It s Been A Month

It s Been A Month

A boutique has been selling skirts for 5 months. Its monthly sales of skirts is mapped by the function S = -t4 + 11t3 – 30t2 + 22t + 944, where S is the amount of skirt sold and t is the number of months. How much is the skirt sales for the last 5 months?​

Daftar Isi

1. A boutique has been selling skirts for 5 months. Its monthly sales of skirts is mapped by the function S = -t4 + 11t3 – 30t2 + 22t + 944, where S is the amount of skirt sold and t is the number of months. How much is the skirt sales for the last 5 months?​


PHP 1,054

Step-by-step explanation: -(5)^4+11 (5)^2+22(5)+944= 1054

Substitute lang sa "t" yung 5 which is 'yung 5 months kasi T is the no. of months.

2. Directions: Choose among the following experiences the situation thathas been a part of your life over the past month. Put a checkmark (/) onthe line provided before the number of your choice/s.​


/ 1.

/ 2.















Hindi ko na tsek yung iba kasi hindi siya nangyayari sa akin in the past months, kapag nangyayari ito sayo, lagyan mo ng tsek. At sana maging ok ka lang. Fighting!


__√__ 1.

__√__ 2.

__?__ 3.

__√__ 4.

__?__ 5.

__?__ 6.

__√__ 7.

__?__ 8.

__√__ 9.

__√__ 10.


I can't answer the 11-15 sorry


3. Karen has been measuring the length of her baby,s hair. The first time it was 6cm long and after one month it was 2cm longer. If the hair continues to grow at this rate,determine the function that represents the hair growth. What is the length of the hair after 3 months?

Let f(x) represents the function.

'x' represent the number of months.

length of hair =6cm

After one month = 2cm longer

Function represents the hair g growth} => f(x) = 2x+6

Length of hair after 3 months} => 2(3)+6

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ= 6+6

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ= 12 cm

Hope this helps

4. Activity 3: What's In a Theme?Directions: Read each selection. Identify the themels of each story. Write your answer on the space.1. Kim and Lloyd always walk together to school ever since they were inElementary. They share food, toys, secrets and even assignments. When one is not feeling well, the other would volunteer to take care. When one is angry the other just keeps quiet. They also have their petty quarrels but they will not end their day without discussing their differences.Theme/s:__________2. Jimmy and his young sister woke up early and walked on foot towards the pile of garbage to look for things to be recycled and sold. After almost two hours of going through the heap of garbage, the children hurriedly walked to Mang Nato's bodega to sell their items collected for the day. They were paid fifty pesos enough to buy for breakfast for their hungry stomach. The rest of the day, they will be picking vegetables in the market to earn some more money to buy food for lunch and dinner for their sick mother who is left home.Theme/s:__________3. During the gold rush, a man who had been mining in Colorado for severalmonths quit his job, as he hadn't struck gold yet and the work was becomingtiresome. He sold his equipment to another man who resumed mining where it had been left off. The new miner was advised by his engineer that there was gold only three feet away from where the first miner stopped digging. The engineer was right, which means the first miner was a mere threefeet away from striking gold before he quit.Theme/s:__________​


1. friend ship

2. Family


Yan po base sa nabasa

kayu na bhla sa 3

5. The month of January has been very significant for us. It gives us the hope of a new beginning. If you are to write a letter to your self that will constantly remind you to be a better version of yourself, how will it be? In accomplishing this portfolio entry, you have few things thing to keep in mind: ü you have to use at least three (3) idiomatic expressions. Please underline them. ü use the connotative meaning of any two (2) words. Please encircle the word/s. ü it does not have to lengthy, as long as it is sincere and it came from your heart, it would be very much appreciated.


asan po yung sasagutan

6. Bonus ctivity B: Read and understand the given situations. Identify the s sent in each item. (Average Type) 1. Roberto had been asked to write his friend's pensation of P5,000.00. 2. Lara's aunt gave her P1,000 on Christmas d 3. Juan had earned a lot from operating his m 4. Maria earns every month from being a pub​


may picture ka po ba dko po toh masasagutan sorry po haha


sorry for women I have offended on this but have offended the same

7. Juule (10 pcs)In these past few months, what software/s have you been using to help you inanswering your modules? How does a storage work? Why is posture important inusing computers?​


For the past few months Microsoft (word, PowerPoint) , and Chrome really helped me a lot.

