Good Old Days Means

Good Old Days Means

4. What does Auld Lang Syne basically mean? *1 pointold friendsgood old daystime endsold sign​

Daftar Isi

1. 4. What does Auld Lang Syne basically mean? *1 pointold friendsgood old daystime endsold sign​


Old Friends


Auld lang syne - the songs message is about the two old friends who is remembering or refreshing their memories when they were still in young.

hope it helps!


2. what is the meaning of the quote the struggle we endure today will be the good old days we laugh about tomorrow​


Answer: that means the struggle you're in this day you will laugh at it in the future co'z when your future became good you'll laugh at it someday and you'll say to your self

"I look like I have the most impossible problem that can't solve back then"

3. A.giangan states that are early as five years old children are taught how to read like eating and drinking reading is an essential life skill 2016 it enables the person to function smoothly in his day-to-day activity from reading traffic sign to filling up forms.A.reading i'm good understanding of the text and various aspects such as the entire meaning the connection of words and punctuation and the linking of the ideas (giangan page 213.) what is wrong with these citations? ​

ano po hi po sana po mag messge ka

4. 1. Liquid waste are difficult to manage than solid waste. Select one: True False 2. Transforming used materials into useful substance in order to create electricity or energy is called reusing. Select one: True False 3. Donating clothes and other useful materials during calamities are good examples of reusing. Select one: True False 4. Food scraps and fruit peelings are biodegradable waste. Select one: True False 5. Non-biodegradable waste are those discarded materials that come from living things. Select one: True False 6. To recycle means to create a new product out of a material that has already served its purpose. Select one: True False 7. Household waste can cause water, air, and land pollution. Select one: True False 8. Organic materials are from non-living things. Select one: True False 9. Solid waste are commonly collected by garbage trucks and then disposed to sanitary landfills. Select one: True False 10. Denise, instead of buying a new bag for the upcoming school days, washed and fixed her old one. This is an example of repair. Select one: True False


1. True









10. True



5. "The Parable of Division"The young boy and his older brother were taught by their parents to divide materials things equallyand fairly. This they tried to follow. A system was evolved in which one does the dividing and theother gets the selecting first. This guaranteed an equitable cutting. Otherwise, the one whodivided would be in the losing end. One day the two boys had a pair of fish for lunch. One big fishand the other a small one. The young boy thought that his older brother will give in "magparaya'tohim a younger and weaker brother, please go ahead and make a best choice"The older brother got the bigger fish. The younger boy was disappointed to get the smaller fish." Ifi were you said the older brother, I would have taken the smaller fish. What are you complainingabout?" answered the old boy. "You got what you want",Next time around the two boy had to share a bottle of soft drink. They were in the rice field with noglasses or containers available. "Let us just drink directly from the bottle "Be sure it is exactly half.Questions1. What good value have the parents of the two boys taught?2. Why did the younger brother drink all the contents of the whole bottle?3. Would you agree with what the younger brother did?of theExercise 1if it's notDraw a happy faceif it gives the correct meaning and sad face1. Evolved means produced by natural means.2. Guarantee means to answer for something as in loan or pledge.3. Equitable would mean fair and equal.4. An appellation is a title.5. To be disappointed means to fall in expectation.​


1. :)

2. :)

3. :)

4. :(

5. :)


6. What I Can Dome, you are recommendable Now, let us see how you will apply thenon has apply your understanding of our lesson. Having learned the keycomores and seas about courtship dating and right behaviors for a healthyand tame you will now walk your tals. That means you will put into on the ideas and snowledge leemed Keep learning Have Fun!Reed and understand the situation belor. De what is expected of you in theubon. The task may require you to have an individual output to be rated using a rubic .(Write your responses on your activity sheet.)Beardo, 20 years old a famous varsity player in school. He plays basketball a son of a well-or family. He can buy whatever he wants He has good looks and and able to iniluence others with his wit and charm. He has a girlfriend named na She is 18 years old, prety and smart. Unlike Ricardo, she is not rich She is ghter of a perttime laberer and a housemaid or Ricardo's famiv. Ricardo and vana ies on the relationship between them Abrana nied to end the affair with woh her boytrend But she cant react publicly because in school they dont have AF label One day, Ricardo sew Alyana crying She told him that his parents primanded her for having an affair with their son. They even threaten Alyana thather parents will be ousted in work if she will insist to continue the affair1. Questionsa. Is keeping their relationship secret a good action? Why? Why not?B. Is Alyana reasonable for being jealous? Why or Why not?c la terms of intimate relationship, Ricardo (rich) and Alyana (poor)are not meant for each other. React on this.d. Is it reasonable for parents like that of Rocardo's to react like that?Why or Why not?​


A. In my opinion hiding their relationship is not a good action. Why? I did understand that they need to keep their relationship because of their social status difference however if they both love each other truly they should face the consequences and tell it to their parents, maybe in that way Ricardo's parents will support them if they saw how strong their love.

B. I can't find any scenario where it was stated that ayana was jealous hihi.

C. I can't agree with that statement because I do believe that love knows no gender, and social status. Everyone can love who their heart wants, everyone have right to fall in love to someone they truly wants without thinking their life difference as long as they both love each other and didn't disrespect other people.

