Every Problem Has A Solution

Every Problem Has A Solution


Daftar Isi




Step-by-step explanation:

yes there is. it depends on the formula needed.

2. Why Every Problem Has Solution?

There is a solution to very problem and if you hold a genuine belief in this, there is a greater likelihood that you will find the solution. People who find solutions to problems are those who firmly believe that solutions exist for every problem.



Every problem has a solution; you just need to discover it. You cannot say which solution will, for sure, solve the problem but you can be sure that when you hit the right solution the problem shall vanish. To make it happen you need to have a firm belief on God and thyself.

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps



Yes there is and they do have their own formulas as well. We really can't solve any math problems if we don't know what is/are the proper formula needed.

4. What I Have Learned Alice Hoffman every problem has a solution. in finding the solution one spect to consider is the "how" or the process of finding it. In solving olving functions there are different process that we can employ to attain the solution. In three to five sentences write the process that you follow in solving problems involving functions.​







Step-by-step explanation:

this is my steps in solving problems involving functions,willing to help you

5. Refect Guide: There was a saying that every problem has its own solution". As a student, how would formulate a solution to a problem​


for me ask parents or older what is the right things or solution to my problem because older know best because they know what world it is and just trust your self keep fighting and overcome the problem

6. (Use Cramer's Rule to solve the problem.) a chemist has one solution which is 50% acid and another solution which is 25% acid. how much each should be mixed to make 10 liters of a 40% acid solution?in a competitive examination, one mark is awarded for every correct answer 1/4 mark is deducted for every wrong answer. a student answered 100 questions and got 80 marks. how many questions did he answer correctly?​


sasagutan koyan pa branlist muna po

Step-by-step explanation:

saka pa haert narin po

7. Assessment Give what is askgd in every question below. Test: Problem Solving: Show the formula and the solution. 1. A sample of gas has an initial volume of 30.8L AND an initial temperature of -67 degree Celcius. What will be the temperature of the gas the volume is 21. OL?​


8. in mathematics, every problem has a solution. as a senior high school student, have you ever experienced a moment in your life solving your own problem how? ​


Yes,By asking some advice to my parents or other elders. I cant handle my own problem but because of their advice I learn how to cope it.

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps.

9. Farmer Juan has a bare hillside that loses lots of soil during every rainstorm. What is the possible solution for this soil problem?​

Problem:Farmer Juan has a bare hillside that loses lots of soil during every rainstorm.Solution:

Cultivate only a small area at any one time and plant a good crop of grass or legumes with strong roots growing down the soil. Or maybe built bench terraces with stone and soil like the Banaue rice terraces or the hagdan hagdan palayan ng Banawe at Ifugao.


10. Analyze the given sentence and identify the pattern of development used. “Zach has no cavities because he brushes his teeth every day.”A. problem-solutionB. general to particularC. cause and effectD. claim and counterclaim​


b.general to particular


pa follow nalang Po ...


i thinl its c


hope it help

11. According to Alice Hoffman every problem has a solution. In finding the solutionone important aspect to consider is the "how" or the process of finding it. In solvingproblems involving functions there are different process that we can employ to attainthe solution.In three to five sentences write the process that you follow in solving problemsinvolving functions.​

Step by step processes

Polya created his famous four-step process for problem solving, which is used all over to aid people in problem solving:

Step 1: Understand the problem.

Sometimes the problem lies in understanding the problem. If you are unclear as to what needs to be solved, then you are probably going to get the wrong results. In order to show an understanding of the problem, you, of course, need to read the problem carefully. Sounds simple enough, but some people jump the gun and try to start solving the problem before they have read the whole problem. Once the problem is read, you need to list all the components and data that are involved. This is where you will be assigning your variable.

Step 2: Devise a plan (translate).

When you devise a plan (translate), you come up with a way to solve the problem. Setting up an equation, drawing a diagram, and making a chart are all ways that you can go about solving your problem. In this tutorial, we will be setting up equations for each problem. You will translate them just like we did in Tutorial 2: Algebraic Expressions and Tutorial 5: Properties of Real Numbers.

Step 3: Carry out the plan (solve).

The next step, carry out the plan (solve), is big. This is where you solve the equation you came up with in your 'devise a plan' step. The equations in this tutorial will all be linear equations. If you need help solving them, by all means, go back to Tutorial 7: Linear Equations in One Variable and review that concept.

Step 4: Look back (check and interpret).

You may be familiar with the expression 'don't look back'. In problem solving it is good to look back (check and interpret).. Basically, check to see if you used all your information and that the answer makes sense. If your answer does check out, make sure that you write your final answer with the correct labeling.

