Despise Tagalog

Despise Tagalog

Why is the king despised?

Daftar Isi

1. Why is the king despised?


king of what?


please be specific

2. why is the king despised?​


The king is despised because he has no true human emotions


The king is despised because he has no true human emotions. He lies on the labor of the country's poor to provide for rulling class.


Foĺlow me for more ^-^

3. what antonyms despise​




I hope it help you

the antonym of despise is love

4. give the operation and technical definition of ,Epidemic,Quibble,plague,loot,despise​


Epidemic - a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.

Quibble - a slight objection or criticism about a trivial matter.

Plague - a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and kills many people.

Loot - goods, especially private property, taken from an enemy in war.

- stolen money or valuables.

Despise - feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.


hope it can help!(◍•ᴗ•◍)

5. have you despised who spoke the truth? briefly narrate the experience ​

it have a story?

or search it

6. which living person do you most despise?​


Racist persons


because of their judgemental behavior towards other race.

7. the Jews despised the Romans? Geographic or political?​

Political ( please correct me if I am wrong )

8. how did gathers convince brunhild despise to marry him? explain​


Pls see the picture. I can't post my answer because brainly said "rude word"

But hope this helps

9. why did bin ladin despise globalization?​



Globalization has been internalized in Arabic as “awlaama:العولمة” [1] and refers to the spread throughout the globe of ideas, customs, institutions, and attitudes originated in one part of the world [2] which are usually Western in origin. For this reason it has often been perceived as largely equivalent to Westernization and is still widely regarded as an external threat rather than as an opportunity.[1] In the Middle East the decade of globalization was marked by endless wars, intrusive US hegemony, renewed economic dependency and continuing insecurity.[3] Globalization was ushered into the Middle East by a war which gave the Western victors excessive power over the region [3] and created a violent anti-globalization struggle. As some authors argue, it has strengthened Islamic fundamentalism [4] and, due to its ambiguity created a contradictory and tension filled situation.[5] Globalization thus often acted as an obstacle rather than an impetus to democratization.

Against most expectations, the processes of globalization hence proved highly turbulent and have generated new conflicts, hostilities and exclusions throughout the world.[5] Oppositional individuals and groups are now able to participate in global culture and politics through gaining access to global communication and media networks and to circulate local struggles and oppositional ideas through these media. Initially globalization was expected to spread the zone of peace by delivering economic prosperity which people would not want to sacrifice in conflicts.[3] Instead the imposition of structural adjustment, of unpopular and inequitable peace treaties together with the US campaign against terrorism, led to more unrest and instability. This helped to create a chain reaction as the victims of economic liberalization appear to be among the main constituents of Islamic opposition movements.[3]


Hope maka tulong

10. why is the king despised​

Answer: The king is despised because he has no true human emotions. He relies  on the labor of the country's poor to provide for the ruling class


11. What do you call someone who despises children's opinions and thoughts?


a misanthrope


: is someone who hates disrupts thoughts and opinions of others

12. what attitude do you despise the most? explain briefly​


Arrogance/ConceitBlame ShiftingHypocrisyIrrationality (including dichotomous, i.e., “black and white”, thinking)LewdnessRuthlessnessBlind, obstinate tribalismVulgarity


βrainliest Pls


Impatience. It tells me a person is either inconsiderate or doesn't understant the concept of waiting.

13. can you give me the meaning of despise ​


feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.


that the meaning


feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.


he despised himself for being selfish thats an example

14. why the king despised?​


Maybe because he is an unjust tyrant ruler


in the first sentence he is described as mad and that the princes (his sons) are burdens, maybe because the king spoil them too much. In the fourth and fifth sentence, he is described as a corrupt person who was blinded with greed (the kingdom's money). So that is probably why he is an unjust tyrant ruler.

15. have you despise someone who spoke the truth? ​




I don't. Truth is everything no matter how it brings pain, sorrow and regrets or even success and happiness. It unveils things the makes us open our eyes to the cruel yet sweet reality. Truth brings freedom. Truth brings everything. So I don't despise it neither someone whose telling nothing but the truth.

16. why is the king despise in England in 1819​


The result of his political commitment was a series of angry political poems condemning the arrogance of power, including “Ozymandias” and “England in 1819.” Like Wordsworth's “London, 1802,” “England in 1819” bitterly lists the flaws in England's social fabric: in order, King George is “old, mad, blind, despised.