I think it's very important to know if your storage is full or not cuz it may also affect the PC or any device that you're using,so delete those files that you know you wouldn't need anymore.

Having the right posture while using computers is important mainly because bad posture may result to a bad effect on our body and we'll also understand the topics more of we are in a comfortable and right posture.

8. 10. which of the following government agencies monitor and issues warnings on volcanic activities? a. P A G A S A b. P H I V O L C c. B F M d. D E N R 11.what should you do if your classmate is panicking during the earthquake a.panic with them away c.try to calm them down the police 12.why do emergency kits need to be restocked,if they have not been used in a while a.because it is a trend b.because they need to be restocked c.because it need to be checked once in a while d.because food can expire,and some electronics might not work and need to be changed 14.what are the two season in the philipines a.winter and fall b.wet and sunny c.cloudy and sunny d.dry and wet 15.which of the following season is characterized by hot and cloudless day a.dry season b.fall season c.winter season d.wet season 16.what month in the philipines is the peak of a dry season a. january b. april c.may d .september does the season in the philipines affect our daily lives affect the day and night affect the amount of food we take affect the number of month in a year affect our daily routine and work 18.what could possibly be the reading of the temperature when people wear thick cloths or jakets a.20*C b.25*c c.30*C D.33*c





13.Walang thirteen







That the answer

#Carry on learning

#God loves you











pa brainly salamat>3

9. 1. D = {x/x is an odd number greater than 5 but less than 10}2. S = {x/xis an even number less than 5}>S={_3. T= {x/x is a month of the year that starts in S}T = {4. Y = {x/x is a day of the week that starts in M}Y = {.5. L = { x/x are symbols in the Roman Numeration System }L = {B. State whether each set is empty, unit, finite, or infinite.1. A = { months in a year }2. B = { consonants which are also vowels}3. C = { names of days spelled with seven letters)4. D = { men who have been to the sun}5. E= { even prime numbers greater than 50}​


1. D = {7,9}

2. S = {2,4}

3. T = {September}

4. Y = {Monday}

5. L = {I,V,X,L,C,D,M}

1. A = {January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December} = Finite

2. B = { } = Empty

3. C = {Tuesday} = Unit

4. D = { } = Empty

5. E = {52,54,56,58,60...} = Infinite

Ask me anything you want me to explain about my answer.


10. Directions. In the following sentences, underline the subject(s) once and the verb(s) twice. If an agreement error exists, correct the error. If there is no error(s), mark the sentence as correct. Put it on the space provided. ________1. Phasing out the procedures used in the 1930's, many proponents of scientific data was included in the development of new and better methods of pasteurizing milk. ________2. The process by which the majority diagnoses the problems of developing a corporate charter allow would-be executives to voice their opinions openly. ________3. By taking emphasis off the play instincts of the human race, new vigor and effectiveness is lost because recreation for the body and for the mind is almost nonexistent. ________4. Rhonda Holmes is one of the scientists’ aides who have been so helpful to the committee staff. ________5. The high standard of the judge, the jury, and four lawyers was effectively upheld. ________6. Physics in my classes at Sul Ross University were very difficult for me to learn and understand. ________7. Neither foreign language nor an advanced English literature course are required for business school graduates at the university. ________8. The first movie my twin sisters remember was a take-off on The Brady Bunch. ________9. The student who conducted the research for the last three months have determined that the amount of sales generated will decrease by five percent. ________10. The gorilla, along with two monkeys, a kangaroo, and a white bird, were seen on the deck of an old, weathered boat yesterday during a cloud-break.​



If an agreement error exists, correct the error. If there is no error(s), mark the sentence as correct. 1. Phasing out th

11. Activity 3: What's in a theme? Directions: Read each selection. Identify the themels of each story. Write your answer on the space. 1. Kim and Lloyd always walk together to school ever since they were in elementary. They share food, toys, secrets and even assignments. When one is not feeling well, the other would volunteer to take care. When one is angry the other just keeps quiet. They also have their petty quarrels but they will not end their day without discussing their differences. Theme/s:__________ 2. Jimmy and his young sister woke up early and walked on foot towards the pile of garbage to look for things to be recycled and sold. after almost two hours of going through the heap of garbage, the children hurriedly walked to mang nato's bodega to sell their items collected for the day. They were paid fifty pesos enough to buy for breakfast for their hungry stomach. The rest of the day, they will be picking vegetables in the market to earn some more money to buy food for lunch and dinner for their sick mother who is left home. Theme/s:__________ 3. During the gold rush, a man who had been mining in colorado for several months quit his job, as he hadn't struck gold yet and the work was becoming tiresome. He sold his equipment to another man who resumed mining where it had been left off. The new miner was advised by his engineer that there was gold only three feet away from where the first miner stopped digging. The engineer was right, which means the first miner was a mere three feet away from striking gold before he quit. Theme/s:__________​

