Let s Get Started Meaning

Let s Get Started Meaning

41. The following situations shows frugality towards the environment, EXCEPT one. *a. Anton always brings his own lunchbox, cooks his food by himself, and to usually eat inside his office, instead of buying something outside during lunch breaks.b. Jordan has a lot of plastic bottles at home, so instead of throwing it all away, he uses these plastic bottles as pot to his plants, Christmas decorations, and even made a roof out of it.c. When the pandemic started, Ambreigh usually buy clothes online. She has lots of new clothes now, so she thought giving her old clothes to the ones who are in need or sell it online, than to throw it all away.d. Rafael is a frustrated artist and during his past time, he usually sketches something in order to relax. But every time he draws something and didn’t like the result in the end, he usually crumples the paper, throw it away and repeat. That’s why every day, he let her mother buy him a new sketch pad.42. How does the virtues of prudence and frugality significant in saving one’s environment? *1 pointa. A habitual practice must be done in order to exercise prudence and frugality towards saving the environment.b. The ability to become prudent and frugal, could be one of the ways to become wiser in any decision-making process.c. It guides us on how we can make good and right decisions and careful management to resources that are only limited and available to us.d. It is through these virtues that we can be good stewards of God and has a greater chance that we will be rewarded for the good deeds we made.43. When the pandemic started, and longer lockdowns were imposed in the country, a lot of unplanned pregnancies happened knowing that everybody is just at home during that time. With that, Covid 19- babies are increasing, which technically leads to increasing of population in general. Do you think that this is a good indicator and is beneficial towards our environment, and why? Choose the BEST option. *a. Yes, because more and more people will plant trees and engage to other environmental initiatives than ever before.b. No, because it is annoying to see a lot of people especially children playing outside, which results to noise pollution.c. Yes, because the more people, the more the merrier. That means, more people will help mitigate and combat the climate crisis today.d. No, because the increase of population would mean that there will be more carbon footprints, and more people will share the limited amount of resources, thus making it worse for the environment as we try to look ways as to where to get and how to allocate these limited resources for everyone.44. “Environment is the reflection of our actions.” What does this statement imply? *1 pointa. The statement goes the same with this quote, “You are what you eat.”b. People will only take good action/s if they think the environment is in dire of help.c. The way we treat the environment, highly depends on its aesthetic and its significance to the people.d. The kind of environment we have right now mirrors on how human beings treat the environment, whether positively or negatively.45. Our very existence heavily relies on consumption in order to survive. With this reality, is it justifiable to always use the environment extensively to serve our own self-interests? *a. No, but if it’s for the greatest happiness for the greater number of people, then it is total fine.b. Yes, because there is no way that we can survive in this co-dependent and co-existent world if we don’t rely with the resources available in our environment.c. Yes, because it is what it is and it’s part of the natural order of things where we humans must consume and make use of the resources anytime and anywhere, we want.d. No, it will never be justifiable because there are lots of sustainable ways to manage and utilize the resources without any further degradation and harming of the environment.​

Daftar Isi

1. 41. The following situations shows frugality towards the environment, EXCEPT one. *a. Anton always brings his own lunchbox, cooks his food by himself, and to usually eat inside his office, instead of buying something outside during lunch breaks.b. Jordan has a lot of plastic bottles at home, so instead of throwing it all away, he uses these plastic bottles as pot to his plants, Christmas decorations, and even made a roof out of it.c. When the pandemic started, Ambreigh usually buy clothes online. She has lots of new clothes now, so she thought giving her old clothes to the ones who are in need or sell it online, than to throw it all away.d. Rafael is a frustrated artist and during his past time, he usually sketches something in order to relax. But every time he draws something and didn’t like the result in the end, he usually crumples the paper, throw it away and repeat. That’s why every day, he let her mother buy him a new sketch pad.42. How does the virtues of prudence and frugality significant in saving one’s environment? *1 pointa. A habitual practice must be done in order to exercise prudence and frugality towards saving the environment.b. The ability to become prudent and frugal, could be one of the ways to become wiser in any decision-making process.c. It guides us on how we can make good and right decisions and careful management to resources that are only limited and available to us.d. It is through these virtues that we can be good stewards of God and has a greater chance that we will be rewarded for the good deeds we made.43. When the pandemic started, and longer lockdowns were imposed in the country, a lot of unplanned pregnancies happened knowing that everybody is just at home during that time. With that, Covid 19- babies are increasing, which technically leads to increasing of population in general. Do you think that this is a good indicator and is beneficial towards our environment, and why? Choose the BEST option. *a. Yes, because more and more people will plant trees and engage to other environmental initiatives than ever before.b. No, because it is annoying to see a lot of people especially children playing outside, which results to noise pollution.c. Yes, because the more people, the more the merrier. That means, more people will help mitigate and combat the climate crisis today.d. No, because the increase of population would mean that there will be more carbon footprints, and more people will share the limited amount of resources, thus making it worse for the environment as we try to look ways as to where to get and how to allocate these limited resources for everyone.44. “Environment is the reflection of our actions.” What does this statement imply? *1 pointa. The statement goes the same with this quote, “You are what you eat.”b. People will only take good action/s if they think the environment is in dire of help.c. The way we treat the environment, highly depends on its aesthetic and its significance to the people.d. The kind of environment we have right now mirrors on how human beings treat the environment, whether positively or negatively.45. Our very existence heavily relies on consumption in order to survive. With this reality, is it justifiable to always use the environment extensively to serve our own self-interests? *a. No, but if it’s for the greatest happiness for the greater number of people, then it is total fine.b. Yes, because there is no way that we can survive in this co-dependent and co-existent world if we don’t rely with the resources available in our environment.c. Yes, because it is what it is and it’s part of the natural order of things where we humans must consume and make use of the resources anytime and anywhere, we want.d. No, it will never be justifiable because there are lots of sustainable ways to manage and utilize the resources without any further degradation and harming of the environment.​


41. The following situations shows frugality towards the environment, EXCEPT one. *

a. Anton always brings his own lunchbox, cooks his food by himself, and to usually eat inside his office, instead of buying something outside during lunch breaks.

42. How does the virtues of prudence and frugality significant in saving one’s environment? *

c. It guides us on how we can make good and right decisions and careful management to resources that are only limited and available to us.

43. When the pandemic started, and longer lockdowns were imposed in the country, a lot of unplanned pregnancies happened knowing that everybody is just at home during that time. With that, Covid 19- babies are increasing, which technically leads to increasing of population in general. Do you think that this is a good indicator and is beneficial towards our environment, and why? Choose the BEST option. *

d. No, because the increase of population would mean that there will be more carbon footprints, and more people will share the limited amount of resources, thus making it worse for the environment as we try to look ways as to where to get and how to allocate these limited resources for everyone.

44. “Environment is the reflection of our actions.” What does this statement imply? *

d. The kind of environment we have right now mirrors on how human beings treat the environment, whether positively or negatively.

45. Our very existence heavily relies on consumption in order to survive. With this reality, is it justifiable to always use the environment extensively to serve our own self-interests? *

d. No, it will never be justifiable because there are lots of sustainable ways to manage and utilize the resources without any further degradation and harming of the environment.


Hope it helps...

Correct me if I'm wrong..

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