The result of his political commitment was a series of angry political poems condemning the arrogance of power, including “Ozymandias” and “England in 1819.” Like Wordsworth’s “London, 1802,” “England in 1819” bitterly lists the flaws in England’s social fabric: in order, King George is “old, mad, blind, despised, and dying”; the nobility (“princes”) are insensible leeches draining their country dry; the people are oppressed, hungry, and hopeless, their fields untilled; the army is corrupt and dangerous to its own people; the laws are useless, religion has become morally degenerate, and Parliament (“A Senate”) is “Time’s worst statute unrepealed.” The furious, violent metaphors Shelley employs throughout this list (nobles as leeches in muddy water, the army as a two-edged sword, religion as a sealed book, Parliament as an unjust law) leave no doubt about his feelings on the state of his nation. Then, surprisingly, the final couplet concludes with a note of passionate Shelleyean optimism: from these “graves” a “glorious Phantom” may “burst to illumine our tempestuous day.” What this Phantom might be is not specified in the poem, but it seems to hint simultaneously at the Spirit of the “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty” and at the possibility of liberty won through revolution, as it was won in France. (It also recalls Wordsworth’s invocation of the spirit of John Milton to save England in the older poet’s poem, though that connection may be unintentional on Shelley’s part; both Wordsworth and Shelley long for an apocalyptic deus ex machina to save their country, but Shelley is certainly not summoning John Milton.)

17. what meaning of despise in english?

Despise is an english word also

18. Why is the king despised?


i dunno


i really dunno:))))



Why is the king despised?


Americans, rather, were disposed to admit his personal supremacy. Their quarrel was with the assertion of the sovereignty of Parliament, and George III was eventually hated in America because he insisted upon linking himself with that Parliament.

19. why is the king despised​


your watching TV show



20. why the king despised​


I'm sorry I can't answer your question clearly. Can you fully state your question so it can be answered correctly

Please finish the question so I can answer it...despise what or who? Kindly give a context...

21. give the example of covid 19 blessing in disguise or anathema to despise?​

covid is a blessing disguise. yes it is scary but it is giving earth amazing benefits. because we are all in quarantine, pollution is lessened. for example in china, the air pollution from factories are almost nowhere to be seen or in italy where the water became so clear that fishes swim in its canals. its showing amazing benefits for the earth even if it is scary.

22. why are beggars despised?​


Working men “work,” beggars do not “work”; they are parasites, worthless in their very nature. ... It is taken for granted that a beggar does not “earn” his living, as a bricklayer or a literary critic “earns” his.


I hope this may help^.^

23. Explain methods of despising waste materials in a workshop


in general, waste should undergo material recycling or thermal treatment. If this is not possible for technical reasons, or it is not economically viable, the waste is deposited in a landfill following suitable treatment.

24. how do you properly despise of the materials you have listed above?​


To despise the material have been listed.. You must remove it.. And put in safety place to make sure it will secure

25. example of an old, mad, despised, and dying king ​


George lll


George lll is “old, mad, blind, despised, and dying

George III, the so-called 'mad king', was incarcerated here during some of the episodes of mental illness that plagued much of his adult life.

26. why the king despised England in 1819?​


The result of his political commitment was a series of angry political poems condemning the arrogance of power, including “Ozymandias” and “England in 1819.” Like Wordsworth’s “London, 1802,” “England in 1819” bitterly lists the flaws in England’s social fabric: in order, King George is “old, mad, blind, despised, and dying”;


Not sure:<

27. An old mad blind despised and dying king


The highest authority, George III, is introduced and dismissed all in one line, thundered in the key of D: “An old, mad, blind, despised, and dying King.” When Shelley wrote to Hunt, the 81-year-old monarch was indeed completely blind and dying, with only a month to live, and for years deemed insane

28. example of an old, mad, despised, and dying king​


George III


George lll is “old, mad, blind, despised, and dying”

George III, the so-called 'mad king', was incarcerated here during some of the episodes of mental illness that plagued much of his adult life.

29. if you want to be happy be kind to the poor it is a sin to despise anyone. explain​


It means that we should all treat everyone equally,wether a person is poor or a helping hand to the needy and God will give you more happiness and blessings than you can imagine.


hope i help

30. why is the king despised?specific answer please.​


Why is the king despised? The king is despised because he has no true human emotions. He lies on the labor of the country’s poor to provide for rulling class… 3. This means that the prince is as useless as the king, the same type of leadership will be endured for the next generations.

The result of his political commitment was a series of angry political poems condemning the arrogance of power, including “Ozymandias” and “England in 1819.” Like Wordsworth's “London, 1802,” “England in 1819” bitterly lists the flaws in England's social fabric: in order, King George is “old, mad, blind, despised, and ...

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