For Everyone s Information

For Everyone s Information

2. From Jovic Yee"s news article on Philippine Daily Inquirer dated October 15, 2020: According to Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire, the DOH understood the fatigue everyone was going through these days because of the restrictions put in a place to control the spread of the virus. A. to inform B. to instruct C. to entertain​

Daftar Isi

1. 2. From Jovic Yee"s news article on Philippine Daily Inquirer dated October 15, 2020: According to Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire, the DOH understood the fatigue everyone was going through these days because of the restrictions put in a place to control the spread of the virus. A. to inform B. to instruct C. to entertain​


A. to inform


pa brainliest Po

2. 1. Directions: Read and understand the expressions carefully, identify if they are informal or formal expression the letter of your answer on the space provided before the number. 1. Go on with your work. 1. formal m. informal 2. May I continue my work? e. formal f. informal 3.Go ahead and enjoy the day! q. formal r. informal 4.Proceed to the next level please! r. formal s. informal 5. Keep your surrounding clean! x. formal y. Informal 6. Requesting everyone to please preserve "mother nature" c. formal d. Informal 7. Which greeting is the most formal? g. Hello there! h. Dear Sir/Madam 8.I'm kinda bored and sleepy right now, erpati r. informal 5. formal 9.Please excuse me, do you know where to find the office of the principal? 1. formal J.informal 10. Hey Dude, wanna play basketball? r. formal s. informal​












3. 2. Among the breakthroughs that happened throughout human history, it is perhaps digitization that best defines our current age. Since all sorts of information can now be represented by the numbers 1 and 0, contemporary Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are now able to store everything from books, movies, music and of course, everyone's classic favorite, games. And because of this one can see just about anyone playing games not only at the comfort of one's own home, as what was done back in the 80's and the 90's, but almost at any occasion: while on public transportation vehicle, listening to boring lecture, or even in between conversations. As a result, a new brand of gaming culture has been created, one that does not let up and takes every opportunity possible to play.​


had the other day going through my heart to get out and your not

4. 1. What part of the research report clearly states the answers to the main research questions? A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Topic 2. What type of research deals with purely numerical data and statistics? A. Mixed Method B. Quantitative C. Qualitative D. Qualitative-Quantitative 3. What do we call the individuals who have been invited to participate in a particular study and have actually taken part in the study? A. Delegates B. Invites C. Locale D. Respondents 4. What research instrument/tool consists of a set of questions to collect information from respondents? A. Aptitude Test B. Interview Sheet C. Observation Sheet D. Questionnaire 5. Which of the following should NOT be considered when presenting quantitative data? A. All data in the graphs should be discussed in text form. B. Do not editorialize your discussion. C. Present your data using graphical representations. D. The discussion should be logical and easy to follow. 6. What quantitative method for collecting data involves requesting individuals to answer multiple questions, and collecting and analyzing data? A. Correlational B. Experimental C. Quasi-experimental D. Survey 7. When administering a survey for a qualitative research, what type of question should you use? A. Close-ended questions B. Open-ended questions C. Probing questions D. Rhetorical questions 8. Which of the following is not a close-ended question? A. Do you have pets at home? B. How many pets do you have at home? C. Do you think everyone should have a pet at home? Why or why not? D. Do you enjoy having these pets at home? 9. Which of the following is NOT a socio-demographic characteristic? D. sex A. age B. personal secret/s C. religion 10. Which statistics counts the number of times a variable occurs? A. Frequency B. Mean C. Percentage D. Standard Deviation​












5. A. DescriptionB. Cause and EffectC. Comparison and ContrastD. Problem and SolutionE. AdvertisementF. BiasesG. PropagandaH. Bandwagon1. Plain FolksJ. TestimonialK. Name CallingL. Glittering GeneralityM. Technical JargonN. Appeal to Fear0. Powerful WordsP. Print MaterialsQ. Broadcast MaterialsR. Online MaterialsS. Informational TextT. Autobiography1. This is an example of informational or factual text. It is a biography of the person narrated by the person.-2. This informs readers on true, fact-based information.3. These are learning resources that are made available online.4. These are resources transmitted to the public through radio and television.5. These consist of all written/printed materials.6. It uses either pleasant or hideous sounds to either lure or drive people away from something.7. It scares or frightens consumers so that they will either patronize or avoid the product or service.8. It uses unfamiliar or highly technical terms to impress, confuse or deceive consumers or audience.9. This device makes you give in to products or services because you are overwhelmed by vague, sweepingstatements that usually come in slogans or simple catch phrases.10. It is a device that persuades you to avail the product or service because of the negative image it createsagainst another product or service.11. This describes a person, place, thing, idea, or concept by explaining its features and characteristics or bygiving examples.12. Refers to what happened and why it happened.13. This shows or presents how two or more things are alike and/or different.14. It tells about the problem and the possible solutions to it.15. This is very common nowadays. It varies in forms which can be done through print, non-print andbroadcast forms.16. These are judgments based on personal point of view.17. This refers to the spreading of information, ideas, or rumor that is meant to make people accept them.18. You are attracted to use a product or join an activity because everyone is doing it.19. You are encouraged to use a product because it is what "folks at home are using20. You are convinced to use a product because it is endorsed or confirmed by a well-known personality​