Activity 3: What's in a theme? Directions: Read each selection. Identify the themels of each story. Write your answer on the space.

1. Kim and Lloyd always walk together to school ever since they were in elementary. They share food, toys, secrets and even assignments. When one is not feeling well, the other would volunteer to take care. When one is angry the other just keeps quiet. They also have their petty quarrels but they will not end their day without discussing their differences. Theme/s:__________

2. Jimmy and his young sister woke up early and walked on foot towards the pile of garbage to look for things to be recycled and sold. after almost two hours of going through the heap of garbage, the children hurriedly walked to mang nato's bodega to sell their items collected for the day. They were paid fifty pesos enough to buy for breakfast for their hungry stomach. The rest of the day, they will be picking vegetables in the market to earn some more money to buy food for lunch and dinner for their sick mother who is left home. Theme/s:__________

3. During the gold rush, a man who had been mining in colorado for several months quit his job, as he hadn't struck gold yet and the work was becoming tiresome. He sold his equipment to another man who resumed mining where it had been left off. The new miner was advised by his engineer that there was gold only three feet away from where the first miner stopped digging. The engineer was right, which means the first miner was a mere three feet away from striking gold before he quit. Theme/s:__________

12. Instructions: Draw a table with four columns on it in your English activity notebook. Label them with the four Features of Academic Writing. Copy the table below. Then, read the news article entitled "How the Philippines is Fighting COVID-19" by Anna Malindog-Uy dated July 5, 2020. Pick out the word/s or sentences that are indicators of the Features of Academic Writing and write them in the column where the word/s or sentence/s belong/s. Formality Objectivity Explicitness Caution How The Philippines Is Fighting COVID-19 After more than three months of hard lockdowns, the Philippines is now trying to ease quarantine restrictions for its economy to bounce back. While the focus is on saving lives and looking after the health and well-being of every Filipino, developing economies like the Philippines with a population of around 109 million people - a high percentage of which come from hand-to-mouth households simply cannot afford the use of containment measures like hard lockdowns for the entire country indefinitely. Hence, the government has considered steps to safety and gradually reopen the economy. - As the Philippines reopens its economy by easing out restrictions after successful lockdowns, it has experienced a reversed trend in the number of COVID-19 positive cases. The number of deaths has been reduced to single-digit, while the number of positive cases has increased significantly to three-digit. This reversal is somewhat expected because more people are now back on the streets. One of the contributing factors to the rise in COVID-19 positive cases is the influx of returning Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), of which some have tested positive upon arrival in the Philippines. For instance, as of July 2, out of the 99,353 returning OFWS, 2,424 were confirmed as being COVID-19 positive.

Answer:| Features of Academic Writing | Examples from the Article ||------------------------------|---------------------------|| Formality | - developing economies like the Philippines with a population of around 109 million people- Hence, the government has considered steps to safety and gradually reopen the economy. || Objectivity | - While the focus is on saving lives and looking after the health and well-being of every Filipino- This reversal is somewhat expected because more people are now back on the streets. || Explicitness | - The number of deaths has been reduced to single-digit, while the number of positive cases has increased significantly to three-digit.- For instance, as of July 2, out of the 99,353 returning OFWS, 2,424 were confirmed as being COVID-19 positive. || Caution | - developing economies like the Philippines with a population of around 109 million people - a high percentage of which come from hand-to-mouth households simply cannot afford the use of containment measures like hard lockdowns for the entire country indefinitely. |

13. utine problems involving divisiondigit numbers by 1- to 2-digit numbers includingropriate problem-solving strategies and toolshe following problems:ark receives P36 every month for allowance. Hehis allowance into a piggy bank until his piggyas P135. How many months has he been savings allowance?Understand:Plan:Solve:Check and Look back:​