12. DEEPENActivity 5: Every Problem Has a SolutionSolve the following problems. Show your solution on the space provided.1. Find the area of a square if each side has a length 21x cm, 3​



Area of square is a side squared.

(x + 13)(x + 13) = 441

(x + 13)2 = 441

Take the square root of both sides

x + 13 = √(441)

Solve for x

x = 21 - 13

x = 8

The sides of the square are 8 + 13 = 21

The area is 21•21 = 441

1. Area of a Square=(Side)2

2. Plug in known information: 441=(x+13)2

3. Solve for x:

Option a (expand and use quadratic formula):



Use quadratic formula to solve for x

Option b:

Take the square root of both sides to obtain:


Thus, x=+/-(4411/2)-13

Since negative distance is incoherent, we can ignore the negative result as extraneous.

Simplification yields x=8.

13. The problem for globalization is that it has been linked to many environmental challenges including Deforestation and Biodiversity. Since every problem has a solution i would like to know what is the solution to this problem?


Globalization—defined in the online course Global Business as the increased flow of goods, services, capital, people, and ideas across international boundaries—has brought many changes in its wake.

14. Topic : Quadratic Equation.Q :Math tell us that every problem has a solution. One problem in life can be solved in any ways. In what way can you apply the Techniques, Strategies, and concept that you have learned from each of the four methods of determining the solution of a Quadratic equation in solving a real-life problem?​


Can be used in trajectory.

It can be used in trajectory by determining the position of thrown object every second. Example would be [tex]h=17t^{2} +13t+8[/tex] where h is the height or position, and t is the time. We can easily determine it's position every time

Can be used in business.

If example we want to do a business and estimate the best profit margin so that we won't loose costumer because of high price and we won't bleed money because we are not making profits. The quadratic formula can be used to determine the best price.

15. problemhopeMathsolutioneverygiveshasthataDecode this message! ​


ano pong gagawin?

problem hope math solution every gives has that a? what


MATHEMATICS GIVES US HOPE THAT EVERY PROBLEM HAS A SOLUTION: Funny Math Teacher Lined Notebook Journal Gift Idea for yourself or Mathematics Teacher

Step-by-step explanation:

sana makatulong ito po

16. 11. Problem Solving Directions: Answer the following questions (5pts each)NOTE: Write the GIVEN, EQUATION, SOLUTION & ANSWERProblem:Solution 8 Answer:11. A person with hypothermia has a bodytemperature of 34°C. What is thattemperature in Fº?2.2. Dani practices on her gymnastics everyday for 42 days before her tournament.How many weeks is this?​

Answer:1. 93.2°F 2. 6

Step-by-step explanation:






Theres a seven days in a week so divide 7÷42=6(not sure)

17. Analyze the given sentence and identify the pattern of development used. “Zach has no cavities because he brushes his teeth every day.” *A. problem-solutionC. cause and effectB. general to particularD. claim and counterclaim​


B. po ang sagot


pa mark po ng brainliest thanks

18. Explain in your own words the statement "Every problem has a suitable solution".


Every problem has a solution; you just need to discover it. You cannot say which solution will, for sure, solve the problem but you can be sure that when you hit the right solution the problem shall vanish. To make it happen you need to have a firm belief on God and thyself.



19. 2.) A day care center has 52 children. Each teacher has the same number of children how many in every color. How many different colors could there be?operation:________number problem:_______solution:________answer:________paki sagot po ng maayos tanks;)​


1. 26 or 13

( if there are 2 teachers, each teacher have 26 children)

( if there are 4 teachers, each teacher have 13 children)

2. 2,4,6,8,10

( these are some numbers, divisible by 9,240)

3. 33

4. 60

20. Directions: Write D if the italicized word has a denotative meaning and C if it has a connotative meaninWrite your answer on the space provided. 1. Maybe this was the best solution to my problem.2. The solution is the method of solving a problem or the correct answer to a puzzle or word problem.3. You only need to know one side to figure out the volume of a cube.4. Huge volume of park visitors come through every weekend.5. Have faith and think positive. Pa sagot Naman po Ng Tama!Thank you!​







Explanation: sana po makatulong

21. B. Read each paragraph then fill out the graphic organizer to show problemand solution.1. Andy is always playing games on his cellphone. He plays a lotof games starting from 6:00pm up to 4:00am. His studies hasbeen affected and his grades has gone down. His mother noticeshis performance in school. Since then, they supervised him everynight in studying and doing his homework. He is not allowed touse cellphones during school days.ProblemSolutionSolution​


Problem:He plays a cellphone but his studies is been affected

Solusyon:He is not allowed using cellphones in school days so that his study is not been affected