D. I think it is normal for a parent to react just like Ricardo's parents did because they might be worried for Ricardo however it is not reasonable for them to order Ayana to cut ties with Ricardo because Ricardo is not a kid anymore he can decide for his self and Ricardo love Ayana so if they really love their son Ricardo they should support what makes him happy.

7. The Taximan's Story by Catherine Lim(Story taken from Embracing our Heritage, Learning Module for English Grade Spp168-169) Very good, Madam. Sure, will take you there in plenty good time for your meeting, madam. This way better, less traffic, less car jams. Half hour shouldmake it, madam, so not to worry.2 What is it you say, madam? Yes, yes, ha, ha, been taxi man for twenty years now, madam. Long time ago. Singapore not like this so crowded so busy. Last time more peaceful, not so much taximen, or so much cars and buses.3 Yes madam, can make a living. So so. What to do. Must work hard if wants to success in Singapore. People like us, no education, no capital for business, we must sweat to earn money for wife and children.Yes, madam, quite big family--eight children, six sons, two daughters. Big family! Ha! Ha! No good, madam. In those days. Where got Family Planning in Singapore? People born many, many children, every year, one child. Is no good at all. Today is much better. Two children, three children, enough, stop. Our government say stop.5 Luck for me, all my children big now. Four of my sons working one a businessman, two clerks, one a teacher in Primary school, one in National Service, one still schooling, in Secondary Two. My eldest daughter, she is twenty plus, stay at home, help the mother. No, not married yet---Very shy and her health not so good, but a good, and obedient girl. My other girl Oh, Madam! Very hard for father when daughter is no good and go against her parents. Very sad like punishment from God. Today, young people not like us when we are young. We obey. Our parents say don't do this, we never do. Otherwise, the cane. My father cane me. I was big enough to be married, and still, got caning. My father he was very strict, and that is good thing for parents to be strict. If not, young boys and girls become very useless. Do not want to study, but run away, and go to night clubs and take drugs and make love. You agree with me madam?6 Today, young people they are very trouble to their parents. Madam, you see this young people over there, outside the coffee house? See what I mean, madam? They are only school boys and school girls, but they act like big shots,Quarter 2 Week 5pending money, smoking, wearing latest fashion, and making love. Ah, Madam, I know, I know! As taximan, I know them and their habits. Madam, you are a teacher, you say? You know or not that young school girls, fifteen, sixteen years old, they go to public lavatory or hotel and change into these clothes, and they put make-up on their face. Their parents never know. They tell their Mum got school meeting, got sports and games, this, that, but they really come out and play the fool.​


positive message

pending money,smoking,wearing latest fashion

negative message

can make a living

8. Learning Task 2: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.1. Birds that eat fruits and nectar spread seeds and help plants grow. Without birds many importantplants would not thrive. What is the meaning of the underlined word?a. flourishb. dieC. witherd. delenorate2. The sailors will have an easy day sailing because the sea is calm. Which is the synonym of theunderlined word?a. wildb. beautifulC. without disturbance or motion d. old3. Arnel experiences failures in life but he never stops to climb the ladder ofa. lacking b. freedC. goodd. success4. Even if the relief goods were enough for the whole community, the Barangay Officials claimedthat they area. lacking b. freedc. goodd. success5. Christ commands us to love one another whatever our station in life is.a. A place to stand inb. A social positionC. A building for a definite purpose.​

Synonyms & Antonyms

1. Birds that eat fruits and nectar spread seeds and help plants grow. Without birds many important plants would not thrive. Die is the meaning of the underlined word.

2. The sailors will have an easy day sailing because the sea is calm. Without disturbance or motion is the synonym of the underlined word.

3. Arnel experiences failures in life but he never stops to climb the ladder of success.

4. Even if the relief goods were enough for the whole community, the Barangay Officials claimed that they are lacking.

5. Christ commands us to love one another whatever our station in life is. The underlined word means a social position.


1. B

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. B

Read More:


// #CarryOnLearning

9. by Cynthia Sherwond BY SCHOT *** We ali encese sometimes, Snenzing in a reflex that your body Mac internatient. That means you cannot make yourself steena on step of Face it has started. When you andeze, your body is trying to get rid of brand this in pour nose, such as bacteria. You have extra germs when you hoye old to yod steede a lot more. You might also sreeze when you self Depourt inside your nose, there are hundreds of tiny hairs. These tairs fires the sir you breathe. Sometimes dust and pollen, find their way througti theme hairs and bother your nasal passages. The perves in the lining of your nose tell your brain that something is invading your body. Your brain hanes, nose, mouth, and the muscles of your upper body work together to blou a was the invaders with a sneeze. When you sneeze, germs frotu your oseget blown into the air. Using a tissue or "sneezing into your sleeve captures most of these germs. It is very important to wash your hands after you sneeze into them, especially during cold and flu season. Do you ever sneeze when you walk into bright sunlight? About 25% of people experience this phenomenon. Scientists believe that the brain gets confused when signals from the optic nerve trigger the sneezing reflex in direct sunlight This usually runs in families. If someone nearby sneezes, remenibet to tell then Gesundheit/" That is a funny looking word which is pronounced "gear pont-hite." It is the German word that wishes someone good health after sneezing Ct Learning Task 1: Note details by answering the questions below. Write your answers in your notebook. 1. Which parts of your body work together when you sneeze? 2. What does the German word gesundheit mean? a. I wish you good health. b. I wish you God's blessings. 6 wish you a good day. d. I wish you would stop sneezing. 3. Why do some people sneeze when they walk into bright sunlight?​