3r34 thats my answer but I'm not sure about

14. 1. Directions: Choose among the following experiences the situation that hasbeen a part of your life over the past month. Put a check mark (/) on theline provided before the number of your choice/s.1. COVID 192. Modular Distance Learning3. Lacking your activities in school4. Conflicts with siblings (sisters/brothers)5. Too many things to do at once6. Financial problems within the family7. A lot of responsibilities8. Struggling to meet deadlines in submission of modules9. Having your trust betrayed by a friend10. Conflicts with friends11. Separation from people you care about12. No enough leisure time13. Parents too busy with work and spend little time with you14. Not accepted by friends15. Family problem​




3. /


7. /

8. /




15. betty`s store has just opened.she has been in business for only about two months. the people who used to patronize other stores now go to betty`s store a.betty is very friendly b.betty has a lot of stock in store c.betty threatens the costumers d.betty offer lowest prize and discount


the answer is probably B.

16. what a dark and Stormy night only a kerosene lamp lighted up little room.and only dino,a twelve years old boy was at home to take care of his younger brother and sister,Good and princes s who is only one month he wished his father had been home before dark. his thought was soon drifting away.What if something happened to their parents?Then there was a rattling sound at the door.jose ran to open was his father.he was injured his left ankle was swollen because he got hurt when the jeepney he had taken turned down.1.where is the setting?________________2.who are the characters?___________________LAST ONE PLEASE ANSWER ​


2.Dino, princess, jose, father.

17. (1) One of the most affected segments of our society that has been shaken bythe global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, SARS CoV-2, is the educationsector. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of all learners in thePhilippines since March. There have been many stories of learners being concernedby the spread of the deadly virus as schools across the country were closed. This isthe first pandemic to have had a huge impact on education not only in the Philippinesbut across the world.(2) Countries like South Korea and France have been forced to close their schools shortly after they re-opened due to increase in coronavirus cases. In the Philippines, while the government and health officials are trying to flatten the curve of the deadly virus, the Department of Education is working hard to transition the modality of teaching from conventional "face-to-face" learning to so called "blended learning." At the moment, the DepEd is absorbed in its month-long "remote enrollment process", which started on June 1, 2020.THESE ARE THE STEPS IN THE PICTUREIDENTIFY THE MAIN IDEA/SLOOK FOR THE ESSENTIALDETAILS NECESSARY FORBSUPPORTING THE MAIN IDEA/SLIST AND ARANGE THE KEY POINTS (main idea/s and essential details necessary for supporting the main idea/s).WRITE A SHOETENED VERSION OF THE TEXT IN YOUR OWN WORDS.COMBINE WORDS OR IDEASI hope you can answer this because deadline is 2:00 pm:]​


by doing the right and attending programs

18. II.Identify which among the statements contain Factual information (statements that canbe verified or proven to be true or false) or Subjective content (involves judgementfeeling, opinion, intuition, or emotion rather than factual information). Write Fforfactual and S for subjective. Write your answer on the space before the number,1. Your heart pumps blood through your body.2. Sunday is the best day of the week.3. This has been a terrible month.4. Watching fireworks on the 4th of July is lots of fun.5. There are 12 months in the year.6. The pandemic Covid-19 scared the whole world.7. Everyone should make Valentine's Day cards.8. Your birthday comes only one day a year.9. Memorial Day is the most important holiday of the year.10. A giant tortoise can live to be over 150 years old.​


your heart pumps blood through your body

19. Activity # 3: Direction: Underline the past perfect tense of the verb in each sentence. Example: Mary had given me Ryan's address before she left. 1. Uncle David went to the doctor after he had been ill for a month. 2. When the boys arrived at the cinema, the movie had already started. 3. Before we reached the station we saw that we had lost our way. 4. All the tickets had been sold before the concert began. 5. They took a shower after they had finished the game. 6. I asked Mr. Santos how many books he had read. 7. My mother asked me why I had not cleaned up my room. S. Bob was sorry that he had told me the story, 2. Alan watched TV after he had eaten his lunch. 10. The sun shone yesterday after it had been cold for many weeks.PASAGOT PO NEED PO NGAYONTY NA LNG NAG SAGOT:>​


