Miss The Old Days

Miss The Old Days

can't deny i miss myself and my happiness of old days anxiously translate in tagalog​

Daftar Isi

1. can't deny i miss myself and my happiness of old days anxiously translate in tagalog​


Hindi ko maitatanggi na nangungulila ako sa aking sarili at sa aking kaligayahan noong unang panahon


ayan po yung sa got

2. i miss the old days people answer my questions correctly now its nonsens​


yeah i like to answer nonsense


its easy to ans

3. 3. Dear Diary, Today was such a hard day for me.It was the first day at my new school. None ofthe kids were mean to me, but none were really nice either. I miss my old friends and my oldschool. I wish we had never moved here!A. DescribeB. EntertainC. InformD. Persuade​


kasi di ko alam sorry pero totoo yan tama yan sagot ko

4. Atlantis - A Lost SonnetEavan Boland/ IrelandHow on earth did it happen. I used to wonderthat a whole city--arches, pillars, colonnades,not to mention vehicles and animals - had allone fine day gone under?I mean, I said to myself, the world was small thenSurely a great city must have been missed?I miss ourur old city -white pepper, white pudding, you and I meetingunder fanlights and low skies to go home in it. Maybewhat really happened isthis: the old fable-makers searched hard for a wordto convey that what is gone is gone forever andnever found it. And so, in the best traditions ofwhere we come from, they gave their sorrow a mameand drowned it. #1.) Give a quick explanation what each stanza means.​


stanza is a paragraph

its like this

hi my name is rye im an

student in the school etc

my friends names tom

so its basically called stanza/paragraph

5. According to the Food and Nutrition Research Institute, children ages 10 to 12 years old, should have a protein daily intake of 43g for boys and 46g for girls. If Angelo eats only 25g of Protein in a day, how much Protein is he missing for his daily intake? (Show your solution.)



I don't have the answer

6. Atlantis—A Lost SonnetEavan Boland - 1944-2020 - IrelandHow on earth did it happen, I used to wonderthat a whole city—arches, pillars, colonnades, not to mention vehicles and animals—had all one fine day gone under?I mean, I said to myself, the world was small then.Surely a great city must have been missed?I miss our old city —white pepper, white pudding, you and I meeting under fanlights and low skies to go home in it. Maybe what really happened is this: the old fable-makers searched hard for a wordto convey that what is gone is gone forever and never found it. And so, in the best traditions of where we come from, they gave their sorrow a nameand drowned it.1. Relate the poem in your life.​


Bye motin baho naay humot humot

7. Direction: Supply the adverb found in the box below. Write down the kind of adverbs insidethe parenthesis.(outsideall daythis morningin old clotheseverfor a weekon the busalreadyclearlyevery day)1. His face was dirty and he was dressed2. Have youbeen in a plane?3. She was so ill that she missed school4. I did some homework last night and finished it5. We wentto play6. Dad takes the dog for a walk7. Sally left her pencil caseso everyone can hear you.8. Speak9. It was a fine day and the children played in the garden---done it.10. “Go and do your homework." "I've------​


In old clothesEverfor a weekthis morningoutsideeverydayon the busclearlyall dayalready


Hope this helps pooo

8. Atlantis—A Lost SonnetEavan Boland - 1944-2020How on earth did it happen, I used to wonderthat a whole city—arches, pillars, colonnades, not to mention vehicles and animals—had all one fine day gone under?I mean, I said to myself, the world was small then.Surely a great city must have been missed?I miss our old city —white pepper, white pudding, you and I meeting under fanlights and low skies to go home in it. Maybe what really happened is this: the old fable-makers searched hard for a wordto convey that what is gone is gone forever and never found it. And so, in the best traditions of where we come from, they gave their sorrow a nameand drowned it.Activity #: 1 1. Analyze the poem and explain the meaning per stanza. 2. What is the structure of the poem? Support your answer. 3. Explain the persona and tone in the poem.​


Thanos was a genocidal warlord from Titan, whose objective was to bring stability to the universe by wiping out half of all life at every level, as he believed its massive population would inevitably use up the universe's entire supply of resources and perish