how i will answer this?

6. Task 4: Testing the Waters Read the description in the box and identify the text type by coloring the puzzle pieces found on your answer sheet. Refer to the color guide found on the answer sheet. Text Types It tells what happened by retelling an event or experience. It investigates an idea to analyze and evaluate information. It provides an opportunity for the readers to change their opinions on a certain viewpoint. It expresses stories using plot and other literary elements. It lays down facts or processes to inform the readers. Task 5: Passing the Threshold Now that you already know the text types, you will practice recognizing them in this activity. First, write the text type of the selection. Then, write a one to two-sentence explanation of your answer. Write your responses on your answer sheet. 1. Yesterday, unlike my typical quarantine routine, I woke up early. The moment my alarm went off at 8:00am, I jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to shower. Fifteen minutes was all it took for me to bath and dress. I was ready to go. My heart couldn't keep the excitement and joy. Finally, we were allowed to go out. 2 Once upon a time, the world lived as if there was no pause nor end. It was all hustle, grind, and run until everyone was breathless and exhausted from all the work they had to do. Then, life changed when the virus spread. People couldn't go out of their homes. Work and school stopped. Time seemingly slowed like never before. 3 Alcohol-based hand rubs reduce the growth of microorganisms by dissolving the bacteria's cellular membrane. 4 Dr. Mary Grace Dacuma of the UP Pandemic Response Team has released findings from a recent study on how an epidemic happens and what an epidemic wave is. She noted that the COVID-19 epidemic in the Philippines most likely started with an imported case from an infected person or persons who entered the Philippines. The infected person with the virus is likely the index case that spread the virus to others locally. Dacuma pointed out that the index case(s), especially those that did not cause local transmission, does not form part of the epidemic wave. (Manila Bulletin 2020) 5. This virus does not have a nationality, it does not have an agenda or a political affiliation, it exists to spread where, when and how it can. The only thing that can stop it is community and cooperation. This is not a time for blame or division... The future is being written today, let's write it together with all of our hearts and our humanity. (Morgan, J. & Rosemberg, A. 2020)​


Morgan j are not pacific area what I don't no


sorry Ang haba he ☺️

7. ACTIVITY EVERYONE HAS FEELINGS Psychosocial Competency: Self-awareness and Self-expression (Individual work) ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: This activity helps learners identify their feelings, express them through art, and discover that people can experience more than one feeling at a time. RECOVERY OBJECTIVE: Develop self-exploration and self-awareness, practice self-expression, as well as gain a sense of empathy toward others. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Enhance vocabulary for naming feelings and practice abstract thinking by making associations between colors, shapes, lines, or images and feelings. MATERIALS NEEDED: Any paper available, markers, crayons, paints, other assorted materials. INSTRUCTIONS/GUIDE: Explore our feelings for today, sometimes, when we pay close attention to ourselves and give time to actually check in with how we are feeling, we might notice that we have more than one feeling at a time. Remember that is normal, especially in the time of a pandemic or disaster, and other transitions we might be going through. There are no right or wrong emotions and that paying attention to how we feel can give us information about ourselves and how we can handle situations. 1. Prepare piece of paper and coloring materials. 2. Settle and quiet down in own space on the floor. 3. Gently close your eyes and identify your feeling/s right now. 4. Open your eyes "How are you feeling today?" 5. On your sheet of paper, draw a picture with the colors that match the way you feel right now.​

Blue is the color I decided to use today to symbolize my emotions. I simply feel at calm and content for the day, and I don't believe anything noteworthy or unusual occurred. I chose the color blue because it is calming to the eyes and to the soul on a day like this one, which is simply another typical day for me. My daily schedule consists of getting up, going to school, listening to and studying the lessons my instructor assigns, eating when it's time to eat, and then leaving for home after class. I will then eat dinner with my family and go to bed. And I think that's all.