Afterarrivedsaw/ reachedsold / beganfinishedhad readcleanedtoldeatenshone


yan po sagot isulat mo na sa paper mo

20. I. ANALYZING. Modified True or False. Read and examine each item and look on its underlined word/s. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if the statement is FALSE, make the statement right by writing the correct word/s on the blank provided. 1. GDP is known as the final value of the goods and services produced within the geographic boundaries of a country during a specified period of time. The word GDP stands for Gross Daily Product. 2. Inflation is the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time. 3. A market basket is a sample of goods and services used to represent all goods and services bought by a group of consumers in a particular area. 4. Wage is a labor-rendered service paid by the month. 5. The NFIA is added to the GDP to come up with the GNI. 6. A small family tends to have higher consumption levels. 7. Nominal and real GDP are both used to measure the nation's economy. 8. Expenditure refers to the money spent for goods and services. 9. Disposable Income refers to the income of an individual which is available for spending and saving after taxes have been accounted for. 10. Inflation rate is also called as rate of change. True true​


[tex]\pink{ \rule{500pt}{100000pt}}[/tex]


1. True











Pa brainlist po please

21. John produces and sells 400 jars of homemade jelly each month for P30.00. Each month, he pays P2,000 for jars, pay P1,225 for ingredients, and uses his own time, with an opportunity cost of P3,000. His start-up capital was P5,000 that could earn him P800.00 a month. He sells his jellies in a store owned by his mother. Since, it is his momâ s place, John is not paying a rental fee. However, if the store is being rented to somebody else, he and his mom should have been earning P1,300.00 a month. He estimated his entrepreneurial talent to be P1,880. Calculate Johnâ s accounting profit?


bali 1x2 to the power of 4 is equal to s square

22. Let's Explore This: Suggested Time Allotment: 50 Minutes Think of three experiences over the past month which required decision making. An example has been provided as your guide. Experience Result of the Alternative Result of the Person/s (Based on the Decision Decision Decision Involved in your decision) decision Example: Example: Example: Example: I watched TV all al missed to I decided to a. I was able to Mother day. read my lessons. watch only for a read my lessons. few minutes. b. I missed the b. I finished the activities in the activities in the given module module.subject:Homeroom Guidance ​


5. Ano ang naging bunga ng pakikipaglaban ng mga kababaihan sa

kanilang karapatan upang makaboto?

A. Hindi dininig ang kanilang hinaing.

B. Nawalan ng saysay ang kanilang pakikipaglaban.

C. Naging matagumpay sila at nakamit ang mithiin.

D. Napakinggan sila ngunit hindi parin nabigyan ng karapatan.



5. Ano ang naging bunga ng pakikipaglaban ng mga kababaihan sa kanilang karapatan upang makaboto?

A. Hindi dininig ang kanilang hinaing.

B. Nawalan ng saysay ang kanilang pakikipaglaban.

\small\boxed{\fcolorbox{lightblue}{lightpink}{C. Naging matagumpay sila at nakamit ang mithiin.}}

C. Naging matagumpay sila at nakamit ang mithiin.

D. Napakinggan sila ngunit hindi parin nabigyan ng karapatan.

Lahat ng tao ay may karapatan na bumoto dahil sa kanila nakasalalay ang kabuhayan ng ating bansa.

Dahil ang mga kababaihan ay kaya nilang ipagtanggol ang sarili laban sa mga nang aabuso sa kanila.

Tayo ay may karapatan na bumoto dahil nakasalalay sa atin kung sino ang mananalo sa botohan

Tayo ay may karapatang mamili kung sino ang gusto nating iboto upang sa ating bansa.


23. [tex]\huge\red{L}\orange{e}\green{t}\blue{s} \huge \ \purple{e}\pink{x}\red{p}\orange{l}\green{o}\blue{r} \red{e} \huge\ \purple{t}\pink{h}\red{i}\orange{s} \green{!}[/tex]1. Imagine the time when the whole country has been placed under quarantine to keep everyone safe during the outbreak of the virus. 2. Illustrate based on your observation how did your family and the community survived the months where everyone has to stay at home. 3. Identify the people around you who extended help in your family and in the community. 4. You can color your drawing with brief explanation on it to make your artwork more attractive.Processing Questions:1. How did you feel while doing the activity?2. Who among the members of the community you find active in helping the people around your neighborhood?3. What is the importance of helping one another?​


for me i feel


1. feel safe and sad to other people because other people don't have food and house so if whole countru has been place under quarantine how abt the people dont have work, food, and house.

