The Night Is Young And Full Of Terrors

The Night Is Young And Full Of Terrors


Daftar Isi



Sign up with the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, or another emergency-response organization as a volunteer. Speak up at public hearings for the needs and concerns of youth and children in emergency situations. Work with other young people to come up with a list of ways you can help and ways the community can help you.

2. 12.Pressure with the use of terror and violence.Gang b. Incest c. Kidnapping d. Terrorism_____ 15. A street-based group, mostly made up of young people, that engages an illegal act.Gang b. Incest c. Stalking d. State Terrorism​


12.Pressure with the use of terror and violence.


b. Incest

c. Kidnapping

d. Terrorism

_____ 15. A street-based group, mostly made up of young people, that engages an illegal act.


b. Incest

c. Stalking

d. State Terrorism

3. Full circle. A new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable __________ Can you continue the quote


A new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

4. What is domestic terrorism and international terrorism?

Domestic terrorism or homegrown terrorism is a form of terrorism in which victims "within a country are targeted by a perpetrator with the same citizenship" as the victims. There are many definitions of terrorism, and none of them are universally accepted.

International terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups who are inspired by, or associated with, designated foreign terrorist organizations or nations (state-sponsored

5. how will you recognize this kind of injury in acts of terror or terrorism ?


help bring frist ait clean

6. What are the common terrorism activities therein? What do you think are the goals of terrorism?​


For example, taking and executing civilian hostages or extrajudicial elimination campaigns are commonly considered "terror" or terrorism, for example during the Red Terror or the Great Terror. Such actions are often described as democide or genocide, which have been argued to be equivalent to state terrorism


Terrorism, the calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. Terrorism has been practiced by political organizations with both rightist and leftist objectives, by nationalistic and religious groups, by revolutionaries, and even by state institutions such as armies, intelligence services, and police.

brainlist me

7. Disadvantage of terrorism​

Terrorist acts can cause ripple effects through the economy that have negative impacts. The most obvious is the direct economic destruction of property and lives. Terrorism indirectly affects the economy by creating market uncertainty, xenophobia, loss of tourism, and increased insurance claims.

8. however,the jubilant noise from heorot angered 2.______,a horrible demon who live in the swamplands of hrothgar's king dom.grended terrorized the danes every night,killed them Deafeated their efforts to fight back.​


unferth because that's the answer

9. what is terrorism? state the cause and causes or terrorism​


the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.


10. 4. What is the meaning of the figurative statement below?Education is a spark of light in a corner of a dark, terrifying battlefield. a. Education is the only way to end terrorism b. Education looks like a candle in the night. c. Education is the key to social transformation.​


c. Education is the key to social transformation.


The figurative statement "Education is a spark of light in a corner of a dark, terrifying battlefield" is a metaphor that compares the role of education to a small light in a dark and dangerous place. The metaphor implies that education has the power to bring light and hope to difficult and challenging situations and that it can be a powerful force for positive change in society.


4. What is the meaning of the figurative statement below?

Education is a spark of light in a corner of a dark, terrifying battlefield.

a. Education is the only way to end


b. Education looks like a candle in

the night.

c. Education is the key to socialtransformation.

11. what is terrorism ? ​


Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government or its citizens to further certain political or social objectives. Law enforcement generally recognizes two types of terrorism: domestic and international.


12. examples of terrorism​


Some most important forms of tourism are following as:

• Adventure Tourism.

• Atomic Tourism.

• Bicycle Tours.

• Beach Tourism.

• Cultural Tourism.

• Ecotourism.

• Geotourism.

• Industrial Tourism



answer! ^^

In order to attract and maintain the publicity necessary to generate widespread fear, terrorists must engage in increasingly dramatic, violent, and high-profile attacks. These have included hijackings, hostage takings, kidnappings, mass shootings, car bombings, and, frequently, suicide bombings.

What are the types of terrorism?