9. Its Urgent pls help11. Solve for the missing term. 5/6 = N/30 *12. Solve for the missing term. N/5 = 36/45 *13. Solve for the missing term. 15/N = 30/10 *14. Find the unknown quantities. percentage, when base = 300 and rate = 24% *15. Find the unknown quantities. rate, when percentage = 345 and base = 900 *16. Solve each problem. Write your answer in the blanks. The ratio of boys to girls in a class is 2 to 5. If there are 30 girls, how many pupils are there in the class? *17. Solve each problem. Write your answer in the blanks. The ratio of Alice’s age to her younger sister’s age is 3:1. How old is her sister when Alice is 18 years old? *18. Solve each problem. Write your answer in the blanks. A fruit seller manages to sell a total of 360 fruits on a particular day. If he sold rambutans, avocados, and lanzones in the ratio 3:2:4, find the number of rambutans and avocados he sold. *19. Solve each problem. Write your answer in the blanks. If a one – third of a bucket can be filled in 3 minutes, how many minutes will it take to fill the whole bucket? *










19.20 minutes

10. Text A. "LOOSE TOOTH" Jack is seven years old. He has all his teeth. His friends have lost one or more teeth. They love to see new teeth grow! Jack wants to lose some teeth but he doesn't have loose teeth. He wants to see new teeth grow in like his friends. So, he wiggles his teeth everyday to check. He doesn't feel any loose teeth. Then, a few days later, he had a missing tooth! Jack is so happy. Hooray! Soon he will loose a tooth and meet the tooth fairy. Summary:​


Jack wants to lose a tooth so he can meet the tooth fairy

11. Directions: Supply the missing word in each set of analogies. See the given example for your guidance. Example: Comb is to hair as toothbrush is to teeth. 1. Day is to night as bright is to______________. 2. Innocent is to guilty as huge is to_____________. 3. Old is to ancient as generous is to____________. 4. Painter is to brush as sculptor is to__________. 5. Exhausted is to rest as hungry is to_____________.


1. Day is to night as bright is to dark.

2. Innocent is to guilty as huge is to little.

3. Old is to ancient as generous is to greedy .

4. Painter is to brush as sculptor is to chisel.

5. Exhausted is to rest as hungry is to eat.


12. 5. Even though Donna already had a new job, she submitted her two week notice andconducted herself in a professional way at her old job because she didn't want to burnbridges.A Donna didn't want to ruin her positive relationship with her old employer.B. Donna wasn't ready to start her new job.C. Donna was really going to miss her old job.D. Denna was waiting until her last day to rub it in everyone's​




donna didn't want to ruin her positive relationship with her old employer

13. Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer. 1) What is the value of N in the following number sequence? 33, 35, ___, 39, ___, 43 A. 37, 41 B. 36, 40 C. 37, 40 D. 38, 41 2) What is the missing term in the given number sequence? 41, ___,51, 56, ____66 A. 46, 61 B. 42, 57 C. 43, 58 D. 45, 60 3) 4, 9, 14, 19, 24 is an example of _________ number sequence. A. Order B. Mix C. Descending D. Ascending 4) What is the missing number in 73, 67, 61, ___ 49, ___ 37? A. 55, 42 B. 55,43 C. 55, 32 D. 55, 34 5) What are the missing terms in the given number sequence, 25,24, __, 19, ___10? A. 21, 16 B. 22, 15 C. 23, 19 D. 22, 14 6) Tiffany brought 8 cheese sandwiches and 6 ham sandwiches to school. Daniela brought 4 more cheese sandwiches. What is the correct equation for the cheese sandwiches? A. 8 + 4 = 4 + 8 B. 8 x 4 = 4 x 6 C.8 x 6 x 4 D. 4 x 6 = 6 x 8 7) Rafael made 5 paper airplanes every day for 6 days. Then Edgar made 4 more paper airplanes for 6 days too. Now, how many paper airplanes do they have in all? What is the equation for it? A. 5 x 4 = 4 + 6 B. 5 x 6+4 C.6x (5+4) = (6x5) + (6x4) D. 6 x (5 x4) 8) What is the missing number in an equation? (8 X __) X 4 = 8X (5 X__) 40 X 4 = 8 X 20 160 = 160 A. 5 and 4 B. 6 and 5 C. 5 and 7 D. 4 and 8 9) Abigail loves and takes care of her dog that is 24 inches and 5 inches long. How long is her dog in inches? (1 foot = 12 inches) A. 24+ 5= 29 inches C. 24 +12 = 36 inches B. 12 + 5= 17 inches D. 2 + 12= 14 inches 10) Ms. Sinoro has a nephew who is exactly 1 year, 2 weeks and 3 days old. How many days old is her nephew? What is the correct equation for the problem? (1 year=365 days, 1 week = 7 days) A. 365 + 14 + 3= 382 days C. 365 + 7 + 3=375 days B. (365+14) X3=1137 days D. (3 X 7) + 365= 386 days HELPP PLSS


