Let s Talk To Me

Let s Talk To Me

What I Can Do Let's Talk, this activity aims to make conversation between the student and author of the text. This inspires the learner to challenge claims in a conversational manner. However, the learner should have an in depth study of the resources used in the text. Find an editorial article and try to evaluate and analyse the text. Use the given Dialogic journal template with guided questions. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Please attach the choosen article on your answer sheet. Before reading the article ask yourself the following questions: 1. Why are you reading the article?2. What do you hope to learn as you read it? Name. Date: Title : Author of the article: Paragraph & page no.Question/s: Answer/s with supporting detail/s:What issue is given focus by the writer?Is the writer able to take a clear stand on his his issue?What is the writer's purpose writing the article?What is the writer's tone? Why?Does the writer's assume the readers to agree with his/her stand?What are the evidences presented by the writer to support his argument?please help me​

Daftar Isi

1. What I Can Do Let's Talk, this activity aims to make conversation between the student and author of the text. This inspires the learner to challenge claims in a conversational manner. However, the learner should have an in depth study of the resources used in the text. Find an editorial article and try to evaluate and analyse the text. Use the given Dialogic journal template with guided questions. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Please attach the choosen article on your answer sheet. Before reading the article ask yourself the following questions: 1. Why are you reading the article?2. What do you hope to learn as you read it? Name. Date: Title : Author of the article: Paragraph & page no.Question/s: Answer/s with supporting detail/s:What issue is given focus by the writer?Is the writer able to take a clear stand on his his issue?What is the writer's purpose writing the article?What is the writer's tone? Why?Does the writer's assume the readers to agree with his/her stand?What are the evidences presented by the writer to support his argument?please help me​


oo na

thank you

god bless

2. Match the verb in column A with the explanation with columns B A 1) your argument boils down to this. 2)I can't go back on my world 3) please let me in on the secret 4) you'd better talk him out his plan 5)sum of his good luck has rubbed off on me 6)I can't live up to My reputation 7) I've setup in business 8) that ties in nicely with my plan 9)who put you up to this? 10)I don't feel up to this party? 11) this won't make up for the damage 12) you've got to face up to reality 13) the cabots look down on Us 14)we had to fore back on our savings 15) I think it would be a good idea to keep in with her 16) I'll get on to them immediately 17) the bill comes out at € 100 exactly 18)if you're angry you don't have to take it out on me 19) I'm glad they've done away with that 20) I'm looking forward to the holidays B a) use B) allow me to show C) expecting to D) contact E) can be summery F) toto's G) started H) treat unfairry I) benefited J) except with courage K) fits L)fail to honer M) abolished N) maintain the high O) consider us inferior P)compensate for Q) give you this idea R)stay on good terms S) feel well enough for T) persuade not to do


Answer key:






















Pa brainlest po

3. Match the verb in column A with the explanation with columns B A 1) your argument boils down to this. 2)I can't go back on my world 3) please let me in on the secret 4) you'd better talk him out his plan 5)sum of his good luck has rubbed off on me 6)I can't live up to My reputation 7) I've setup in business 8) that ties in nicely with my plan 9)who put you up to this? 10)I don't feel up to this party? 11) this won't make up for the damage 12) you've got to face up to reality 13) the cabots look down on Us 14)we had to fore back on our savings 15) I think it would be a good idea to keep in with her 16) I'll get on to them immediately 17) the bill comes out at € 100 exactly 18)if you're angry you don't have to take it out on me 19) I'm glad they've done away with that 20) I'm looking forward to the holidays B a) use B) allow me to show C) expecting to D) contact E) can be summery F) toto's G) started H) treat unfairry I) benefited J) except with courage K) fits L)fail to honer M) abolished N) maintain the high O) consider us inferior P)compensate for Q) give you this idea R)stay on good terms S) feel well enough for T) persuade not to do


1: H






















4. Last Monday, I was swinging from my favorite tree branch. I don't mean to brag, but I am an excellent tree swinger. The sky was a magnificent blue and there wasn't a cloud to be such. The air was filled with the wonderful aroma of spring What a perfect day to be outside. And so, there I was, swinging happily from the great oak tree, when suddenly, S-N-A-P! I experienced the sharpest pain I've ever felt. Right then and there, I realized I should have listened to my father's advice. He warned me that the branch couldnt support me. The branch cracked in two. And so did the bone in my arm when I hit the ground. I let out an earsplitting scream and my mother came running. The pain was unbearable! When we arrived at the emergency room, the doctor set my arm and sent us on our way. My arm doesn't hurt anymore, but it itches the cast. Next time, 111 listen to the words of wisdom. Comprehension Check 1. The author wrote this passage because A. she wanted to talk about her cold. B. she wanted to talk about her father. c. she wanted to explain why she missed school. D. she wanted to write about how she broke her arm. 2. Identify two sentences which explain why the author calls the passage Words of wisdom.” 3. What did the author mean when she said, "the branch cracked in two, and so the bone in my arm? 4. Which scason is it in the passage? fall B. spring C. winter Summer 5. When the author describes the scream as earsplitting she means A it was very loud B. it was quiet C. it was like a song. D. no one could hear it​