One popular typology identifies three broad classes of terrorism: revolutionary, subrevolutionary, and establishment. Although this typology has been criticized as inexhaustive, it provides a useful framework for understanding and evaluating terrorist activities.

What are the types of terrorism?

One popular typology identifies three broad classes of terrorism: revolutionary, subrevolutionary, and establishment. Although this typology has been criticized as inexhaustive, it provides a useful framework for understanding and evaluating terrorist activities.

What are considered acts of terrorism?

criminal acts, including against civilians, committed with the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury, or taking of hostages, with the purpose to provoke a state of terror in the general public or in a group of persons or particular persons, intimidate a population or compel a government or an international ...

13. 6. Nations droppin' bombs, Chemical gasses fillin' lungs of little ones. With the ongoin' sufferin' as theyouth die young. What problem was addressed from these lines?A TerrorismC. RacismB. Lack of disciplineD. Lack of equality​


6. B. po


paki follow follow back

marks me like


What is terrorism?

Terrorism is defined as the unlawful and unethical use of violence whether on unsuspecting civilians or government officials as a way to intimidate them and further a terrorist's agenda.

Why does terrorism involve the use of terror and violence?

Terrorism is an intimidation tactic used by individuals or groups to incite fear, confusion, and civil unrest among the public or its target. The easiest way to do this is to cause panic by scaring people through violence or by causing a sudden attack on an environment.

You must be aware that terrorism is no longer confined to bombing, shooting, and kidnapping. Terrorism also now includes biological warfare which is through spreading a genetically-engineered disease at a target location so that the local citizens will contract it.

Another act includes threats of violence or instability which can affect the lives of citizens. Digital terrorism is another form which could affect the infrastructure of the government and sectors such as banking, transportation, and health. By causing chaos, these sectors will not be able to perform their duties properly, services may be halted, and vital information and data may be stolen or lost.

Why do terrorists attack?

Simply put, terrorists are bullies. They feel like they need to cause chaos in order to be heard. They refuse to negotiate with authorities through the proper channels or hold peaceful treaties because they want immediate response. Often, these terrorists feel that the government or the public has treated them wrong. In some cases, it may be true. However, this does not justify harming others to meet their goals.

There is another type of terrorist. They have no end goal other than to incite fear, panic, and confusion. They are not fighting to be heard or seen but they just want to start chaos among people as a sadistic form of entertainment.

I hope this answer has helped you! #CARRYONLEARNING

15. What do you think why Anti terrorism law or Anti-Terror Bill must be junked?​


Junk terror bill


dahil malaya tayong bansa then ang terror bill nayan ay parang tinatangalan ng kalayaan nasa terror bill ang napagbintangan paano yun kung napagbintangan ka pero wala kang ginagawa warrant.less.arrest oo sangayon ako dyan pero nasa tama naman ang proseso tska sana pantay pantay yung pagtingin ng bawat isa pwede naman siguro ang terror bill city ordinance like marawi davao butuan zambunga

16. diffenation of terrorism?​


The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

17. Activity ll: Creating Strong Story Openings!Direction: Begin a story with a surprising or unusual action. Forexample, I rushed around the house in terror, turning every tap on full'​


Corect me if im wrong thankyouu

18. seriousness of terrorism​


t3rrorism does more than k1ll the innocent: It undermines democratic governments, even in mature democracies like those in the United States and much of Europe. The fear t3rrorism generates can distort public debates, discredit moderates, empower political extremes, and polarize societies. An array of actors, including governments, international institutions, and civil society can decrease the scale and scope of terrorist violence and mitigate its most dangerous political effects.

There are various different definitions of t3rrorism, with no universal agreement about it. Terrorism is a charged term. It is often used with the connotation of something that is "morally wrong". Governments and non-state groups use the term to abuse or denounce opposing groups.

