Supplication Prayer Example Tagalog

Supplication Prayer Example Tagalog

Give Examples of the four categories of Prayer ( Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving and supplication )

Daftar Isi

1. Give Examples of the four categories of Prayer ( Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving and supplication )


Heavenly Father, we are most ever grateful for your kindness, mercy and compassion. We gather to rejoice in your name and become your followers.

Forgive us when we have hurt you and others. Give me strength to forgive others and guide me the path to become a better person.

2. supplication of lords prayer?​


Supplication is asking for God’s assistance for yourself or for others. In the Lord’s Prayer, supplication is seen in the words, Give us today our daily bread … And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil (Lord’s Prayer).

3. make a prayer na naipakita ang supplication of prayer

Answer: sorry i dont know a supplication prayer

Be anxious for nothing,But in every prayer and supplication with thanks giving,Let your request be made known to God.

hope it helps

plss dont report me

check my profile cause i want brainliest thank u

4. Write an example of a personal prayer to God following the ACTS Model (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication)


Adoration : “God, thank You for being trustworthy and kind. You have never broken a promise, and everything You say will happen. I praise You for being all-knowing. You’re seated above the heavens and You oversee the galaxies, but not one detail escapes You. In fact, You take care of the sparrows and You count every hair on my head. You know everything about me, and yet You love me anyway…”

Confession : Dear Heavenly Father, we lower our heads before you and we confess that we have too often forgotten that we are yours. Sometimes we carry on our lives as if there was no God and we fall short of being a credible witness to You. For these things we ask your forgiveness and we also ask for your strength.

Thanksgiving : We pray Thy love will bless, O Lord, each hearth, each home, each festive board; and that Thy peace will come to stay where candles glow, Thanksgiving Day. Thank the almighty, for all that He gave in life, for the food that you eat, for the people you greet, for the love in the heart, for that wonderful start.

Supplication  : Dear God, please help me to place my absolute trust in you. Help me to love and trust people, but let my absolute trust be placed in you. Let me trust, pray, and look up to you for all my needs. I understand and believe that you will send me the necessary people to meet my needs at all times.


5. a prayer that has addoration, contrition, supplication, thanksgiving. ​


Adoration: Give God praise and honor for who he is as Lord over all. Confession: Honestly deal with the sin in your prayer life. Thanksgiving: Verbalize what you're grateful for in your life and in the world around you. Supplication: Pray for the needs of others and yourself.


Follow mo ako sa brainly. thx. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Hope it helps.




6. Write a prayer of commitment and supplication ( In Filipino) to Jesus through the blessed Virgin Mary


Aking tinatalaga ang aking sarili na lahat ng sa akin, ang pagiging ako panloob man o panlabas ay iniaalay kong muli sa iyo Panginoon. Itinatalaga ko ito kakabit ng aking pananalig sa Kailinislinisang puso ni Maria na nagbibigay sa iyo ng wagas na pag-ibig at pagmamahal. O Inang Maria ilapit mo ako at ilagay sa iyong puso upanng tulad mo ay maibig ko si Hesus ng wagas mong pag-ibig.

Lahat ng sa akin ay sa iyong Kamahal-mahalang puso Hesus sa pamamagitan ng Kalinis-linisang puso ni Maria. Amen.


7. 1. The Glory be is an example of this form of prayer. A. Thanksgiving B. Petition/Supplication C. Adoration D. Contrition​

B po petition supplication

8. Write a prayer of commitment and supplication(in Filipino) to Jesus through the Blessed Virgin Mary ​


Aking tinatalaga ang aking sarili na lahat ng sa akin, ang pagiging ako panloob man o panlabas ay iniaalay kong muli sa iyo Panginoon. Itinatalaga ko ito kakabit ng aking pananalig sa Kailinislinisang puso ni Maria na nagbibigay sa iyo ng wagas na pag-ibig at pagmamahal. O Inang Maria ilapit mo ako at ilagay sa iyong puso upanng tulad mo ay maibig ko si Hesus ng wagas mong pag-ibig.

Lahat ng sa akin ay sa iyong Kamahal-mahalang puso Hesus sa pamamagitan ng Kalinis-linisang puso ni Maria. Amen.