1. A

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. B

6. 12

7. 54, B

8. A

9. A

10. A

Step-by-step explanation:



Sad or MiserableCubHumidFartherNailsThinExpensiveUsed or OldCourageous


Not sure about my other answers, just use what you think is right. That's all, I hope it helps.

15. Randy found a puppy on his way home. Thinking it had no owner, he brought the puppy home. The puppy was playful, and it learns fast. He liked the puppy so much. One day, he passed an old tree with a poster of puppy missing. It was the same puppy he found. He was hesitant at first but decided to return the puppy to its owner. The owner thanked Randy for taking good care of the puppy. Question: Do you agree with Randy’s decision to return the puppy to its owner? Explain your answer in 2-3 sentences.




Because it isn't his. He did a good deed.

16. Activity 1:Instructions: Find the missing analogy words in the box to complete thesentence. Write your answer on the space provided5.fullwoofhardflyyoungdaysoftfewbakewrite12. is to less as many is toGrandma is to old as child is toSmall is to large as empty is toDark is to bright as night is toLight is to heavy as soft is toCat is to meow as dog is toRough is to gentle as hard is toFish is to swim as bird is toKnife is to cut as oven is to10. Book is to read as pencil is to8.9.10.​


few,young full day hard woofvsoft fly bake write


that word s is missing to complete the analogy

17. 4. Cheena, a five-year old girl, is so lonely. She misses her mom. It's been two months since the lockdown started and her Mom never got home since then. Her mother is a registered nurse and stayed in the hospital. One day, the phone rang and to her surprise she heard the voice of her Mom. They both cheered each other up and promised to stay safe. 1. Who are the characters in the story? 2. Where did the story happen?​


1. Cheena and her Mom

2. It happened since lockdown when her mom didn't got home.

18. Identify the voice of the verb in each sentence.1. The children are taught by Yeyeng how to speak in English.2. The importance of loving one's own language was emphasized by the president.3. Miss Phathupat's example reminds me of honesty.4. The students were guided by their teacher in learning the new language.5. Miss Phathupat's made great efforts to learn English.6. Miss Phathupat's is teased by the old folks whenever she speaks in English.7. The children were tasked to memorize words from the dictionary.8. Yeyeng gave her students several grammar exercises every day.9. Yeyeng teaches her students to read more books.10. The students were provided by Miss Phathupat some helpful tips in speaking english.​


1. Passive

2. Passive

3. Active

4. Passive

5. Active

6. Passive

7. Active

8. Active

9. Active

10. Passive


Hope it helps.

19. Read the story. Then answer the questions. Miss Beth Bayless lived alone in an old timber house with a tiny garden in front. Her house had a steep roof which came down like a hat over the eyes of the windows. One day after shopping, as she fumbling in her purse for her front door key, she noticed a little plant growing in a crack in the concrete path. She put her basket and took a sharp knife. She pushed the knife down the side of the little plant and loosened it from the stony earth. It came up easily, roots and all. She hurried to get a trowel and dig a patch of earth near a verandah post. By next morning when Miss Bayless went out, the seedling had not only shot up over the stake, but had reached the verandah post. And the leaves! How richly green and glossy they were! Within a week, the plant had grown to the top of the post, and had even covered the inside of the verandah and begun spreading over the roof. She was fascinated with its speed, and with the way they seemed not to cover the windows and door, but just to frame them. She loved it. But the neighbours didn't. Mr. Drummond came, "Miss Bayless, I think you ought to take it out before it does some serious damage." Don't worry, Mr. Drummond, I'm not at all concerned." Everyone in the street came to stare the creepers. Next morning, as she opened the door, she smelt the most delicious scent. And there was the fruit a rosy golden ripe ball! She twisted it off the vine and gently cut open. Oh! It was the most mouth-watering taste of her life! And the delicious smell reminded Miss Bayless of her childhood. Her mind raced back to thoughts of those happy carefree days. Five boys and girls, full of smiles, and eyes shining, crowded around her. Then she led the way to the backyard, and the fun began! All day long, they run and climbed trees, and had a picnic. As soon as the sun dipped down over the old walnut tree, she could imagine her five friends saying goodbye. "I wonder," Miss Bayless said aloud, "will children come today?" Answer each question. 1. Who was Miss Beth Bayless and how was her house? 2. What did Miss Bayless notice when she came back from shopping? 3. What did Miss Bayless do then? 4. What happened by the next morning? 5. How the plant had grown? 6. What happened when she opened the door? Ceau alichlian co​