yan po answer ko Sana maka tulong

5. Why Houseplants are the Perfect Valentine's Day Gift The Beatles sang “money can’t buy me love” but do you think they’d say the same thing about houseplants and love? If your partner or crush is a lover of all things green and leafy, then we bet they’d be thrilled with getting a houseplant for Valentine’s Day. And even if they’re not a convert yet, now is a good time to get them hooked to the plant gene. It’s early spring for most of us, and this is the perfect time to bring a new houseplant home. Sure, you can always default to red roses for a grand Valentine’s Day gesture, but let us try to change your mind. Here's why houseplants make for much better gifts than cut flowers, plus a few ideas of low-maintenance and romantic houseplants to get you started! 1.Houseplants last longer Ok, this is obvious. But we’re trying to slowly ease into advocating for houseplants. The average life of a bouquet of cut flowers is about a week. Some bouquets come with plant feed that might stretch that to ten days. After that, it’s bye-bye flowers! Houseplants last much longer. Even the blackest of thumbs can’t manage to kill a plant in a week (don’t take that as a challenge though!). Houseplants may last for years as a good reminder for a thoughtful Valentine’s Day gift. 2. Houseplants are often cheaper We bet this one is not so obvious, right? You may think of houseplants as an investment. And some of them are (especially rare specimens). But you can easily find houseplants that cost 10 dollars, and we’re not talking about runts. Prices are going down as the popularity of houseplants is going up, so even a trip to your local plant nursery won’t break the bank. 3. Houseplants are more environmentally friendly Most people don’t realize the environmental footprint of the fresh flower industry. That’s because we tend to associate flowers with nature, and nature can do no wrong, right? What I Can Do 21 Well, not until it’s exploited for profit at a massive scale. Most cut flowers are grown year-round in greenhouses and fields heavily laden with pesticides. In the United States, most fresh flowersare imported. And because the flowers are already cut (so pretty much dead), they are shipped long distances in refrigerated containers that take a lot of energy to stay cool. There is also a lot of waste in the flower industry because we all want perfect-looking flowers with zero blemishes. And not to mention the waste caused by the flowers being thrown away en-masse if the supermarket can’t sell them within the short window when they look nice and perky. We’re not saying that houseplants have a zero-carbon footprint. But they are definitely the more responsible choice for eco-conscious Valentines. 4. Houseplants send a message Now that we got the practical reasons out of the way, let’s talk a bit about the sentimental symbolism. When you give someone a houseplant, the underlying message is this: I think you’re a responsible person. I think you can nurture and take care of something. And you can count on me because I’ll be around to help. Maybe in not so many words. But the sentiment is there! If your partner is already someone who loves houseplants, then offering them another plant for their collection shows that you care about their interests and hobbies. And you get extra bonus points for being a good listener if they’ve already hinted that they wouldn’t mind another green friend, and you deliver. Source: https://www.pilea.com/post/why-houseplants-are-the-perfect-valentine-s-day-gift 1. Is there someone in your family who loves planting? What do you think does he/she feels after reading this blog? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Pick out lines that reveal the purpose of the author in writing the blog. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Did the author make use of literary devices? Mention some. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you agree/ disagree with the ideas of giving plants as a gift on Valentine’s Day? Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. Which part of the blog catches your interest and convinces you the most of the blogger’s reflections or ideas? __________________________________________


1.yes, he is happy and amazed amd because he loves to plant he appreciates the plants that are given to him even more.


yan lang po sagot ko eh

6. Match the verb in column A with the explanation with columns B A 1) your argument boils down to this. 2)I can't go back on my world 3) please let me in on the secret 4) you'd better talk him out his plan 5)sum of his good luck has rubbed off on me 6)I can't live up to My reputation 7) I've setup in business 8) that ties in nicely with my plan 9)who put you up to this? 10)I don't feel up to this party? 11) this won't make up for the damage 12) you've got to face up to reality 13) the cabots look down on Us 14)we had to fore back on our savings 15) I think it would be a good idea to keep in with her 16) I'll get on to them immediately 17) the bill comes out at € 100 exactly 18)if you're angry you don't have to take it out on me 19) I'm glad they've done away with that 20) I'm looking forward to the holidays B a) use B) allow me to show C) expecting to D) contact E) can be summery F) toto's G) started H) treat unfairry I) benefited J) except with courage K) fits L)fail to honer M) abolished N) maintain the high O) consider us inferior P)compensate for Q) give you this idea R)stay on good terms S) feel well enough for T) persuade not to do






