Because I have no expectations of anyone or anything, I feel content for the time being. "Come what may," according to the quote, merely makes me feel comfortable and at peace. Whatever occurs will occur. Simply said, I prefer not to invite too many feelings on this day. I kind of like not wanting to feel happy or sad on this particular day. Simply serene and content And for me, that's sufficient.

To learn more, just click the link below:


8. pasagot po please A.Identify the function of communication implied in each scenario. write your answer on the space provided before each number . __________1. The daughter cries out her depression to her father .__________2.A poor family narrated their pitiful life to the viewers. __________3.Two. siblings argue about who will wash clean the h0use.__________4.Employees are urged to follow authority and formal guidelines. __________5.the team members consulted the team leader to finish their task. __________6. the coach boosts his players confidence by building their self- esteem. __________7.the priest preaches to his parish to encourage them to live a Christian way of life. __________8.the teacher updates his students on their performance to inspire them to do better .__________9.You went to clarify the information given about the upcoming pageant you are interested to join with. __________10.A saleslady went on your way and introduced the latest matte lipstick and asked your permission to put on your make up. __________11.A relative from united Kingdom took his vacation in the Philippines and you wanted to be closed to him so you approached him to spend the week in your house. __________12.Your Mother is upset to you because you have a failing grade .She warned you that you will have your allowance next month if you fail the second time .__________13.A student asked for an advice to her teacher after sharing her worries financially yhat hinders her to attend school. __________14.Your best friend threatens you that she will not consider you a friend if you dont attend her wedding .__________15.The teacher stopped discuusing and the class became silent because of the realization that they are already noisy. __________16.DOH secretary telling everyone about COVID 19's new strain__________17.How to stay safe admist COVID 19__________18.A video about the highlights of 2020.__________19.Stay home to be safe. __________20.How to study independently .​


1 to express

2 to inform

3 to interact socially

4 to interact socially

5 to control

6 to motivate

7 to motivate

8 to inform

9 to clarify

10 to interact socially

i hope it helps

9. Correct the error in the citation format of the following directly cited information that used the indicated documentation style. If there is no error, write No Error. 1. (Lockhart, 2017, p.134) “The tearing down of the Berlin Wall signifies the end of communismin Germany.” - APA style2. “Muhammad brought together the Middle East” (Ogaya). - MLA style3. “Until the present time, no one knows what happened to the lost colony of Roanoke.”1Jeffrey S. De Lara (Manila: BooksandMore, Inc., 2018), 291.–MLA style4. “The Renaissance period is a complete overturn of the Dark Ages.”1Leslie S. Clemente, Historical Events that Impacted the World (Manila: LovelyBooks, Inc., 2018), 108. -Notes-bibliography style5. The American Revolution was sparked by the belief that everyone should be equal and be treated equally (Lunar, 2008, p.15). - APA style​


1. The Credits Should be at the end of the sentence

2. It Doesn’t have the Author’s First name, Title of the book or Source, Publisher, Publication, Date, Location Page number.

3. It Has no Source or Title of the book

4. No Error

5. No Error


Not Really sure with the answers but i tried my best to understand. If Some of it is wrong then im sorry...

10. Answer the questions based on the information given in mo corresponding to the correctors ECO A Words COVID-19 crisis. It is the strictest of all forms of Gronins ved in the Frenos The Enhanced Comundy Quotantins a Econe of the moment Errated our opportunities to work and scious, thens ein s te s OS from the National Government local govement unes SL ushan rette chotenged, education at the mean there US the chiena sie we were All these and more ore occanted to a Montecerung vous vkete skepe gharee to . What is the passage oil about? a. SAP OF "ayuda b. COVID-19 crisis C. Philippine Government d. Enhanced Community Quotantivo 2. How did the waiter present the det? a. The writer uses her imaginative mind b. The writer presents general texts C. The writer cites sources of information d. The winter presents personal exelence 3. Which statement is irrelevant to the selection a. ECO is one of the many occurences of the COVD 19 cris b. Everyone is encouraged to stoy at home during ECO C. "ayuda" is the best solution to COVID-19 Chao d. Health and safety protocols are corded on by the local govement unes​