22. 2. Mathematics teaches us that every problem has a solution. Cite some of your problems in life. Howdid you solve these problems? Did you follow some steps in dealing with these problems? Whatstrategies did you use?____________________________________________________________________________________.​



STRATEGIES FOR INCREASING STUDENT MOTIVATION IN MATH1. Call attention to a void in students’ knowledge

2. Show a sequential achievement

3. Discover a pattern

4. Present a challenge

5. Entice the class with a “gee whiz” mathematical result

Step By Step Explaination:


1. Call attention to a void in students’ knowledge: Revealing to students a gap in their understanding capitalizes on their desire to learn more. For instance, you may present a few simple exercises involving familiar situations, followed by exercises involving unfamiliar situations on the same topic. The more dramatically you reveal the gap in understanding, the more effective the motivation.

2. Show a sequential achievement: Closely related to the preceding technique is having students appreciate a logical sequence of concepts. This differs from the previous method in that it depends on students’ desire to increase, not complete, their knowledge. One example of a sequential process is how special quadrilaterals lead from one to another, from the point of view of their properties.

3. Discover a pattern: Setting up a contrived situation that leads students to discover a pattern can often be quite motivating, as they take pleasure in finding and then owning an idea. An example could be adding the numbers from 1 to 100. Rather than adding the numbers in sequence, students add the first and last (1 + 100 = 101), and then the second and next-to-last (2 + 99 = 101), and so on. Then all they have to do to get the required sum is solve 50 × 101 = 5,050. The exercise will give students an enlightening experience with a truly lasting effect. There are patterns that can be motivating, especially if they are discovered by the student—of course, being guided by the teacher.

4. Present a challenge: When students are challenged intellectually, they react with enthusiasm. Great care must be taken in selecting the challenge. The problem (if that is the type of challenge) must definitely lead into the lesson and be within reach of the students’ abilities. Care should be taken so that the challenge does not detract from the lesson but in fact leads to it.

5. Entice the class with a “gee whiz” mathematical result: There are many examples in the mathematics realm that are often counterintuitive. These ideas by their very nature can be motivating. For example, to motivate basic belief in probability, a very effective motivation is a class discussion of the famous birthday problem, which gives the unexpectedly high probability of birthday matches in relatively small groups. Its amazing—even unbelievable—result will leave the class in awe.


23. R Read each paragraph then fill out the graphic organizer to show problemand solution,1. Andy is always playing games on his cellphone. He plays a lotof games starting from 6:00pm up to 4:00am. His studies hasbeen affected and his grades has gone down. His mother noticeshis performance in school. Since then, they supervised him everynight in studying and doing his homework. He is not allowed touse cellphones during school days.ProblemSolutionSolution​

sana nakatulong =)



24. MAKE A GRAPHIC ORGANIZER BASED ON THIS PARAGRAPH THAT HAS PROBLEM AND SOLUTIONS problem solution paragraphWater shortage is becoming a serious problem in the city because of the growing population. That is why the city government has to take concrete steps to address it. One solution is to make more water available through recycling. The building of more desalination plants maybe done but it is very expensive. Another solution that the city officials are doing now is educating the people, so they do not waste the water. Meanwhile, there is also a move of the government to protect existing water supply from being polluted. There are some ideas to help solve the problem, but maybe, the ultimate solution is that every one must be actively involved.dapat po may isang problem tapos po may apat na solution. jan po makikita yung problem at solutionwag nyu napo sabihin di ko alam sayang lapo yung points nonsense=report​

PROBLEM AND SOLUTIONSDirections: Make a graphic organizer. Write one problem with four solutions base on the given paragraph.


Water shortage is becoming a serious problem in the city because of the growing population.


Make more water available through recycling.Building more desalination plants maybe done but it is very expensive. Educate the people, so they do not waste the water.Protect existing water supply from being polluted.

(I made a graphic organizer as a guide. I hope it helps. God bless!)


25. B. Solve the following problems. Show your solution on the space provided after every problem.1. Jacob and Andrew harvested mangoes in the farm. Jacob got 10 baskets, each basket has 10 mangoes whileAndrew got 13 baskets, each basket has 9 mangoes. How many fruits were left if they were able to sell 187mangoes?​


there are 30 mangoes left

Step-by-step explanation:

10×10=100 13×9=117 100+117=217 217-187=30

So the answer is 30

26. According to Alice Hoffman every problem has a solution. In finding the solution one important aspect to consider is the “how” or the process of finding it. In solving problems involving functions there are different process that we can employ to attain the solution. 13 In three to five sentences write the process that you follow in solving problems involving functions


According to Alice Hoffman every problem has a solution. In finding the solution one important aspect to consider is the “how” or the process of finding it. In solving problems involving functions there are different process that we can employ to attain the solution.