7. =' Activity 1: Study each sentence carefully. See if you can find words that contain affixes. Write the words in the answers.______1. The coronavirus is deadly disease.______2. Many people in asgard dislike loki.______3. Let us all and strong against covid-19.______4. A metallic sheath can keep a sword sharp.______5. The story of helen keller is inspiring.Activity 2: Now that you realize that affixes, figure out the meaning of underlined word an affix added. Use also other strategies such as context clues to further unlock its meaning. Write the letter of the correct answer._____1. Arvin was u͟n͟r͟e͟s͟p͟o͟n͟s͟i͟v͟e͟ to the doctor's questioned because he was embarrassed to tell the truth.A. Not acting B. Not movingC. Not Listening D. Not reacting_____2. When rita regained her c͟o͟n͟s͟c͟i͟o͟u͟s͟n͟e͟s͟s͟ , seesaw people surrounding her bed.A. Sight B. StrengthC. Composure D. Awareness_____3. He could never forget his p͟a͟i͟n͟f͟u͟l͟ encounter with bullies.A. Aching B. ExcitingC. Unpleasant D. Violent_____4. The boxer was disqualified because he was o͟v͟e͟r͟w͟e͟i͟g͟h͟t͟.A. The boxers weight exceeded the maximum weight for the fight.B. The boxer has an underlying health issues because of his weight.C. the boxer has consumed a very me prior to the fight.D. The boxers belly grew bigger because he became fat._____5. Harry doesn't talk much. He s a very r͟e͟s͟e͟r͟v͟e͟d͟ person.A. Proud B. SilentC. Selective D. Indifferent: Below is a selection that feature some words conformed by affixes. These words that contain the effects as has been underlined to test you if you can figure out their meaning using context clues. Read carefully . identify the meaning of the underlined words using the choices given below the selection. Write the letter of the correct answer.______1. Fictional - A. imaginary B. natural C. animated______2. Regularity - A. ordinarily B. annually C. frequently______3. Famous - A. rich B. admired C. well-known______4. Writer - A. author B. encoder C. Director______5. Specializing - A. working B. studying C. admiring______6. Dangerous - A. Serious B. unsafe C. terrifying______7. Unlike - A. unloved B. not like C. Hate______8. Inhuman - A. cruel B. nonhuman C. brutal______9. Extraordinary - A. cool B. expensive C. superior______10. Anti-crime - A. against crime B. avoiding crime C. doing Crime =( ​


activity 1

1. Deadly

2. Dislike

3. wag puro brainly mag aral ka ng mabuti ( paayos question lol)

4. Mettalic

5. Inspiring

Explanation: awit sayo lods

wag maging tamad

sayang tuition sayo

wag puro ML aral2 din

God bless in your studies

Activity 2

1. C

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. B

Activity 3

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. B

8. A

9. A

10. A

Activity 1
1. deadly
2. dislike
3. your sentence is incomplete
4. metallic
5. inspiring

Activity 2
1. D
3. C
4. A
5. B

1. A
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. C


8. ACTIVITY SHEET IN ENGLISH 6 Directions: Pick out the adverbs in the following paragraphs and list them in Column 1. In Column 2, write the word(s) the adverb modifies. In Column 3, indicate if the word modified is a verb, an adjective or another adverb. The seahorse is really a strange creature. The head of this extremely odd animal greatly resembles that of a pony. Its body is almost completely covered by somewhat bony material. The tiny creature moves quite slowly through the water in an upright position. It sometimes clings to apiece of seaweed. The mother seahorse does not carry the eggs after she lays them. The father carefully nurtures them in his pouch. He generously lets the almost invisible baby seahorses remain there in his pouch until they can care for themselves. Adverb Words Modified Kind of Word Underline the adverb in each sentence below then write whether the adverb answers the questions how, when, where, how often and to what extent. 11. My sister dresses smartly. 12. Ken seldom makes mistake in his test. 13. Lydia runs fast. 14. The soup is too hot for me. 15. I can memorize the poem easily. 16. She is somewhat afraid of her boss. 17. I will meet her at the cafeteria. 18. My brother quietly tiptoed toward his room. 19. I talked to him this morning. 20. The cat suddenly appeared.


check check lang LAHAT g lag Yan mo Ng check


sana nakatulOng lolong

9. Let us see how much you have learned today!Two become one!A. Combine the following pairs of sentences or clausesto be one sentence Choose and underline the appropriate cohesive device from the choices given before each item(and, or) 1. Do you want an orange juice,______ a guava juice?(but, so) 2. It was my birthday,______ he didn't send me a card(because, and) 3. We couldn't contact him,______ didn't have his number(for, so that) 4. I talked to the shy girl,_______ the purpose that she would not feel isolated.(on the other side, on the other hand) 5. It is cold andwindy today,______it is not rainingFill the gap!B. Complete the passage below by choosing theappropriate cohesive devices from the list givenbefore the passage[During, And, Despite, Moreover, In addition]"Zamboanga city is known as the Asia s Latin City, 1.______it composed of Ninety-eight (98) barangays withthe different natives who lives in 2._________it has a lot of tourist attractions or spots, 3.______ this city has its unique and colorful festival 4.__________the difterent festivals the zamboangueños got the opportunities toshowcase their talents through different dances with the local songs. 5.__________its cultural diversity people stillhave their unity and respect to each other, which made thecity known and progressive.​


orbut becauseso thaton the other side

despitemoreoveranddespitein addition


paki correct po pag may mali. Di naman po ako perpekto. :)

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