11. which of the following is a benefit of dancing?a. increases mental functionsb. reduces the risk of osteoporosisc. improves the condition of heart and lungs d. all of the above "You are what u eat" simply means thata. we only eat what we desire.b. we are healthy if we eat healthy foods.c. our fitness depends on the foods we take in.d. when we do not control what we eat, we will become overweight after scrubbing the floor, student feels like it is impossible to keep going can hardly breathe and talk.This means that a.scrubbing is a moderately vigorous activity for student A.b.scrubbing is a vigorous activity for student A.c.scrubbing is a very light activity for student A.d. scrubbing is a very vigorous activity for student A.when a certain activity increases our heart rate this means that a. the activity increases our cardio respiratory endurance b. the activity is good for our heart and lungs c. both A & B d. noneYour overweight friend wants to lose weight. S/he is considering the diet pills and fitness programs s/he saw on the newspaper and television .What is the best advice u can give to your friend?a. tell her/him to choose the most convincing advertisement b. tell her him to try the best diet pills taken by popular artist c.tell her him to verify all the information and seek advice from a genuine fitness adviser d. tell her him to enroll in a fitness gymwhy is heart disease still the number one cause of death among filipinos?a. because of physical inactivity b.becuz of an unhealthy lifestyle c. because of media and technology d. because of availability of food that are rich in cholesterolbased on the eating plan for a healthy living, how many serving/s of sweet/sugar should you eat in a day?a.5-6tspsb. 6-8tspsc. 1serving d. 5-6 serving it is intended to be a guide that should help everyone select activity that best fits his lifestyle and health needs.a. maslow's Hierarchy of needs b. eating plan for a healthy living c. the good pyramid d. filipino pyramid activity guide​











hope it can help u

12. Task 2: Study and understand the infographic below, then answer the task that follows. Sound vs Unsound Argument More Information Online Sound Argument Unsound Argument DEFINITION A Sound argument is valid and has true premises An unsound argument is invalid and/or has at least one false premises PREMISES Always true At least one is false VALIDITY Always valid May be valid or Invalid The following are random arguments about a certain topic. Write S if the argument presented is Sound and US if it is Unsound. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers. 1. All humans will eventually die. I am a human. Therefore, I'll eventually die. 2. All popes reside at the Vatican. John Paul II resides at the Valican. Therefore, John Paul II is a pope. 3. All rabbits are mammals. All mammals have lungs. Therefore, all rabbits have lungs. 4. Everyone who went to jail committed a crime. Charles Manson went to jail. So, he must have committed a crime. 5. You should eat things that are good for you. Spinach is good for you. Hence, you should eat spinach. 6. Humans are the only species that feel pain. Animals are not human. So, they cannot feel pain. 7. We shouldn't ever steal. Cheating on taxes is stealing. Thus, we shouldn't cheat on our taxes.​


☛ʀᴇᴘᴏʀᴛ☚ • ʀᴜᴅᴇ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ=ʀᴇᴘᴏʀᴛ • ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ=ʀᴇᴘᴏʀᴛ • ɴᴏɴsᴇɴs=ʀᴇᴘᴏʀᴛ • ᴄᴏᴘɪᴇᴅ=ʀᴇᴘᴏʀᴛ • ɪɴᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ=ʀᴇᴘᴏʀᴛ ➽ʙʀᴀɪɴʟɪᴇsᴛ➽ • ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ=ʙʀᴀɪɴʟɪᴇsᴛ • ᴄᴏʀʀᴇᴄᴛ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ=ʙʀᴀɪɴʟɪᴇsᴛ • ᴄᴏᴍᴘlᴇte ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ=ʙʀᴀɪɴʟɪᴇsᴛ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴᴛ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ ᴘʟs ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ ɪᴛ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ ᴘʟs ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ ɪᴛ.

13. LEARNING TASK 2: (DO NOT SKIP)Let's try summarizing this text. Identify what is the main idea, the key information, and the details. Thentogether to create your own summary. Write your answers on a separate paper.In Africa, music is usually performed outdoors. There is spontaneous music maperformances by social and music groups at ceremonies and feasts. There is no writtennotation. African music tradition, like folklore and history, is transmitted orally. Mactivity in which almost everyone participates. Clearly, African music has sevcharacteristics.Source: AFRICAa. MAIN IDEA? musicb. KEY INFORMATION/S?C. DETAILS?d. YOUR SUMMARY!​