19. solution in terrorism


Good governance is the only solution for terrorism. :)))


cutting off funds

foreign fighters

20. What are the indicators of terror or terrorism ?


Below are indicators or signs of terrorism according to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority of New York:

1) Surveillance

2) Inquiries or Elicitation

3) Tests of Security

4) Fundraising or Funding

5) Acquiring Supplies

6) Suspicious People Who Don't Belong or Out-Of-Place Behavior

7) Dry Runs

8) Deploying Assets or Getting Into Position

1) Surveillance

When the terrorists choose a target place, they will most likely conduct surveillance during their planning phase. The purpose of this is for them to know the strengths, weaknesses, and number of emergency personnel that may respond when they execute their plan. Indicators of surveillance include: when you notice that someone is suspiciously recording or monitoring activities, drawing diagrams or making notes on maps, using vision-enhancing devices, or obtaining possession of floor plans or blue prints of places like high-tech firms, financial institutions, or government facilities.

2) Inquiries or Elicitation

The second sign is when there is an attempt to get information about a person, a place, or an operation. Be on a lookout when somebody is eliciting details about infrastructures such as a power plant, water reservoir, bridge or tunnel, maritime port or military base,  

3) Tests of Security

Here, terrorists try to assess the security of their target area and on how law enforcement will respond.

4) Fundraising or Funding

Transactions involving large amount of money should be taken seriously because this might be a form of funding money by the terrorists which will help them in acquiring supplies etc.  

5) Acquiring Supplies

Be vigilant when there is suspicious acquisition of explosives, weapons, ammunition, harmful chemicals, or chemical equipment; or when there is incidents of stealing of these things. Additionally, they may also steal or fake law enforcement equipment and identification, military uniforms and decals, flight passes, badges or even flight manuals.

6) Suspicious People Who Don't Belong or Out-Of-Place Behavior

Unusual presence of a person/people in a place (e.g. workplace, building, neighborhood or business establishment) is also a sign of possible terrorism.  

7) Dry Runs

Before terrorists execute their plan, they may hold a practice or dry runs. Example of this is when someone is monitoring police radio frequencies, or when someone is determining the timing of traffic lights.

8) Deploying Assets or Getting Into Position

This is the last part of the signs of terrorism. Failing to discover this is will mean the execution of terrorists’ plan.

Learn more:


21. Anti-terrorism bill will curb terrorism problem in the cou try ​


The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020, officially designated as Republic Act No. 11479, is a Philippine law whose intent is to prevent, prohibit, and penalize terrorism in the Philippines. The law was signed by President Rodrigo Duterte on July 3, 2020 and effectively replaced the Human Security Act of 2007 on July 18, 2020.

22. Which act of terrorism below uses violence in the interests of environmentalism?a. Cyberterrorism b. Ecoterrorismc. Narco terrorismd. State Terrorism ​

Which Of Terrorism Below Uses Violence In Tha Interest Of Environmentalism?

A. CyberTerrorism

B. Eco Terrorism

C. Narco Terrorism

D. State Terrorism


23. advantage of terrorism


What are the advantages of terrorism?

The point that must be highlighted here is that all terrorist groups are Muslim and use the Quran to motivate and justify their actions.

The Quran is clear that all known-Muslims must be killed (9;5) and Muslim must subdue and conquer the world for Allah (2:190) to so that all of the worlds submits to Allah.

This is the advantage of Terrorism which should in fact be renamed - “the Invading Islamic Army”

Yet it must also be said that this war fought by Muslims is pointless as the Quran clearly states that the Christian faith is the Superior faith and will be the dominant faith till the end of the world.

24. terrorism in the Philippines​


is vital to teach students about terrorism not only because it is a part of our past and present but also due to the fact that it is an opportunity to teach compassion and tolerance. Also, the best way to cope with fear is to face it, understand it, and then conquer it.

