Let s Get Some Rest

Let s Get Some Rest

Here are some pieces of advice on how to respond when you are struggling with or hopelessness. Read and complete the table below. In the reaction column, write down the effect or impression of the advice to you and in the action column, write down your plan/s in response to the advice.Advice Reaction Action 1. Talk about it to God. He can handle it. He knows what you're thinking anyway and wants to hear from you! 2. Ask God's forgiveness when you've taken your eyes off of Him and forgotten to communicate with Him. 3. Ask for the ability to let go of all the anger and self pity. You cannot get rid of it in your own strength 4. Rest and eat right. It is important that you rest and have proper nourishment. ILO CITY INITIAT 5. Don't quit. No matter how afraid, anxious, depressed you are. Put your hope in God who cares for you DO​

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1. Here are some pieces of advice on how to respond when you are struggling with or hopelessness. Read and complete the table below. In the reaction column, write down the effect or impression of the advice to you and in the action column, write down your plan/s in response to the advice.Advice Reaction Action 1. Talk about it to God. He can handle it. He knows what you're thinking anyway and wants to hear from you! 2. Ask God's forgiveness when you've taken your eyes off of Him and forgotten to communicate with Him. 3. Ask for the ability to let go of all the anger and self pity. You cannot get rid of it in your own strength 4. Rest and eat right. It is important that you rest and have proper nourishment. ILO CITY INITIAT 5. Don't quit. No matter how afraid, anxious, depressed you are. Put your hope in God who cares for you DO​


I would definitely do that and I know that God really helps us in our problems more than any people so more than anything put God first.Yes we all have sins and we just ony focus on what we want and to our own dreams and forget God's plans for us that is really the best to all of us. I am going to confess to God of all of my worries ans sins.Anger and self pity emotions are really hard to fight and cannot get rid of my own only. so I'm going to find someone that will help me and give me more hopes to fight.Eating is the main source of our strength so I'll never forget to eat and sleep well and just care about my health so that i will live longer.Yes because quiting to the fights means you're a loser, everything is hard and not so easy so all our need to do is to be strong and keep going in our paths with the help of God.

2. Activity 4 Let's practice DIRECTIONS: Let's reread the texts in Activity 1 and identify which method in explaining concept is applied for each number. Also, provide evidences that can be found in the text. Text 1 The internet is a global system of networked computers that allows user communication and transfer of data files. It is commonly user-to confused with the World Wide Web, a concept for presenting and linking information on a network. Way of explaining concept: Evidence/s:Text 2Fernando Maramag's poem titled "The Rural Maid" is about a man who has been in love with a fair maid. He fell in love with her the first time they met. Their eyes glanced at each other and he was smitten by her charm. But despite his endearment to her, her heart doesn't belong to him this left some pain in his heart. The poem revolves in a hopeless dreamer's passion for a girl he could, and never would, own. They parted and never crossed paths again.Way of explaining concept:Evidence/s:Text 3Noise is much more than just an annoyance. In fact, noise can be at type of pollution that produces hearing impairment, prevents people from getting adequate rest, contributes to high blood pressure, interferes with productivity, and reduces our overall quality of life.Way of explaining concept:Evidence/s: pa help po​


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3. What I Know Before starting with this module, let us see what you already know about Holistic Health The health dimensions are interrelated. However, some activities develop a specific dimension more than others. What dimension of health does each activity develop most? Directions: Write P if the statement is for Physical health, S for Social health, MS for Moral- spiritual Health, E for Emotional health, and M for Mental health. Write your answers in your MAPEH activity notebook. 1. Studying Bible 2. Telling the truth 3. Listening to mood music 4. Jogging around the park 5. Reading your favourite books 6. Getting enough rest and sleep 7. Finding friends in Social Media 8. Playing strategic online games 9. Eating a balanced diet regularly 10. Going out with family and friends 11. Having faith to Heavenly Creator 12. Joining support group discussions 13. Sharing jokes with family members 14. Respecting your parents and elders 15. Playing chess, checkers, and Math games​





4. B. Directions: Read and learn from this and answer the following questions thatfollow. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.REMEMBER!Recycling is the process ofconverting waste materialsinto new materials or things.A to Z ofRecyclableWastesStart your compost pile!Green items, which break downquickly, like vegetable and fruitpeelings, grass cuttings and leavesBrown items, which break downslowly, like paper products, twigs andbranches, eggshells, cardboards andsawdust1. Make a big compost pile by mixingyour green and brown items well.2. When it warms up and gets hot tothe touch, stir it up to cool.3. When it heats up again few daysor weeks later, stir it again.4. Keep doing the process until itstops heating.5. Let it rest to finish composting.6. It can take a month or two tomake compost. Your compost isready when it turns a rich brownor black color and has an earthysmell.7. When it's done, use it to fertilizeyour garden.A - aluminum cansB-bottle caps, booksC - cans, crayonsD - disk, dressesE - envelope, electrical itemF - folder, furnitureG - glass, garden wasteH - hat, hangerI - ironJ-jar, jugK-kitchen waste, kettleL-leaves, lidM-magazine, metal scrapN - notebook, newspaper0 - onion peelingP-plastic, paperR-rag, rubberS- slippers, styrofoamT-toy, tinU- umbrellaV-vegetable peelingsW-wood, wireX - xylophone toyY-yarn, yard cuttingsZ - zipperIt's not only these items.You can add some moreexamples in our A to Z ofrecyclable wastes.Illustrated by Zolla Mae P. Panes, Riza E. Celebrado, and Marvin P. Pagurayan​


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