i hope this answer is correct

14. omprehensio estions NOT Directions: After reading the selection above, answer the following by writing the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each item. Iqx3 1. What is the starting point at which one can look for a location sideward? A. Equator C. Prime Meridian D. North Pole. B. Latitude 2. What divides the globe into upper and lower hemispheres? B. South Pole - A. Equator 3. What do you call the lines that are parallel to the equator? A. Meridians B. Latitude 4. Which of the following A. 49°N 10 W C. Prime Meridian D. North Pole C. Prime Meridian locations is nearest to the equator? B. 65'S 96°E C. 15'N 82°E D. 35'S 25 W 5. Which of the following statements is TRUE? D. Longitude A. Searching for a location, look first the degree measures. B. The North Pole is the starting point of the latitudinal positions. C. Find a location, determine the direction, then identify the degree D. Use the latitudinal positions to direct sideward. 6. Based on the passage you have read; which characteristics best describe Mara? A. Intelligent and wise B. respectful and diligent 7. Why is it important to learn how to find a certain location? A. because it provides information and directions about the place. B. because it encourages people to pursue Geography. C. because it focuses on enhancing the visual acuity. C. easy go lucky D. disrespectful and arrogant D. because it tends to inspire someone to travel around the world. 8. In the following statements, what is the writer's main point of view? A. Everyone must travel around the earth before learning the locations of different places B. It is important to memorize the locations on earth. C. Rely on the more knowledgeable person to learn locations. D. Learning locations take into consideration and emphasis on the directions, positions, and measurement.​







Not enough information provided in the selection to determine



15. LEARNING COMPETENCY Describe desktop publication. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of desktop publishing. ACTIVITY 1. Write Yes if the statement is correct and No if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer on the blank before each number. 1. Desktop publishing makes the documents and apperance look better 2. In 1980's desktop publishing was available to everyone. 3. Desktop publishing software does not allow the user to rearrange text and graphics on screen. 4. Brochures, leaflets, and newsletters are some examples of desktop publication. 5. Reduced time to print and reduced production costs are advantages of using desktop publication. 6. In desktop publication, you can customized your documents. 7. Online and offline storage and distribution are advantages of desktop publication. 8.Desktop publishing enhances visual communication and streamlines the process of disseminating information of all kinds. 9. Adobe is an example of desktop publishing. 10. One of advantage reusing content in other projects.​


1. yes

2. no

3. no

4. yes

5. yes

6. yes

8. yes

9. yes

10. no


16. 12. Below are some important things you have to consider in preparing to writeposition paper EXCEPTA Choosing a toploa Locating and reading credible sourcesC Forming a thesis statement and argumentaD. Analysing and summarising reading material13. Which of the following SHOULD NOT be included in the Conclusion?A Background of the issueC Stand of the writerD. RecommendationsD. Bummary of main concepts14. Why is a tople like Pollution is bad for the environment not a good idea for aposition statement?A It's too controversialB. It would take a long time to research about this toplo.s You need an expert to sumciently gather all the informationThere is no argument; everyone knows that pollution is bad for theenvironment15. This serves as your position about an issue.A ClaimD. TopicB. EvidenceC. Source16. This is your basis in making a claim.A ClaimD. TopicB. EvidenceC. Source17. In selecting a good topic, which of the following statements do you need toconsider?A. The issue must be debatable.B. The issue or tople is not controversial at presentc. You must establish at least one side of the issue.D. If the issue is very complex, discuss all areas of the issue.18. What is the first thing that you need to consider in writing a Position Paper?A. What is your interest?B. What will the readers like to read?C. What is your stand about an issue?D. What are the issues in your community?19. Why is it important to include evidences in your paper?A. To support your standB. To make the call of actionC. To make the paper more realisticD. To make the paper attractive to the readers20. What SHOULD you include in the Introduction?A. Background, Issue and Position B. Discussion and EvidencesC. References and Additional Data21is an important method used in order to collect the necessary informationthat will benefit the people and the community.A. announcement B. letter C. news D. surveyD. Summary and Recommendation22. Which of the following does not describe a Face-to-face Structured interview?A. The interview is set personally,B. The calls are made to ask individuals on particular questions.C. Questions on the survey are asked directly to the respondent by theresearcherD. The people involved face each other in order to gather the necessaryinformation3. When someone is surveying using telephone or cellular phones, he is using whattype of survey?A. Mail SurveyB. Telephone survey​