10. 1. The medicine is good for patients who haveA. colds and fever B. headache C. stomach acheD. tooth ache2. Expiry Date: May 30, 2008. This meansA. The medicine is good until May 2009B. Use the medicine after May 30, 2008C. Consume the medicine before May 30, 2008D. The medicine is good June 20093. How many tablet is to be given to a 5-year old child?A. 2 tabletsB. 14 tabletC. 1 tablet D. 3 tablets4. How many tablets should be given to adults?A. 1 or 2 tabletsB. 12 tabletC. 14 tablet D. 3 to 4 tablets5. How often should the medicine be given to the patient?A. once a day B. twice a day C. four times a day D. three times a day​






5A or B

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps u :)


1. a-headache

2. c-Consume medicine before May 30, 2008

3. c-1 tablet

4. a-1 to 2 tablet

5. d-three times a day

11. Learning Task 2: Let's ReadFrom the previous activity, you were able to find the answers to the underlined words through understanding how each of thewords is used in the sentences.One of the best ways of discovering word meanings is through context clues or hints given by other words in the sentence. Inthe next activities, you will refine your skill in using them through a piece of literature from Israel"THE CAT”By Zygmunt Frankel"Published in "The European"He lay on the bunk in his cell, smoking a cigarette. The day had been hot, but now, with the dusk falling, a pleasant breezehad sprung up and was coming in from the courtyard, along the corridor, and into his cell. The old prison was very much like theones in cowboy movies. The door of his cell, as well as the one at the end of the corridor were steel frames with iron bars less thantwenty centimetres apart; too close for even the thinnest man to squeeze through, but ample for a cat. One could see through thebars, talk with the guards and the prisoners in the other cells, and be disturbed by someone snoring at night, and the barred doorsmade the prison airy.It was much better than the foreign prisons he had read about, with solid doors, peepholes, and electric bulbs burning thewhole night long. Although the local revolution modelled itself on the Russian one to some extent, it did not have the means toimitate Lubyanka. The revolution was also milder in other respects. A political prisoner usually had done something against theregime, be it only grumbling in public. The interrogations were mostly carried out without torture. Although no public or journalistswere admitted to the more serious political trials, the prisoner had the right to defend himself, and, in case of a death sentence -these, unfortunately, were rather common and mostly undeserved - the condemned man had the right to appeal to the President,although in most cases it only delayed the execution by a few days.The prisoner finished his cigarette, put it out in an empty sardine tin which served him as ashtray, sat on his bed, and lookedat the door again. The spaces between the bars were fine, even for the largest cat to pass through, and the door at the end of thecorridor was the same. In the small rectangular cobbled courtyard where they took their daily walks and where they shot condemnedprisoners at dawn, a couple of skinny young trees, hardly more than saplings, grew by the wall on the right, a few of the thinbranches reaching the top of the wall, nothing to support a man, but good enough for a cat. It was not the wall where they shotpeople; that one was opposite it, at right angle to the door. On days following an execution, of which they had heard every wordand shot through the barred doors, walking in a circle during their daily exercise, they would look furtively for traces of blood on​


Because of the earth and its existence and the professional is and is the most important and important part of the gravity and its existence is a defined as as mass as which is the most common and common problem with all the people people who are live in and out of their families in England their way in the sequence to the school is a continuous defined area path and the lower number of people who in the sequence may not have been able by their own friends 8 7 8 8 7 77 77 the following questions will are to to be made like a the first one for with end of term 3 but the other two will mark you as a referee for you karaoke as they are a 3 for you to 35-50 on your 29th 9th jskigosgqixi2fksf2ifsigks18zh2oyxog2xgwohzw will not be available until after Christmas as they are in the UK process for and


Hope it help ya

12. III. Arrange the jumbled letters and write the answer on the blank provided. 11. The process of producing a new product out of an old one. Old or used materials are changed by altering them or totally breaking them down. (CLNGIREYC) 12. is an example of material which can return to its original form when recycled by means of chemical and mechanical ways. (CTILPSA) 13. There are many products that can be produced from recycled wood like plant box, chair, garden accessories, wooden flooring, and garden decks. (DOWO) 14. This step is to remind yourself about the tasks you have done. It also guides you in identifying the things needed to improve your work. (NIATSSU) 15. Prepare a note and checklist of your accomplishments for the day. You must incorporate the first tree steps mentioned to keep your working place efficient. (IZEARDSTDAN) 16. You may produce wastes such as cutout papers, spilled water, and other trash. See to it that your working area is clean. A good and well kept working area is a healthy working environment. (NEIHS) 17. This is the first phase wherein you will start your work by arranging the materials that you need and putting away the things that you think you will not need. (IGNTSOR)​