9. Prayer to say thank you Adoration Contri. Thanksgiving and Supplication​


Sometimes life gets me down and I find it hard to see things to be thankful for. Open my eyes to see the gifts you’ve given me in my life. I’m going to start by thanking you for loving me enough to come to earth and die so we can live together forever.


Hope it helped

#Carry On Learning


10. write a short prayer to our father as a supplication for his devinemercy.​


Almighty God, my Eternal Father,

from the fullness of my soul I adore You.

I am deeply grateful that You have made me

in Your image and likeness,

and that You ever hold me in Your loving embrace.

Direct me to love You with all my heart,

with all my soul,

and with my whole mind.

Direct me to love all Your children as I love myself.

O, my Father, my soul longs to be united to You,

and to rest in You forever.

Have the Holy Spirit touch my soul

so that I may love You as He does,

and as Your Beloved Son Jesus does.


11. B. Prayer: Create a prayer to all the children who are being abuse in our society. Apply the ACTS (Adoration,Contrition, Thanksgiving, and Supplication)​



the answer is in the link

12. Prayer for Supplication (you won idea sana)

PRAYER AND SUPPLICATIONLet your genteless be known to all men.The Lord is at hand.Be anxious for nothing,but it everything by prayer and supplication,with thanks giving,let request be made know to God;7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,will guard your hearts and minds to Christ Jesus.

13. what part of the lord's prayer considered as supplication?​





14. make a prayer of supplication asking god's grace for the conversion of sinners in your community.need answer now​


Lord God, this world has been changing a lot, it changed to its worst. Many people are dying without knowing You. In this times, people do what they want to do even though it's, it is against your law. This world turned upside down and became self-centered, they considered the wrong right because they love their sin and didnt want to let go of it. Now it can be seen people parading their sin and attacking christian preachers just to stop the truth and justify their sins. It is heartbreaking to see people turn away from You. They've harden their heart and cant see the truth about You. Lord, we need You in our lives and without You were gonna be in big trouble. There is a desire in my heart to tell people about You, about what You've done on the cross and how you've changed my life. Following You is the best decision i have made and also i want to share that to other people, that they may experience the love that You have given us. Use me to spread Your word as You say I can be the light of the world. Lord, I ask You to help them to soften their harden heart because You are the only one that can gave us salvation and true peace and joy to our lives.


Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 5:14‭-‬16


15. Formulate a simple prayer for your famioy following ACTS (adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, supplication/petition).​

Heavenly Father, I praise You, and I worship You. You deserved to be praised, and to be honored. Father, please forgive me for all of my shortcomings and wrong deeds. Please cleanse my heart with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Thank You, oh Lord, for all the answered prayers. Thank You for Your goodness, faithfulness, and greatness in my life. May You continue to pour out Your blessings in my family. Guide us, and lead us to the right path. I pray for protection, and provision for my family. In Jesus' name, Amen.

16. prayer composition for thanks giving,adoration,contrition,and supplication.

Act of contrition

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love.

I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen

Prayer Before Eating

Lord God, Heavenly Father, bless us and these Thy gifts which we receive from Thy bountiful goodness, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. ...


God is so good


God is so powerful

17. Example of tagalog prayer for covid​


Be our light in the darkness, O Lord,

And in your great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this time;

May we be reminded that when we pray for “us” it means *everyone,* not just our loved ones

And may our collective actions reflect this prayer

For the love of your only Son, our Savior Jesus Christ,


– Jason Evans

Missioner for Missional Communities for the Episcopal Diocese of Texas

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18. Supplication prayer for the people who are affected by the calamities ​

Lord , For those people who were affected bu the typhoons or floods . Please do give them foods to eat and waters to drink , may their stomach be field and may their laughter will be back . May you will send thousands of angels to help them , blessed those persons who help , Amen .

19. Make your own Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, Supplication prayers​

O Gracious God, we give you thanks for your overflowing generosity to us. Thank you for the blessings of the food we eat and especially for this feast today. Thank you for our home and family and friends, especially for the presence of those gathered here. Thank you for our health, our work, and our play.