15. C

16. B

17. D

18. A

19. B

20. B

21. A

22. D

17. Instruction: Identify the influential entrepreneur based on their stated contribution. 1) He believes a manager crosses the threshold into entrepreneurship when “the exercise of his/her judgment is prone to error and s/he bears responsibility for its correctness.” 2) His studies resulted in something resembling a broad theory of entrepreneurship with three separate functions: “scientific understanding of the product; entrepreneurial indust ry – the application of information to a practical purpose; and productive industry – the human labor manufacturing of the item.” 3) He viewed innovation as arising from new comb inations of materials and forces. He provided the following five cases of new combinations. 4) Entrepreneurs are those who make money through exchanges. 5) Entrepreneurs are rewarded in exchange for anticipating the effects of uncertainty and selling their products at a price that exceeds their input costs. 6) Profit is the reward that entrepreneurs get from assuming uninsurable risks. 7) His research focuses on the workings of the capitalist system. Manufacturers should borrow less and downsize their workforces if demand falls. They should do the opposite when demand is high. 8) Ranked goods according to t heir causal connections to human satisfaction. 9) He was interested in learning how everyone fits into the economic system. The economy, according to Smith, is driven by self - int erest in the marketplace. 10) He was a founding member of the neoclassical school of thought. The distinction between the term’s capitalist, entrepreneur, and manager was one of his research topics


Instruction: Identify the influential entrepreneur based on their stated contribution.

1) He believes a manager crosses the threshold into entrepreneurship when “the exercise of his/her judgment is prone to error and s/he bears responsibility for its correctness.”

2) His studies resulted in something resembling a broad theory of entrepreneurship with three separate functions: “scientific understanding of the product; entrepreneurial indust ry – the application of information to a practical purpose; and productive industry – the human labor manufacturing of the item.”

3) He viewed innovation as arising from new comb inations of materials and forces. He provided the following five cases of new combinations.

4) Entrepreneurs are those who make money through exchanges.

5) Entrepreneurs are rewarded in exchange for anticipating the effects of uncertainty and selling their products at a price that exceeds their input costs.

6) Profit is the reward that entrepreneurs get from assuming uninsurable risks.

7) His research focuses on the workings of the capitalist system. Manufacturers should borrow less and downsize their workforces if demand falls. They should do the opposite when demand is high.

8) Ranked goods according to t heir causal connections to human satisfaction.

9) He was interested in learning how everyone fits into the economic system. The economy, according to Smith, is driven by self - int erest in the marketplace.

10) He was a founding member of the neoclassical school of thought. The distinction between the term’s capitalist, entrepreneur, and manager was one of his research topics

18. 1. What quantitative method for collecting data involves requesting individuals to answer multiple questions, and collecting and analyzing data? A. Correlational B. Experimental C. Quasi-experimental D. Survey 2. What research instrument/tool consists of a set of questions to collect information from respondents? A. Aptitude Test B. Interview Sheet C. Observation Sheet D. Questionnaire 3. Which of the following is not a close-ended question? A. Do you have pets at home? B. How many pets do you have at home? C. Should everyone have a pet at home? Why or why not? D. Do you enjoy having these pets at home? 4. Which of the following is NOT a socio-demographic characteristic? B. personal secret/s C. religion 5. Which statistics counts the number of times a variable occurs? A. age D. sex A. A. Frequency B. Mean C. Percentage D. Standard Deviation 6. What part of the research report clearly states the answers to the main research questions? A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Topic -7. What type of research deals with purely numerical data and statistics? A. Mixed Method B. Quantitative C. Qualitative D. Qualitative-Quantitative 8. What do we call the individuals who have been invited to participate in a particular study and have actually taken part in the study? A. Delegates B. Invites C. Locale D. Respondents 9. When administering a survey for a qualitative research, what type of question should you use? A. Close-ended questions C. Probing questions B. Open-ended questions D. Rhetorical questions 10. Which of the following should NOT be considered when presenting quantitative data? A. All data in the graphs should be discussed in text form. B. Do not editorialize your discussion. C. Present your data using graphical representations. D. The discussion should be logical and easy to follow.


hello saan yung pic plss

19. 1. What quantitative method for collecting data involves requesting individuals to answer multiple questions, and collecting and analyzing data? A. Correlational B. Experimental C. Quasi-experimental D. Survey 2. What research instrument/tool consists of a set of questions to collect information from respondents? A. Aptitude Test B. Interview Sheet C. Observation Sheet D. Questionnaire 3. Which of the following is not a close-ended question? A. Do you have pets at home? B. How many pets do you have at home? C. Should everyone have a pet at home? Why or why not? D. Do you enjoy having these pets at home? 4. Which of the following is NOT a socio-demographic characteristic? B. personal secret/s C. religion D. sex 5. Which statistics counts the number of times a variable occurs? A. A. Frequency B. Mean C. Percentage D. Standard Deviation 6. What part of the research report clearly states the answers to the main research questions? A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. Topic -7. What type of research deals with purely numerical data and statistics? A. Mixed Method B. Quantitative C. Qualitative D. Qualitative-Quantitative 8. What do we call the individuals who have been invited to participate in a particular study and hav actually taken part in the study? A. Delegates B. Invites C. Locale D. Respondents 9. When administering a survey for a qualitative research, what type of question should you use? A age A. Close-ended questions C. Probing questions B. Open-ended questions D. Rhetorical questions 10. Which of the following should NOT be considered when presenting quantitative data? A. All data in the graphs should be discussed in text form. B. Do not editorialize your discussion. C. Present your data using graphical representations. D. The discussion should be logical and easy to follow.