2.Governor, frontliners

3. the importance of helping one another because helping others is literally good for your heart, relieves pain and stress, and motivates you to achieve your own goals

24. _____1. David is asked to choose a day from a week. What is the probability of choosing a day which starts with S? _____2. Choosing a month from a year, what is the probability of selecting a month with 30 days?_____3. If one letter has been chosen randomly from the word DISTANCING, what is the probability that the chosen letter is a consonant?_____4. A box contains 7 red balls, 5 orange balls, 4 yellow balls, 6 greens balls, and 3 blue balls. What is the probability of drawing out an orange ball?_____5. There are 45 students in a class, 25 are girls. If the student is selected at random for a field trip, what is the probability of selecting a boy.patulong po.​


1. 2/7

2. 1/3

3. 7/10

4. 5/25

5. 4/9

Step-by-step explanation:

1. number of days in a week = 7

day that starts with S = 2 (Saturday and Sunday)

probability of choosing a day that starts with S:


2. number of month in a year = 12

number of months with 30 days = 4 (April, June, September, and November)

probability of selecting a month with 30 days:

4/12 = 1/3

3. total number of letters in DISTANCING = 10

number of letters that is consonant = 7

probability of chosen letter is a consonant:


4. total number of balls = 25

number of orange ball = 5

probability of drawing out an orange ball:


5. total number of students = 45

number of girls = 25

number of boys = 45 - 25 = 20

probability of selecting a boy:

20/45 = 4/9

25. What I KnowMODIFIED TRUE OR FALSEkitchen premises is True and FALSE * is not. Then underline the word(s) that make theDirections: Write TRUE # the statements about basic concepts in cleaning and sanitizingUNLDirestatement incorrect. Write your answer in crosswise sheet of paper1. If the person has been exposed to poisonous fumes, such as carbon monoxideget him or her into fresh air immediately.3. Use a paper towel for any mess that is likely to cause contamination, such as2. Don't use separate chopping boards for different kinds of food.raw meat or eggs, and anything that has fallen on the floor4. Wash your hands after handling food.5. Keep kitchen floors free from debris and grease by sweeping and washingregularly6. Wash and disinfect your rubbish bin once a month7. If the person swallowed the poison, don't remove anything remaining in themouth8. Keep your refrigerator clean and tidy.9. Wash surfaces that get touched10. Wear cotton clothing to cover your limbs and other parts of your body that mightbe exposed to the cleaning agent.​

i don't know sorry I can't help you

26. Directions. In the following sentences, underline the subject(s) once and the verb(s) twice. If an agreement error exists, correct the error. If there is no error(s), mark the sentence as correct. Put it on the space provided. ________1. Phasing out the procedures used in the 1930's, many proponents of scientific data was included in the development of new and better methods of pasteurizing milk. ________2. The process by which the majority diagnoses the problems of developing a corporate charter allow would-be executives to voice their opinions openly. ________3. By taking emphasis off the play instincts of the human race, new vigor and effectiveness is lost because recreation for the body and for the mind is almost nonexistent. ________4. Rhonda Holmes is one of the scientists’ aides who have been so helpful to the committee staff. ________5. The high standard of the judge, the jury, and four lawyers was effectively upheld. ________6. Physics in my classes at Sul Ross University were very difficult for me to learn and understand. ________7. Neither foreign language nor an advanced English literature course are required for business school graduates at the university. ________8. The first movie my twin sisters remember was a take-off on The Brady Bunch. ________9. The student who conducted the research for the last three months have determined that the amount of sales generated will decrease by five percent. ________10. The gorilla, along with two monkeys, a kangaroo, and a white bird, were seen on the deck of an old, weathered boat yesterday during a cloud-break.​


1. Phasing out the procedures used in the 1930's, many proponents of scientific data were included in the development of new and better methods of pasteurizing milk.

2. The process by which the majority diagnoses the problems of developing a corporate charter allows would-be executives to voice their opinions openly.

3.By taking emphasis off the play instincts of the human race, new vigor and effectiveness are lost because recreation for the body and for the mind are almost nonexistent.



6. Physics in my classes at Sul Ross University was very difficult for me to learn and understand.

7. Neither foreign language nor an advanced English literature course is required for business school graduates at the university.


9. The student who conducted the research for the last three months has determined that the amount of sales generated will decrease by five percent.