13. WOOD







13. 1. Machinery is also important. Without the proper equipment, you will not be able to perform the needed tasks efficiently TrueFalse2. Sourcing raw materials is not critical in any business.TrueFalse3. Setting the right goals and objectives for the implementation of your business plan will push you to show up and perform every dayTrueFalse4. The basic purpose of financial record is to assist decision makers in evaluating the financial strength, profitability and future prospects of a business.TrueFalse5. Keeping good records is not important to your business.TrueFalse6. Operations must get the support of the logistics department for the delivery of the materials to the customer and the distribute of goods in the factory.TrueFalse7. Operations must obtain a good sales forecast from the public market.TrueFalse8. Operations must coordinate with the human Resource Department for the hiring and training of workers and supervisors.TrueFalse9. Participation is the amount of hard work, cooperation and involvement a person exhibits in the workplace.TrueFalse10. Reviewing people is to measure and evaluate their performance with the organizational goals in mind.TrueFalse11. HR practice is to screen the customer according to traditional measures such as the intelligence Quotient.TrueFalse12. Improvements to old technologies may be patented.TrueFalse13. A patent grants the inventor the right to make, use, sell, and import his or her invention. In other words, does a patent grant the inventor the right to practice the invention—meaning, the right to make, use, sell, and import the invention.TrueFalse14. Trademark is a confidential piece of intellectual property that provides a company with a competitive advantage.TrueFalse​
















pa mark brainliest po ako please


1. True














Not sure but i hope it Helps

Pa brainliest po pls ☺︎︎ Ty

14. 1. When there is no dictionary available, the definition of a word can be guessed by looking for . a. blues clues b. contest rules c. context clues d. metaphors 2. Wherever he goes, the esteemed Dr. Sanchez is applauded for his life saving research. What does “esteemed” mean? a. held over boiling water b. very old c. unable to chew gum d. greatly admired 3. Most of America's Founding Fathers did not believe in women's suffrage. Only men could vote in the United states until 1920. What is “suffrage” ? a. something that causes physical pain b. an early flag c. skirts that did not cover ankles d. the right to vote 4. A wonderful 98 year old woman is working day and night to knit scarves to send as gifts for the troops. What selfless person she is! A selfless woman _______. a. is selfish b. has no name c. likes to wear scarves d. cares more about others than herself 5. . Those scientists want to hear what our professor thinks about their theory because he is the foremost expert in their field. A. The first or main one B. craziest C. least informed D. loudest 6. Brea and Elizabeth are having a dispute over which radio station to play at work. It would be so much simpler if they both liked the same kind of music. A dispute is a __________. a. musical instrument b. choice of music c. discovery d. disagreement 7. Your plan looks good. I hope it will really work. It’s time to implement it and see if it’s as brilliant as you claim. a. instrument b. take apart c. change d. carry on 8. Of course, I’m not saying that your plan is no good. I tend to be optimistic, so I won’t be surprised when you succeed. a. expecting the best to happen b. needing glasses to see c. full of gas d. unselfish 9. “I am going to rescind the permission I gave you to use my toys!” T. J. announced angrily. “I thought you would take good care of them, but I was wrong!” a. repeat b. celebrate c. continue d. cancel 10. Our new alarm system will wake up the entire neighborhood if an intruder gets in the house. An intruder is someone who intrudes. To intrude is to __________. A. paint or repair old buildings B. wear ones shoes on the wrong feet C. go where one is not wanted or doesn't belong D. be very noisy PAKI ANSWER PO THANK YOU :>


1. C.

2. D.

3. D

4. D

5. A

6. D

7. D

8. A

9. D

10. C


Context clues are hints given to readers to understand a difficult word in a sentence. The readers should be sensitive and should have a deep understanding of what they have been reading in order to recognize the meaning of the difficult word.

Esteemed, according to Merriam, is someone who is admired or someone held in great respect.

Suffrage means the right to vote in political elections.

Selfless means someone who prioritizes other people's needs than themselves.

Foremost means most prominent in rank or first.

Dispute means disagreement.

For #7, you need to have a deeper understanding for you to recognize what implement means. You need to understand the entire statement.

Optimistic means looking towards positivity.

Rescind means to revoke or cancel.

An Intruder is someone who enters a place without asking permission.