that's base on book that i have read

20. ULUI.d 15. Alin sa sumusunod angnagpapahayag ng katotohanan ukol sa mga kaisipang Asvano?Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on the space provided.1. What is the main focus of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech?A. Convincing everyone to live in peace and tranquilityB. Getting more money for America's black populationC. Ending segregation and racial injustice in AmericaD. Pushing change in Americaa 2. Martin Luther King Jr. appeals mainly to his listeners'A. common sense B. desire for better future C. sense of guilt D. sense of pride3. In “I Have a Dream”, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., urges his followers toao A. demand equality and justice now B. work toward gradual changeC. use any means necessaryD. use violence to push change4. Which repeated phrase in Dr. King's speech has additional power because it is from a familiarpatriotic song? A. "I have a dream" B. “I say to you today"C. "Now is the time to" D. “One hundred years later"5. Which of the following is NOT a rhetorical device?A. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!B. And if America is to be a great nation this must become true!C. This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaningD. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low6. Which is an example of a metaphor?A. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by thecolor of their skin but by the content of their character.B. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. C.We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline.D. My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.7. Which is an example of parallelism?A. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to GeorgiaB. We can never be satisfied, as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in themotels of the highways and the hotels of the cities.C. We will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.D. When this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet,from every state and every city... Determine the author's purpose in the selection below. Choose the letter ofthe correct answer.8A whistleblower is a person who informs on a person or organization engaged in somewrongdoing. The whistleblower is almost always an employee or an insider of the organizationthat is committing the wrongdoing, and there are laws which are intended to protect thewhistleblower from experiencing retaliation for their revelations.A. To entertain B. To inform C. To orient D. To persuadea. Para sa mga Hanonee anne mon L.9.Jim's hand shook as he reached for the cup of coffee in front of him. "Just take your time," theman in the grey suit told him. Jim nodded, and raised the cup to his lips, sloshing coffee downhis chin and onto his shirt. "They're going to come after me," Jim told the men in front of him."There are laws to protect you," The man in the black suit said. "The laws don't matter. Theydon't care about laws. Haven't they already proven that? I won't be safe. No onemy family​










21. Assessment Activity ( Written Works # 3)MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSEDirection: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If FALSE underline the word or group of words that makes the sentence incorrect then write the correct word/s on the blank provided.MATH1. _________The kind of graph used in presenting information depends on the purpose and the data to be shown. If you want to show parts of a whole, a line graph is appropriate to use.2. _________ Pie graph or circle graph is recommended to be used in showing how a monthly budget of a family is spent.3. _________ A ruler is needed to measure the degrees of each section in a pie graph.ENGLISH4. __________ The pandemic have caused everyone fear and anxiety.5. __________ Wearing face mask and face shield is necessary nowadays.6. __________ A person need to be vaccinated as protection against Corona Virus.SCIENCE7. __________ The two seasons in the Philippines are wet and dry seasons.8. __________ The equator gets its most direct sunlight when the equinox occurs.9. __________ When the South Pole is pointed towards the sun, the Northern Hemisphere receives more sunlight than the Southern Hemisphere.10. __________ Because of the Earth’s tilt, all parts of the Earth receive the same amount of sunlight.Help:)​