In three to five sentences write the process that you follow in solving problems involving functions

Step-by-step explanation:

explanation no

study ka nga kasi

27. 2.) A day care center has 52 children. Each teacher has the same number of children. How many children could each teacher at the center have? Operation: Number problem: Solution: Answer: 3.) A chain of car dealerships got a shipment of 9,240 new cars. There are the same number of cars in every color. How many different colors could there be? Operation: Number problem: Solution: Answer:Pasagot po!! Seee the pic ​

each children has 1 Teacher

28. According to Alice Hoffman every problem has a solution. In finding the solution one important aspect to consider is the “how” or the process of finding it. In solving problems involving functions there are different process that we can employ to attain the solution.

Step-by-step explanation:

Step by step processes

Polya created his famous four-step process for problem solving, which is used all over to aid people in problem solving:

Step 1: Understand the problem.

Sometimes the problem lies in understanding the problem. If you are unclear as to what needs to be solved, then you are probably going to get the wrong results. In order to show an understanding of the problem, you, of course, need to read the problem carefully. Sounds simple enough, but some people jump the gun and try to start solving the problem before they have read the whole problem. Once the problem is read, you need to list all the components and data that are involved. This is where you will be assigning your variable.

Step 2: Devise a plan (translate).

When you devise a plan (translate), you come up with a way to solve the problem. Setting up an equation, drawing a diagram, and making a chart are all ways that you can go about solving your problem. In this tutorial, we will be setting up equations for each problem. You will translate them just like we did in Tutorial 2: Algebraic Expressions and Tutorial 5: Properties of Real Numbers.

Step 3: Carry out the plan (solve).

The next step, carry out the plan (solve), is big. This is where you solve the equation you came up with in your 'devise a plan' step. The equations in this tutorial will all be linear equations. If you need help solving them, by all means, go back to Tutorial 7: Linear Equations in One Variable and review that concept.

Step 4: Look back (check and interpret).

You may be familiar with the expression 'don't look back'. In problem solving it is good to look back (check and interpret).. Basically, check to see if you used all your information and that the answer makes sense. If your answer does check out, make sure that you write your final answer with the correct labeling.

pa brainlieeest po

29. According to alice hoffman every problem has a solution in finding the solution one important aspect to consider is the how or the process of finding it is solving problem involving function there are different process that we can employed to attain the solution in there in three to five sentences write the process what you do follow in the solving problem solving a function


Step by step processes

Polya created his famous four-step process for problem solving, which is used all over to aid people in problem solving:

Step 1: Understand the problem.

Sometimes the problem lies in understanding the problem. If you are unclear as to what needs to be solved, then you are probably going to get the wrong results. In order to show an understanding of the problem, you, of course, need to read the problem carefully. Sounds simple enough, but some people jump the gun and try to start solving the problem before they have read the whole problem. Once the problem is read, you need to list all the components and data that are involved. This is where you will be assigning your variable.

Step 2: Devise a plan (translate).

When you devise a plan (translate), you come up with a way to solve the problem. Setting up an equation, drawing a diagram, and making a chart are all ways that you can go about solving your problem. In this tutorial, we will be setting up equations for each problem. You will translate them just like we did in Tutorial 2: Algebraic Expressions and Tutorial 5: Properties of Real Numbers.

Step 3: Carry out the plan (solve).

The next step, carry out the plan (solve), is big. This is where you solve the equation you came up with in your 'devise a plan' step. The equations in this tutorial will all be linear equations. If you need help solving them, by all means, go back to Tutorial 7: Linear Equations in One Variable and review that concept.

Step 4: Look back (check and interpret).

You may be familiar with the expression 'don't look back'. In problem solving it is good to look back (check and interpret).. Basically, check to see if you used all your information and that the answer makes sense. If your answer does check out, make sure that you write your final answer with the correct labeling.

30. Additional Activities LET'S TAKE A SHORTCUT Problem. It has been a routine for Sir Jason to go to the church every afternoon after work, Find the shortest distance from his work going to school​ with solution pls

Answer: The shortest distance from Sir Jayson's work to the church is 5m.


We can see that the shortest distance (d) from Sir Jayson's work to the church is a hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle with base 4m and altitude 3m.

Find d using Pythagorean theorem:

d² = 3² + 4²

d = [tex]\sf{ \sqrt{9 + 16}}[/tex]

d = [tex]\sf{ \sqrt{25}}[/tex]

d = 5



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