Hope this helps. Happy learning :)

15. The key to have a healthy family is to love them, respect them, and supporting them. A healthy relationship between family means that they feel love from you, it creates a strong connection from the family. A healthy family doesn’t need to be perfect or rich or anything, the importance of it is that you have fun memories of them. The more closer to your family the more bonding that you made. Make sure to have time for your family so that you will have good relationship. Always respect your family even if it is a young or old. Communicate with your family everyday to express how are you feeling today, how is your day at work or school. It is important to communicate to them so that you will be open to them if you had problems or you just need to speak with this helps you to be honest with your family. Always support your family at all time especially in difficult times. Always share with your family to show your appreciation to them that you care about your family. What is the cohesive device in the poem?


penge points pleeeaaaseee

16. REFERENCE FOR THE LEARNERS ACTIVITY 3: FIND OUT! From the lines taken from the story, choose the meaning of the underlined words through context clues. 1.Shinano was governed by a despotic leader who though a warrior, ruthless and dictator in his entire period of leadership. A. good B. bad C. submissive 2.The poor farmer loved his aged mother with tender reverence, follow the emperor’s merciless order that filled his heart with sorrow. A. great politeness B. great honor and respect C. fear and disobedience 3.Just at sundown, when his day’s work was ended, he took a quantity of unwhitened rice which is principal food for poor, cooked and dried it, and tying it in a square cloth, swung and bundle around his neck along with a gourd, long and rounded, filled with cool, sweet water. A. case B. box C. jar 4.The eyes of the old mother were not so dim as they move with reckless hastening, and her loving heart full of worries. A. quick walking B. careful walking C. careless walking 5. The aged mother gave her last injunction that made the emperor realized that power was not just from the youth. A. reminder B. solution C. proposal ​


I'd rather


I'd rather disobey the law than abandon my aged mother.

17. Ex. My brother is enthralled by birds similar to the way that I am fascinated by insects.The stench of the old shoes was like the smell of garbage.Read carefully the sentences. Find the meaning of underlined word then, encircle theletter of your answer.1. The girls languidly put on their jackets as if they had no energy at allA) energeticallyB) quicklyC)energy-lessD)actively2. Some people feel perplexed by brain teasers, while others figure them out quickly.A) Troubled or confused B) at easeC)calmD)relaxed3. After being unable to get a good night's sleep for many days, Allyson became lethargic. She didn'thave the energy to get out of bed.A) activeB)bubblyC)exhausted D)lively4. Instead of climbing into bed, she decided to take a nap on the chaise.A) sleeping bagB)bed-like furniture C)chairD)floor5. The unsubstantial story was as if she were retelling a dream.A) realisticB)trueC)unrealD) real6. The mother was determined to prove her son's innocence; the father was resolute as wellA) waveringB)determined C)not determined DunsureCarey was chosen as the emissary for the fint​









that is all the answer thank u

18. Practice Task 3Read the passage and answer the questions. Choose the correct answer.Mary went downstairs. There was an aroma in the air. The table was setwith warm blueberry muffins, freshly squeezed orange juice, and brewed coffee. Anote was left on the table. It said, "Dear Mary, Have a great day. Good Luck atyour new job. Love, Dan" Next to the note there was a wrapped present with abow on top.1. Who is Mary?a. A wifeb. a husbandc. a bakerd. a nice person2. What time of the day is it?a. Morningb. afternoonc. evening3. Based on the information in the passage, what does aroma probably mean?a. Something pretty b. something nice c. something that smell4. There was a brewed coffee on the table. What does brewed mean?a.oldb. made c. plain5. What was the purpose of the note?a. To inform b. to entertain c. to congratulate thank6. Who is Dan?a. Her husband b. her boss c. her neighbour7. What is Mary's new job?a. Sa store clerkb. bakerc. real state agenta. oldd. not enough information given8.Who probably made the muffin, orange juice and coffe?a. Mary b. Dan9.Why was there a present on the table?a. To congratulateb. a thank you say sorryd. not enough information​



something that smell


to congratulate


not enough information given


To congratulate

19. 1. If only I can, I would ______ and take care of my mother while she was ill. I regret not being able to do that when she was at the hospital. 2. ______, a liter of gasoline only costs 23 pesos. Look at how much it costs now! 3. I sometimes think that children kissing the hands of their parents is ______. I don’t see it happening a lot anymore nowadays. 4. In the ______, we would just go to the river during summer instead of to the private resorts that kids nowadays go to. 5. I have not seen you for years! We should ______. 6. I am so exhausted. Let’s ______ and go home. 7. I want to show my friends that I mean well, but ______. They do not believe me anymore. 8. I’ve already forgiven you. What happened to us before is all ______ now. Idioms: good old days that ship has sailed make up for lost time water under the bridge back in the days turn back time a thing of the past call it a day

Here are the sentences with their correct idioms:

1. If only I can, I would turn back time and take care of my mother while she was ill. I regret not being able to do that when she was at the hospital.

2. Back in the days, a liter of gasoline only costs 23 pesos. Look at how much it costs now!

3. I sometimes think that children kissing the hands of their parents is a thing of the past. I don’t see it happening a lot anymore nowadays.

4. In the good old days, we would just go to the river during summer instead of to the private resorts that kids nowadays go to.

5. I have not seen you for years! We should make up for lost time.

6. I am so exhausted. Let’s call it a day and go home.

7.  I want to show my friends that I mean well, but that ship has sailed. They do not believe me anymore.

8. I’ve already forgiven you. What happened to us before is all water under the bridge now.

Hope it helps...