25. Define terrorism. How does terrorism affect our society?


“In addition to the casualties and physical destruction directly caused by their attacks, terrorists seek to inflict wider psychological, social, political and economic damage upon the societies they target”(kLEIN, a. ... Social effects of (terrorism can include injury, death, and psychological trauma.

26. give me a 3 examples of act of terrorfor example "CYBER TERRORISM"​


hostage takings

car bombings


correct me if I'm wrong

27. compound or complex sentence number one you cannot understand the lesson because you are not paying attention number to john knows how to sing but he shy to sir share his talent 3 the night is dark and it's full of terror number 4 unless everyone thinks its reputation the spread of the disease with rapidly increased number five the new normal setup will continue unless a vaccine against the disease is discovered​





here are the correct answers po

hope for the best and good luck on ur studies, keet it up! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

28. What kind of terrorism uses toxic biological agents to harm and terrorize civilians?


Sana makatulong

29. paraan ng pakikisangkot ng terror bill stop state terrorism​


Ang terorismo ay isang lehitimong panganib sa kahit anong bansa.Ang terorismo ay isang lehitimong panganib sa kahit anong bansa.Ngunit ang pagpasa ng isang batas laban sa terorismo na may maraming probisyong tila nagwawalang-bahala sa karapatang pantao ng mga mamamayan ay dapat tutulan, ayon sa maraming grupo at mga indibidwal sa Pilipinas.Ang terorismo ay isang lehitimong panganib sa kahit anong bansa.Ngunit ang pagpasa ng isang batas laban sa terorismo na may maraming probisyong tila nagwawalang-bahala sa karapatang pantao ng mga mamamayan ay dapat tutulan, ayon sa maraming grupo at mga indibidwal sa Pilipinas.Ang anti-terror bill ay ipinasa ng Kongreso nitong ika-3 ng Hunyo. Pirma na lamang ni Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte ang hinihintay bago ito maging ganap na batas. Ang terorismo ay isang lehitimong panganib sa kahit anong bansa.Ngunit ang pagpasa ng isang batas laban sa terorismo na may maraming probisyong tila nagwawalang-bahala sa karapatang pantao ng mga mamamayan ay dapat tutulan, ayon sa maraming grupo at mga indibidwal sa Pilipinas.Ang anti-terror bill ay ipinasa ng Kongreso nitong ika-3 ng Hunyo. Pirma na lamang ni Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte ang hinihintay bago ito maging ganap na batas. Sa episode na ito, pag-uusapan nina Rappler justice reporter Lian Buan, defense reporter JC Gotinga, and researcher-writer Jodesz Gavilan kung bakit mapanganib ang anti-terror bill, hindi lamang sa mga progresibong grupo, kundi sa lahat ng mamamayan sa Pilipinas.Ang terorismo ay isang lehitimong panganib sa kahit anong bansa.Ngunit ang pagpasa ng isang batas laban sa terorismo na may maraming probisyong tila nagwawalang-bahala sa karapatang pantao ng mga mamamayan ay dapat tutulan, ayon sa maraming grupo at mga indibidwal sa Pilipinas.Ang anti-terror bill ay ipinasa ng Kongreso nitong ika-3 ng Hunyo. Pirma na lamang ni Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte ang hinihintay bago ito maging ganap na batas. Sa episode na ito, pag-uusapan nina Rappler justice reporter Lian Buan, defense reporter JC Gotinga, and researcher-writer Jodesz Gavilan kung bakit mapanganib ang anti-terror bill, hindi lamang sa mga progresibong grupo, kundi sa lahat ng mamamayan sa Pilipinas.Ayon kay Buan, isang delikadong probisyon ang pagkaroon ng executive warrant:


hope it's helps:)


tàóñg mo sa pàgóñg bàkà alam


joké lang po sorry pa brainliest po haha

30. prevention of terrorism

Terrorist is consist of the people (Terrorists) that wants new system of a government its either they want a better system or a worse system. We can prevent this by the government should hear the voice of the people and hear what changes want the people to do in the country.

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