10. The gorilla, along with two monkeys, a kangaroo, and a white bird, was seen on the deck of an old, weathered boat yesterday during a cloud-break.

27. direction :lets see if you can differentiate and name the following scenarios as strength weaknesses opportunities or treat. write S if the statement is considered as strength, w for weakness, o for opportunities and t for threats in a sheet of paper. 1.the employees have equally undergone trainings on their respective fields 2.the location of the restaurant is within the commercial center. 3.the delivery service of ninja van takes usually longer 5 days after the expected delivery dates. 4.the location of your new hotel is 30 km away from the city. have opened an internet cafe near a high school in your community and observed that aside from the computer units, xerox machine is also much needed by the students. 6.globe users are complaining because of slow internet connection and hidden have opened your panciteria and have been gaining customers however,a new panciteria has open near want to have a poultry and hog farm but the government policies required you to put your farm far away from the residences, and make sure to cure animals waste to prevent possible threat of sickness. 9.the new restaurant in the city has gained customers after a social media advertisement. 10.your thrift shop business has been closed for months now and can still remain close. ​












28. The scenario A month ago you started a new job as finance director of a small company, Hypothetical Marketing. Your previous job was at a large office supplies company, Paperclips123, where you worked in the finance department and were involved in developing strategy and producing the annual report. Hypothetical Marketing has a contract with Paperclips123 to supply all office supplies, and the contract is up for renewal. The head of procurement, Sofia, asks you for a meeting to discuss the contract renewal. This isn’t out of the ordinary — you know that part of your new role is to discuss any important contract renewals with Sofia to ensure you’re on the same page on budget and key contract clauses. In the meeting, Sofia asks you for your take on Paperclips123’s current financial performance and strategy. She thinks that the company might be willing to compromise on price in return for better payment terms — there has been a rumour that Paperclips123 has cash flow issues and needs to get some cash into the business quickly. She reminds you that Hypothetical Marketing is struggling a bit at the moment and saving some money on this contract could be really helpful for the company. She also tells you that it would be beneficial for you if you could help the company save somemoney so early in your employment. You know lots about the situation at Paperclips123 — you wrote its financial strategy just a couple of months ago! Can you share with Sofia some information about Paperclips123?​


I'm sorry I dont no I'm not

29. II. Directions: Read the paragraph, then answer the questions that follow. Paving our Way for Continuity of Learning By Elizabeth S. Cuizon (A) The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed our education system over the past months. (B) Despite of this, the Department of Education has been adamant about delivering quality education for all learners. (C) Teachers have undergone various training and webinars to be equipped for the new normal. (D) Likewise, parents have been informed of essential information about the distance learning delivery modalities. (E) Modules and other supplementary learning materials have been produced. (F) All of these have helped ensure school readiness for the new normal in education. 6. What is the main topic of the paragraph? A. education C. pandemic​


A. education


30. Let's Dig In DIRECTIONS: Read the text below. Then, follow the steps in writing a summary to complete the table. Write a summary in 1 paragraph with 3 to 5 sentences. Continue writing on a separate sheet if necessary. The rubric is found after Let's Extend of this lesson. (1) One of the most affected segments of our society that has been shaken by the global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, SARS COV-2, is the education sector. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of all learners in the Philippines since March. There have been many stories of learners being concerned by the spread of the deadly virus as schools across the country were closed. This is the first pandemic to have had a huge impact on education not only in the Philippines but across the world. shortly after they re-opened due to increase in coronavirus cases. In the Philippines, (2) Countries like South Korea and France have been forced to close their schools virus, the Department of Education (DepEd) is working hard to transition the modality while the government and health officials are trying to flatten the curve of the deadly of teaching from conventional "face-to-face" learning to so-called "blended learning." At the moment, the DepEd is absorbed in its month-long "remote enrollment process". which started on June 1, 2020, Post. Reference: Malindog-ly. A. R. (2020, June 7). Stended tearminy tn Virus-Hit Philippines. The ASEAN Answers: Steps: Identify the main idea/s. Main idea/s: (1) (2) Look for the essential Essential details necessary for supporting the details necessary for main ideas: supporting the main idea/s. List and arrange the key Key points: points (main idea/s and essential details necessary for supporting the main idea/s) Write a shortened version of Summary: the text in your own words. Combine words or ideas. 11


Brainliest po ako please lang

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