20. 9. While the guest is speaking, Cynthia is daydreaming.The synonym of daydreaming isA. lookingB. imaginingC. unawareD. laughing10. Father is expected to leave before midnight. The underlined word meansA. 11 o'clockB. 10 o'clockC. 9 o'clockD. 12 o'clock11. It is immoral to tell lies. The underlined word meansA. evilB. goodC. kindD. false12. You can buy this television set because it is affordable. The underlined word meansA. availableB. inexpensiveC. durableD. costly13. The scissors in the mall (, B. are,C. has, D. were) expensive.14. The news today. about the continuous rise of Covid-19 cases in the Philippines.A. isB. areC. wereD. will15. The young scientiststhe experiment set-up daily.A. observeB. observesC. observedD. is observing16. Many schools in the new normalshifted to Blended Learning.A. hasB. haveC. are having D. are17. Jomariwatching movies from Netflix during the lockdown.A. loveB. loves C. lovedD. is loving18. Some Filipino doctorsamong the first casualties of COVID-19.A. areB. isC. wereD. will19. Hedinner for his family last night.A. cookB. cooksC.'cookedD. will cook20. Nathaniel to school every day.A. walkB. walks C. walkedD. will walk21. Thefountainis an attractive view to visitors.A B C DWhich of the underlined words is the adjective?22. Maricon is theamong the ladies in the office.A. prettyB. prettierC. prettiestD. Most pretty23. The Ramos family lives in a community in Laguna.A. peaceful B. less peaceful C. more peaceful D. most peaceful24. The medical front liners sacrificed the during this pandemic.A. moreB. less C. mostD. least25. I was thrilled to receive abook with my order.A. big, beautiful, leather-boundB. leather-bound, big, beautifulC. beautiful big leather-boundC. leather-bound, beautiful, big.26. He was wearing ashirt.A. dirty old flannel B. old dirty flannel C. flannel old dirty D. flannel dirty old27. He makes his assignment regularly. What do you call the underlined word in the sentence?A. adverb of mannerC. adverb of placeB. Adverb of frequency D. adverb of time28. Thegrade five pupilsdancevery gracefully..A BC DWhich of the underlined words is an adverb of intensity?29. Good children always obey their parents.A B CDWhich of the underlined words is an adverb of frequency?B. mayD. have to30. Which modal is appropriate to the following sentence?like to invite you to my birthday party.A. mightC. would31. What modal will make the sentence complete?All of us conserve water and electricity now.A. couldB. shouldC. wouldD. might​









10. A

11. A

12. B

13. B

14. A

15. B

16. A

17. B

21. (THE QUESTION IS IN THE PHOTO).STORY:I was quite happy in my new place, and if there was one thing that I missed it must not be thought I was discontented; all who had to do with me were good and I had a light airy stable and the best of food. What more could I want? Why, liberty! For three years and a half of my life I had had all the liberty I could wish for; but now, week after week, month after month, and no doubt year after year, I must stand up in a stable night and day except when I am wanted, and then I must be just as steady and quiet as any old horse who has worked twenty years. Straps here and straps there, a bit in my mouth, and blinkers over my eyes. Now, I am not complaining, for I know it must be so. I only mean to say that for a young horse full of strength and spirits, who has been used to some large field or plain where he can fling up his head and toss up his tail and gallop away at full speed, then round and back again with a snort to his companions - I say it is hard never to have a bit more liberty to do as you like. Sometimes, when I have had less exercise than usual, Ihave felt so full of life and spring that when John has taken me out to exercise I really could not keep quiet; do what I would, it seemed as if I must jump, or dance, or prance, and many a good shake I know I must have given him, especially at the first; but he was always good and patient.(THE QUESTION IS IN THE PHOTO.)​


no.6 letter a

no.7 letter b

no.8 letter d

no.9 letter a

22. Complete the passage below with the appropriate form of the verb and correct tense. I wonder what new things we (buy) tomorrow. The excitement of the upcoming new school year is something I always look forward to. New school year means encountering new people and new adventure in school. Tonight I (write) the list of school materials I need to have. This would also mean (have) to double check my old school stuffs so that I can still (know) which that I use some of them. Then, from the list that I have, I things to prioritize. Furthermore, aside from my excitement of purchasing new things, (look) forward to meeting new classmates, friends and teachers. (become) good friends and that my teachers (be) kind to us. (see) my former friends and classmates, too, adds to the thrill of going back to school. And because of all these, I (go) to school early on Monday so that I I I am certain that we (late) on my first day in school. Complete the passage below with the appropriate form of the verb and correct tense . I wonder what new things we ( buy ) tomorrow . The excitement of the upcoming new school year is something I always look forward to . New school year means encountering new people and new adventure in school . Tonight I ( write ) the list of school materials I need to have . This would also mean ( have ) to double check my old school stuffs so that I can still ( know ) which that I use some of them . Then , from the list that I have , I things to prioritize . Furthermore , aside from my excitement of purchasing new things , ( look ) forward to meeting new classmates , friends and teachers . ( become ) good friends and that my teachers ( be ) kind to us . ( see ) my former friends and classmates , too , adds to the thrill of going back to school . And because of all these , I ( go ) to school early on Monday so that I I I am certain that we ( late ) on my first day in school .v​


