive growth. In recent years, the Philippine economy has made great strides in delivering inclusive growth, evidenced by the declining poverty rates and a falling Gini coefficient. Unemployment has reached historic low rates, but underemployment remains high, near its 18-20 percent decade-long average. More importantly, unlike its high-performing East Asian neighbors with booming manufacturing sectors that provide large numbers of labor-intensive jobs, a majority of Filipino workers that transition out of agriculture generally end up in low-end service jobs. Thus, while employment increased between 2006 and 2015, mean wages remained stagnant, with only a four percent increase in real terms over the same period. Low job quality and slow growth of real wages are the missing links to higher shared prosperity.

12. danae yearned to go home and be reconciled dictys king and sailed with his mother and wife to greece? explaine

danae is the mother perceus right?? so i think he want to go home because he want to see again her father.

13. How does Shinto fulfill the human yearning for meaning and wholeness?​


Shintō is more readily observed in the social life of the Japanese people and in their and the tutelary kami of powerful clans became the kami of the whole nation and people, and since the time of ancient Shintō, was given much deeper spiritual meanings.


14. 15. ponder: think - hanker:A. foolC. lamentB. yearn​


The answer is B. Yearn. Yup that is the answer

15. should people live their lives yearning something in the past?why or why not?


Yes, but I think just the good memories.Because yearning for something bad that happened to you in the past can develope trauma and yearning for something good from the past can help you move forward or help you move on with life, for example, your grandafather died but you still keep living and longing for him because your grandfather motivates or inspires you.


hope it helps:))

16. if you were a prophet what is your message to those prisoners who are yearning to see their loved ones?​


"You face your consequences and now

Deal with it. "

17. use yearning and craving in one sentence

She found herself yearning and craving for food.

18. Described in terms of closeness, emotionality and yearning for intimacy.

Closeness, emotionality, and a desire for intimacy have all been used to define romantic relationships. It is described as mutual, continuing, and voluntary interactions between two partners that are characterized by distinctive expressions of affection.

It refers to any form of association or connection involving people, whether intimate, platonic, etc. There are four main categories of relationships: family relationships, friendships, acquaintanceships, and romantic relationships.

Every relationship is unique, and people come together for a variety of reasons. Healthy relationships require honesty, respect, trust, and open communication between partners. Respect entails appreciating the other person for who they are and understanding their boundaries. Partners should speak openly and honestly because effective communication is a fundamental component of any relationship.

If you want to learn more about marriage, please visit the link below:


19. she had a yearning to travel​


brainliest? and points? ples

20. even though jonh had a good job and a nice family he yearned for more what a explanation


to get a beautiful future of his family.

21. Write a prayer about Street Children who are yearning for a im not that good at praying stuff :((​


Prayer for Protection and Care Over Our Children

Heavenly Father, we praise you for Your love and faithfulness in all things. We thank You for your protection and care over our families. Thanks be to You for giving us wisdom and righteousness for raising our children. We confess that some days, parenting is very tough. Many days we can feel anxious, stressed or overwhelmed. We ask that You would make us more like You, more aware of your constant Presence in our lives. Help us to release our children to You, so that You are free to fully accomplish all that You desire within the hearts of our child(ren). Please fill our day to day life with Your truth, and cover us with Your favor in all things. Amen.


hope it helps a lot

22. it is the very foundations of the freedom and happiness we yearn for in our life on earth

Answer: Smile :D

Explanation: none

23. What does esperanza yearn for above all else?


One of the women takes Esperanza aside and tells her that even though she will be able to leave, she should come back for the others. She has guessed Esperanza's wish, and Esperanza feels guilty for wishing for such a selfish thing. The woman tells her she will always be Mango Street.

24. What is the effect of the economic and political problems on a life of justice and yearnings of the people? ​


As can be clearly seen, there is a direct correlation between social justice and economic justice, and a very large gap between developed nations and impoverished countries. The more economically impoverished a nation remains, the more social in justice thrives and prevails.


Hope natulungan kita

25. Learning Activity5:Yearnpatulong po please​


Anong yearn sorry hindi ko kasi maintindihan

Pasensya na po di ko po alam

26. use yearning craving in a sentence

i am craving for some dessert after dinner.

27. Teens is yearning for more ________. So they might appear that they pulling away from their parents. They are starting to assert themselves.

Respect, because teen's is un-respect to there parents anytime or every ote day.

28. what is the economic situation in the philippines today as you see it? what do the filipinos in general yearn for?​


I'm La Union No.3 Chou and I want to use Chou.


My MMR is 3089.

29. Compose a prayer of longing or yearning for Jesus coming this Christmas


Lord keep my Family and Friends safe from accidents and diseases.Lord,thank you for everything.I will never get tired on praying and saying thank you.Thank you for the blessings you gave to us,to my Family i wish more blessings to come.In Jesus name,Amen.

30. Compose a prayer of longing/yearning for the coming of Jesus this Christmas.


O my God, you are born to sacrifice our sins and defeat the enemy that want to destroy us. I ask you to you O, lord to protect,bless and also guide me to my journey.


i hope it's help

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