1. Miss Beth Bayless lived alone in an old timber house with a tiny garden in front. Her house had a steep roof which came down like a hat over the eyes of the windows.
2. She fumbling in her purse for her front door key, she noticed a little plant growing in a crack in the concrete path.
3. She put her basket and took a sharp knife. She pushed the knife down the side of the little plant and loosened it from the stony earth. It came up easily, roots and all. She hurried to get a trowel and dig a patch of earth near a verandah post.
4. Miss Bayless went out, the seedling had not only shot up over the stake, but had reached the verandah post. And the leaves! How richly green and glossy they were!
5. Within a week, the plant had grown to the top of the post, and had even covered the inside of the verandah and begun spreading over the roof.
6. She smelt the most delicious scent. And there was the fruit a rosy golden ripe ball! She twisted it off the vine and gently cut open. Oh! It was the most mouth-watering taste of her life! And the delicious smell reminded Miss Bayless of her childhood.

20. C. Miss cruz had 10 years old working student who stayed with her in anher house . One day jose Miss cruzlive-in partner slapped thestudent for coming home very late. Can yare be sured under VAWC?answer to becausekollu bord word wall2 Thoro kabwbio​


C. Miss cruz had 10 years old working student who stayed with her in an

her house . One day jose Miss cruz

live-in partner slapped the

student for coming home very late. Can yare be sured under VAWC?

answer to because

kollu bord word wall

2 Thoro kabw


21. 13. Which of the following situations is part of infant mortality rate? A. Ed, 31-year-old, hypertensive and diabetic who was involved in tragic accident two days ago and died. B. Flor, 11-year-old diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), C. Greg, 68-year-old with kidney failure who missed multiple dialysis sessions and died. D. Henry, 3-month-old, died due to septic shock,​


13. Which of the following situations is part of infant mortality rate?

A. Ed, 31-year-old, hypertensive and diabetic who was involved in tragic

accident two days ago and died.

B. Flor, 11-year-old diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

C. Greg, 68-year-old with kidney failure who missed multiple dialysis

sessions and died.

D. Henry, 3-month-old, died due to septic shock.

The answer for this question is letter A. Ed, 31-year-old, hypertensive and diabetic who was involved in tragic accident two days ago and died.

22. Directions: write the nouns in the following sentences. 1) The house is in Africa. 2) The car is old and is missing one door. 3) When will the bus arrive? 4) Excitement is in the air. 5) Yesterday was the coldest day of the year. 6) Happiness is the best feeling. 7) Tim, Joe, and Anton are my best friends. 8) Evolution is part of nature. 9) My brother is a major league baseball player. 10) Is it time to go yet?​


Not so sure tho


1) House

2) Car

3) Bus

4) Excitement

5) Yesterday

6) Happiness

7) Tim, Joe and Anton

8) Evolution

9) My Brother

10) Time

23. The old lady sat in her empty kitchen table while staring at the old acacia tree. The acacia tree is still sturdy but with few, old, withered leaves. Beside the acacia tree, stood a mango and tamarind tree. She took a deep breath and starts to sip her cold coffee. Gone are the days where she is happy seeing her children playing outside, climbing in the trees and bullying each other so loud. She also remembered during the days that she served as the leader of the community. She missed her constituents visiting her. She picked all the bills that were accounted to her during pandemic. She silently took a deep breath. The old lady was still thinking of her possible decision to sell her house and lot.​