dapat may pic ture para maintindi ng mabuti

23. 9. While the guest is speaking, Cynthia is daydreaming.The synonym of daydreaming isA. lookingB. imagining10. Father is expected to leave before midnight. The underlined word meansC. unawareD. laughingA. 11 o'clockB. 10 o'clock11. It is immoral to tell lies. The underlined word meansC. 9 o'clockD.12 o'clockA. evilB. goodC. kind12. You can buy this television set because it is affordable. The underlined word meansD. falseA. availableB. inexpensiveC. durableD. costly13. The scissors in the mall (, B. are,C.has, D. were) expensive.14. The news today about the continuous rise of Covid-19 cases in the Philippines.A. isB. areC. wereD. will15. The young scientiststhe experiment set-up daily.A. observeB. observesC. observedD. is observing16. Many schools in the new normalshifted to Blended Learning.A. hasB. haveC. are having D. are17. Jomariwatching movies from Netflix during the lockdown.A. loveB. loves C. lovedD. is loving18. Some Filipino doctorsamong the first casualties of COVID-19.A. areB. isC. wereD. will19. Hedinner for his family last night.A. cookB. cooksC.'cookedD. will cook20. Nathaniel to school every day.A. walkB. walks C. walkedD. will walk21. Thefountainis an attractive view to visitors.A B C DWhich of the underlined words is the adjective?22. Maricon is theamong the ladies in the office.A. prettyB. prettierC. prettiestD. Most pretty23. The Ramos family lives in a community in Laguna.A. peaceful B. less peaceful C. more peaceful D. most peaceful24. The medical front liners sacrificed the during this pandemic.A. moreD. leastB. less C. mostbook with my order.25. I was thrilled to receive aB. leather-bound, big, beautifulA. big, beautiful, leather-boundC. leather-bound, beautiful, big.C. beautiful big leather-boundshirt.26. He was wearing aC. flannel old dirty D. flannel dirty oldA. dirty old flannel B. old dirty flannel27. He makes his assignment regularly. What do you call the underlined word in the sentence?C. adverb of placeA. adverb of mannerD. adverb of timeB. Adverb of frequency28. Thegrade five pupilsdancevery gracefully..A BWhich of the underlined words is an adverb of intensity?C D29. Good children always obey their parents.А B сDWhich of the underlined words is an adverb of frequency?D. have toB. may30. Which modal is appropriate to the following sentence?like to invite you to my birthday partyA. mightC. would31. What modal will make the sentence complete?All of usconserve water and electricity now.A. couldB. shouldC. wouldD. might​

9. B

24. B. Before you read the selection, try to determine the meaning of the words in bold letters in the sentences below. Choose your answers from the box and write your answers on the line before each number. Number one (1) is already given as an example. Change Oneness Beginning Provides Basic Shallow Admire Power New Accomplished Practice Religious Beginning 1. The conception of an invention starts with an idea. 2. The fundamental need of an individual to learn is a basic night. 3. A transition in one's attitude involves a change of heart. 4. A group that has solidarity has unity. 5. A superficial understanding of a lesson leads to its shallow application 6. A person who renders service gives himself completely. 7. The appliances were modern but the cabinets were old and solid. 8. She was well educated in literature at a university. 9. The strength of the army was greatly diminished by outbreaks of disease. 10. You gave us all the good memories that we will cherish all the days of our life.​


1. beginning









25. SOFIA G. GUSTILO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL English 6 arter Assessment 1 2: Write the word Reality if the sentence tells a real event and Make-believe if the event tells a fanciful event. 1. Her fairy grandmother gives her the power to transform herself into somebody else. 2. Rats bring different diseases. 3. The Philippines is a country with thousands of islands and islets 4. Seeing a brown butterfly means good luck. 5. Singing in front of the stove while cooking means you will marry an old man. 6. Spiderman flies from one building to another. 7. The howling of the dog at the middle of the night means there are bad spirit around 8. Mang Jose's hen lays golden egg. 9. Summer and rainy days are the two major seasons in the Philippines. 10. In the Philippine culture, men and women are treated equally.​


ano ba sasagutan dyan


meron bang sasagutan dyan?

1. Make-believe

2. Reality

3. Reality

4. Make-believe

5. Make-believe

6. Make-believe

7. Make-believe

8. Make-believe

9. Reality

10. Reality

26. Statements:  The poem is speaking in the first person. He tells us that we should forget our friends. He stresses that for old times’ sake, we should preserve friendships. The phrase “my dear” in stanza 1 pertains to his lover. The phrase “a cup of kindness” means coffee that they should drink. The phrase “my dear” in stanza 1 pertains to his friend. The author recounts how they paddled in the river. The phrase “a cup of kindness” means alcohol. In stanza 4, the author recalls the memories of good times. They spend time until morning of the day after. After feeling tired from their adventures, they had still walked on beside each other, depending on each other for company. The two have been changed by time. The last stanza, he tells his friend that he will trust him always. They manifest this trust through a handshake. The two friends have been separated by the length of the sea. The last stanza gives the conclusion that their meeting is over and it is time for them to separate once more. 1. ____________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________________________________ 7. _____________________________________________________________________ 8. _____________________________________________________________________ 7 9. _____________________________________________________________________ 10._____________________________________________________________________