1 true

2 false

3 true

4 true

5 true

6 true

7 false

8 false

9 true


22. Read the text and answer the questions that follow. After an earthquake, rescuers search for survivors under the rubble of fallen buildings. Every few minutes everyone stops what he or she is doing to listen very carefully. The rescuers are listening for shouts from survivors but more often they can hear tapping sounds when survivors tap stones or metal pipes. One person was rescued after 11 days trapped under rubble when the rescuers heard faint tapping sounds. The table shows the speeds of sound in different materials. + Material aluminium steel brick wood glycerol water mercury helium air carbon dioxide Speed of sound (m/s) 6400 5800 4200 3600 1900 1500 1450 970 340 260 Type of substance solid metal solid metal solid non-metal solid non-metal liquid liquid liquid metal gas gas gas Questions 1. State the speed of sound in air. Give the units. 2. State whether sound travel fastest in solids, liquids, or gases. 3. Explain why a sound travelling along a steel rod and an identical wooden rod reaches the end of the steel rod sooner. 4. Sounds travel through materials by passing vibrations from particle to particle. Particles in solids are very close together. They pass on vibrations better than particles in gases, which are far apart. Use this information to explain why tapping sounds from survivors after earthquakes travel better than shouting for help. II. Checkpoint: Choose the correct word from those in bold. A wave is a vibration that transfers energy/matter. The distance from the middle to the top of the wave is the amplitude/wavelength. The distance from one crest to the next crest is the amplitude/wavelength. Loudness depends on wavelength/amplitude. Sound waves are longitudinal/light waves, which means the vibration is in the same/ a different direction to that of the wave.​


The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s.

Sound travels fastest in solids.

Sound travels faster in steel rods than in wooden rods because the speed of sound in steel is higher than that in wood.

Tapping sounds from survivors after earthquakes travel better than shouting for help because tapping sounds involve the transmission of vibrations through solids (e.g. stones or metal pipes) which pass on vibrations better than the air molecules that are involved in shouting for help.

II. Checkpoint:







23. S e 3. To pass an interview, you have to a. avoid difficult questions b. be confident in your answers to questions c. be familiar with the position or topic sound spontaneous d. 4. To benefit fully from participating in discussions, forums, and debates, we should be a. confident, articulate, respectful, and open- minded b. show the participants our deep knowledge of the topic c. prepare for the topic and speak coherently and clearly d. recognize that the participants' ideas are different from ours. 5. Prosody is an essential part of communication because a. it helps us convey meanings and emotions. b. it adds depth to our message c. it provides information beyond a literal sentence meaning d. it helps us discover the sentence's figurative meaning 6. In English, we create rhythm by a. equally stressing all words in a sentence putting stress on nouns and verbs b. c. making sounds longer, louder, or more defined d. stressing certain words more than others 7. Intonation is very important in communication because a. it gives information beyond just the basic meaning of the words. b. it expresses our feeling about something and gives grammatical information c. it helps ask questions effectively d. it helps us compose our message clearly 8. We speak with a high or low pitch to a. add feelings to our voice b. change our stress and intonation c. make our voice loud enough for everyone d. put emotion, stress, and intonation to our spoken worde ​



3 a




Hindi po Ako sure sa 3.4 at 5 baka po Kasi Mali pero hope it helps po

24. IV.PAGTATAYA; Isulat mo: Ibigay ang reaksiyon o opinyon sa mga sumusunod na balita. Ipabasa s kasambahay ang mga sumusunod na balita..makinig ng mabuti sa iyong kasambahay.. .1. Nanawagan din si Bong Go sa mga kinauukulan na ipagpatuloy ang estriktong pagpapatupad ng kinakailangang health and safety protocols, lalo sa mga pampublikong lugar, gayundin sa publiko na huwag munang magpakakampante hanggang wala pang lumalabas na bakuna laban sa virus. - 2. MANILA, Philippines - Mas pipiliin ni Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte na bumili ng mas murang vaccine laban sa COVID-19 dahil hindi na sapat ang pera ng gobyerno. - 3.MANILA, Philippines — Nananalo na ang bansa laban sa COVID-19, ayon kay Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte.Sa kanyang ulat sa bayan kamakalawa ng gabi, sinabi ng Pangulo na bumababa na ang datos ng mga nagpopositibo sa COVID-19."I am pleased to address the nation anew to keep everyone informed of how the Philippines is moving towards winning the fight against COVID-19," need answers please ​


tayoy mag tulong tulong pagkat may pandemya

25. II.Identify which among the statements contain Factual information (statements that canbe verified or proven to be true or false) or Subjective content (involves judgementfeeling, opinion, intuition, or emotion rather than factual information). Write Fforfactual and S for subjective. Write your answer on the space before the number,1. Your heart pumps blood through your body.2. Sunday is the best day of the week.3. This has been a terrible month.4. Watching fireworks on the 4th of July is lots of fun.5. There are 12 months in the year.6. The pandemic Covid-19 scared the whole world.7. Everyone should make Valentine's Day cards.8. Your birthday comes only one day a year.9. Memorial Day is the most important holiday of the year.10. A giant tortoise can live to be over 150 years old.​


your heart pumps blood through your body

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