Ano po yung tanong para masagutan

24. 4. Cheena, a five-year old girl, is so lonely. She misses her mom. It's been two monthssince the lockdown started and her Mom never got home since then. Her mother is aregistered nurse and stayed in the hospital. One day, the phone rang and to her surpriseshe heard the voice of her Mom They both cheered each other up and promised to staysafe.1. Who are the characters in the story? 2. Where did the story happen?​





the hot dog

25. Practice Task 3 Directions. Complete the following sentences by choosing the missing word from the given choices. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided. 1 "New iPad floats to the top" is an example of a a quotation 2. "It was the scariest day of my life!" the 12-year-old boy said. This is an example of a b. caption 3. Photos have a small sentence known as beneath c. headline them explaining what is happening in the photo. d. body 4. Journalistic writing is used to report e. facts 5. The author can put at the final paragraph. f. opinions Lorebogpls. need ko po​








sana makatulong paki brainliss please

26. 5. Even though Candace already had a new job, she submitted her two week notice and conducted herself in a professional way at her old job because she didn't want to burn bridges a. Candace didn't want to ruin her positive relationship with her old employer b. Candace wasn't ready to start her new job. Candace was really going to miss her old job. d. Candace was waiting until her last day to rub it in everyone's face that she was leavingAcorrect if I'm wrong ​

your correct! it`s letter A.

27. 3. Dear Diary, Today was such a hard day for me. It was the first day at my new school. None ofthe kids were mean to me, but none were really nice either. I miss my old friends and my oldschool. I wish we had never moved here!A DescribeB. EntertainC. InformD. Persuade​

C. Inform

Cause she/he isn't discribing, entertaining, or persuading she/he is just saying or writing the information about the new place they move on and how was the people there


28. Directions: Read each paragraph. A graphic organizer is used to show the structure of the text. Fill in the missing boxes with the appropriate information. 1. Fernando Amorsolo (1892-1972) is often known as the "Grand Old Man of Philippine Art". The Spanish-trained realist developed a backlighting technique, where his colorful depictions of local people reflect the radiance of the Philippine sun. The figures and illuminated landscapes magically glow on the canvas. Despite his deteriorating health and failing eyesight, he remained prolific until the end, producing up to 10 paintings a month until his death at the age of 80. Amorsolo's creativity defines the nation's culture and heritage to this day.Fernando AmorsoloKnown as the "Grand Old Man of Philippine Art"10 paintings(1).80yrs. old(2).​

since fernando amorsolo is the local people on Philippines until on the age of 80 the figures landscape sun this on grand old man art the Spanish trained colorful she's a talented on painting drawing nation culture defines mountain

Fernando Cueto Amorsolo (born Fernando Amorsolo y Cueto; May 30, 1892 – April 24, 1972) was a portraitist and painter of rural Philippine landscapes.

Early life and education


Style and techniques

Critical evaluation



Major works

Awards and achievements

Personal life

See also


External links

29. Please answers are needed..Underline the prepositional phrases.Then write over them whether they used as Adjectives or Adverbs.1.The attractive woman over there in the corners is my English teacher.2.The dishes in the sink must be washed before tomorrow.3.Both of my house keys are missing.4.The hamburger on sale at 89 cents a pound looks several days old.5.In the middle of the movie,the screen suddenly went blank.​

1 Attractive - Adjective
2 before tomorrow- adverb
3 both - adverb (notsure)
4 several days old- adjective(notsure)
5 In the middle- adverb
Good luck ;)


Underline the prepositional phrases.Then write over them whether they used as Adjectives or Adverbs.

Adverb 1. The attractive woman over there in the corners is my English teacher.

Adverb 2. The dishes in the sink must be washed before tomorrow.

Adjective 3. Both of my house keys are missing.

Adjective 4. The hamburger on sale at 89 cents a pound looks several days old.

Adverb 5. In the middle of the movie, the screen suddenly went blank.

Enjoy learning always! ❤

30. 1. The dinosaur bones were old. 2. We were lucky that it didn't rain.3. After playing football, my clothes were dirty 4. That joke made me laught5. I rode my bike the whole way home. 6. I had to choose a book for my report. 7. It was a hot day in the desert.8. I found the missing puzzle piece on the floor. A.entire B.suzzling C.ancient D. select E.grimy F.discovered G.fortunate​


1.F discovered 2.A entire 3. E grimy 4.B suzzling 5.

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