pa brainliest po


pa brainliest po

27. Complete each sentence with an appropriate idiom. Choose the idiom from the list below. Write your answers in this forum.1. If only I can, I would ______ and take care of my mother while she was ill. I regret not being able to do that when she was at the hospital.2. ______, a liter of gasoline only costs 23 pesos. Look at how much it costs now!3. I sometimes think that children kissing the hands of their parents is ______. I don’t see it happening a lot anymore nowadays.4. In the ______, we would just go to the river during summer instead of to the private resorts that kids nowadays go to.5. I have not seen you for years! We should ______.6. I am so exhausted. Let’s ______ and go home.7. I want to show my friends that I mean well, but ______. They do not believe me anymore.8. I’ve already forgiven you. What happened to us before is all ______ now.Idioms:good old daysthat ship has sailedmake up for lost timewater under the bridgeback in the daysturn back timea thing of the pastcall it a day




















28. Choose the best answer by writing the letter of the correct answer on your notebook. 1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Literal Language? A. Descriptive words C. Factual Information B. Dictionary meaning D. Technical terms 2. Which of the following is most likely to be written in Literal Language? A. Love Letter C. Recipe B. Poem D. Song 3. Which of the following best describes Figurative language? A. It is stated using difficult words B. It is a language exclusive for poets and writers. C. It uses colorful language to stir the imagination D. It requires a dictionary to understand its meaning. 4. Anikka’s favorite snack is bread and butter is an example of? A. Idiomatic Expression C. Literal Language B. Figurative Language D. Personification 5. My parents were the sun and the moon of my life. What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? A. Hyperbole C. Personification B. Metaphor D. Simile 6. I bought a piece of strawberry cake for dessert. A. Hyperbole B. Idiom C. Literal D. Metaphor 7. My mind is like a clamorous marketplace. A. Metaphor B. Onomatopoeia C. Oxymoron D. Simile 8. Time flies so fast. A. Hyperbole B.idiom D. Metaphor C. Oxymoron D. Simile 9. The personification “the camera loves me” means _______________. A. I am a photographer C. My pictures are really good B. I have a new camera D.Photography is my hobby 10. The statement “My father owns a dinosaur car” means ___________. A. The car is unique C. The car is very old B. The car is brand new D. The car is automatic 11. I was so tired that I slept for years is an example of _____________. A. Hyperbole B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Simile 12. The ringing of the phone awakens us. A. Hyperbole B. Idiom C. Onomatopoeia D. Personification 13. My sister has a hair as black as coal is an example of ___________. A. Idiom C. Oxymoron B. Metaphor D. Simile 14. Our teacher said, “let’s call it a day.” This idiom means __________. A. Time is calling C. At the last minute B. Someone is calling D. It is already time to stop 15. My friend and I pig out every weekend. This means ____________. A. Eat a lot C. Study B. Play D. Watch movie Paki sagot po kailangan napo bukas
















29. What's MoreActivity 2 Identifying implicit and explicit Information. White (el) the given written todisan explicit information and (h) the text displays an implicit information. Write youranswer in your activity notebook1 like to eat mangoes because they are yummy and nutritious2. Joseph wakes up early and sleeps late. His phone is always connected to his charger3. My 4-year-old nephew ran towards me when he saw me getting a box from my car'strunk4. All lving things are made up of cells. That means, plants too, have calls5. Mrs. Labitad is afraid of heights. It all started her co-worker jokingly pushed her whileshe was on the railings of a mountain resort8. During the pandemic, there was goal tage of disinfectants. Strangely, one of mysocial media friends never ran out of boing alcohol. She sold them at abovestandard price7. If you are planning to go to the of Caveria, make sure to bring with you extrabatteries for your camera8. According to studies ating buits and states helps us to foster good digestion9. When I want to my friend's party. I saverything they served except pork10. The Philippine Independence Day celebrated every 12 of June.​


1. ei





that's all I know for now

30. Learning Task 7: Individual Activity Directions: To highlight the use of local colors, the photos below of the well-known places in Atimonan, Quezon are used. Replace the unfamiliar words used in the sentences which are synonymous to the words inside the box. Atimonan Old Zigzag Road also known as Bitukang Manok to locals is (1) famed for its marvelous view on way up. Many riders love to travel here looking for adventure after finding themselves in a high (2) altitude. The upward climb within Quezon National Park reveals a (3) picturesque view of Mt. Pinagbanderahan. a historical site which literally means "where the flag was hoisted". photographic Source: Starky Photography 2021 popular anonymous hazy A very nice place for (4) relaxation after the day's work and perfect tambayan. (place to hang out) is the newest tourist (5) destination in the municipality. Baypack. Atimonan. The park was constructed for the enjoyment of public. As it faces Lamon Bay, you will be amazed by the (6) magnificent beauty of the sea for it has a good view of Alabat Island. Aside from tambayan, there are (7) recreational activities to do here like walking, exercising, cycling, playing, dancing etc. awesome pastime enjoyable chaos place Source: Starky Photography 2021​

are textual aids easy to create an impactful and supplying information

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