20. how can adoration,contrition,thanksgiving,supplication prayers lead human beings to communicate with god better

By being a good person and who has fully faith within god and loves and trust him

21. Compose a sincere personal prayer. Use the A-C-T-S(Adoration, contrition, Thanksgiving and Supplication/Petition) formatas guide in composing your prayer.​


Heavenly Father, thank You for giving Christ to be my Saviour and thank You for Your mighty plans and purposes, which You are in the process of bringing to completion. Help me to live by faith and not by sight, for I believe that all You have purposed and planned will come to fruition.. in Your time and Your way.. and to Your praise and glory, AMEN.

22. 1.The forms of prayer — personal prayer na present ang types of prayer. Contrition, Adoration, Thanksgiving Supplication, PA ANSWER PO TO NAG TAMA PLEASE​


Welcome po have a nice day

23. give three examples of a short tagalog prayer for your family ​


Ama namin, Na nasa langit, sambahin ang Iyong pangalan; Dumating ang iyong kaharian; Gawin ang iyong kalooban sa lupa gaya ng sa langit. Bigyan mo kami ng kakanin sa araw-araw; at patawarin mo kami sa aming mga kasalanan gaya ng pagpapatawad namin sa mga nagkakasala sa amin; at huwag mo kaming ihatid sa tukso, kundi iligtas mo kami sa masama.

24. Write a prayer of commitment and supplication(in Filipino) to Jesus through the Blessed Virgin Mary ​

done na po pa check nalang po kung tama

25. Write a letter in a prayer format , adoration,confession,Thanksgiving,and supplication?​


thanksgiving:thank you for giving love and gospils and blessing thank you to for giving me a good family


ito po i hope ti helps thank you



Christian Living

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Disciplines


A Simple Acrostic for Prayer: A.C.T.S.

R.C. Sproul

2 Min Read

Christians often use a simple acrostic as a guide to prayer: A.C.T.S. Each of the letters in this acrostic stands for one of the key elements of prayer:

(A) Adoration

(C) Confession

(T) Thanksgiving

(S) Supplication

But not only does this acrostic remind us of the elements of prayer, it shows us the priority we ought to give to each.

The first element of prayer should be adoration, or praise. The Psalms, which are inspired samples of godly prayer, are heavily weighted on the side of adoration. I've noticed over many years that as we grow in the discipline and in the delight of prayer, it seems that we naturally spend more and more of our time on this first element.

27. The title of your prayer is "Prayer in time of Pandemic" Make a A complete prayer follows the formula of Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving and Supplication or also known as ACTS.



Let's Dig In ection: Translate the given elements name into symbols to create a sentences or line Americium Sulfur+T+R+Oxygen+Nitrogen+G" "I Am STRONG")


28. prayer how is it important for us to follow acts in playing adoration confession thanks giving and supplication​




It shows us the priority we ought to give to each

29. Create your own personal prayer using ACTSO pattern- Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, Supplication, and Offering.


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JUN 25, 2018

Christian LivingSpiritual GrowthSpiritual DisciplinesPrayer

A Simple Acrostic for Prayer: A.C.T.S.

R.C. Sproul

2 Min Read

Christians often use a simple acrostic as a guide to prayer: A.C.T.S. Each of the letters in this acrostic stands for one of the key elements of prayer:

(A) Adoration

(C) Confession

(T) Thanksgiving

(S) Supplication

But not only does this acrostic remind us of the elements of prayer, it shows us the priority we ought to give to each.

The first element of prayer should be adoration, or praise. The Psalms, which are inspired samples of godly prayer, are heavily weighted on the side of adoration. I’ve noticed over many years that as we grow in the discipline and in the delight of prayer, it seems that we naturally spend more and more of our time on this first element.

Second, prayer should include confession of our sin; as we remember who we are when we come into God's presence, we see that we have come short of His holiness and have need of His forgiveness.

Third, when we pray, we should always give thanks, remembering the grace and mercy God has shown toward us.

Fourth, prayer rightly includes supplication or petition, bringing our requests for the needs of others and ourselves to God.

I think this is a helpful acrostic for remembering both the elements and the priorities of prayer. Unfortunately, we often spell our prayer life something like S.C.A.T., because we start with supplication and spend very little time, if any, on adoration, confession, and thanksgiving.


30. Prayer: Create a prayer about being missionary of the word of God Apply the ACTS (Adoration,Contrition, Thanksgiving, and Supplication)​


And for loving God without payment

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