Last School Attended Meaning

Last School Attended Meaning

What do you mean by honorable dismissal from last school attended?

Daftar Isi

1. What do you mean by honorable dismissal from last school attended?

 Based on my school, If a student withdraws voluntarily from the college, he/she is entitled to transfer his/her credentials (honorable dismissal) provided that the dismissal is not due to disciplinary reasons.

2. 46. The weights in kg of 7 basketball players are 68, 66,70, 67, 68, 65 and 64. Find the range. D.7 C. 6 ΑΣ B. 5 А 4 47. The scores of 5 top student in a quiz are 20. 13, 18, 19 and 20. Find the mean deviation A 8 B. 1.5 C. 1.6 D. 1.8 48. What measure of central tendency is best for a given data with extreme values? It is also known to be the middle score of an arranged data set. A Mean B. Median C Mode D. Range 49. Ana is hosting a birthday party. Five kids age 12 and two babies aged 2 attended the party Which statistical measure is appropriate to use to represent the data? A Mean B. Median C. Mode D. Range 50. Mrs. Arizona has five children, they are studying in the same school. She wants to compare the performance of her children last year with this year. Their final grades last year are 85, 88 87. 89 and 88. What is the best measure of central tendency can be use to describe the given set of data? A Mean B. Median C Mode D. Range​



47. D.




Step-by-step explanation:

This is only my opinion if you think this is correct then, copy if not just don't.

3. 1.Mrs.Gregorio and her son died after being shot by the angry policeman2.Andy's classmates make fun of the old shoes he wears to school daily.3.Maxine stopped attending school in fear of being harassed and attacked by the mean girls in her class.4.Beginning this year, the local construction company will be accepting female welders,carpenters,masons and metal workers.5.It has been more than a year since omar has last seen his hometown due to the on-going conflict between the military and the rebels in sulu.6.All of aling marta's children stopped going to school due to poor finances.7.Clara went home crying because her playmates wouldn't allow girls to join their game.8.Several students sustained injuries after tha gang attack in the school.9.if danny didn't get enough money from begging, his family would not eat.10.Attacks of the NPA caused not only death among the troops but also with the civilians.CHOICES:Violence,Bullying,Gender,War or Poverty​


violence ye it's violence

4. School last attendedOther Important DataII. A. Infer the meaning of the underlined compound words through context clues, synonymChoose the letter of the correct answer.1. The postman delivers mails in the community every day.A mailmanB. janitorConrineer D earlinge2. Manny Pacquiao knockedA. defeated B recharged revivedD. refreshed3. A carefree child is seen playing under the rain.A. happyB. worriedC. troubled D. nervousII.B Infer the appropriate affixed words to complete the sentence. Choose the letter of the correct answer4. A person who makes works of art is anA. artistB. artisticC. artistryC. art5. Anperson is someone who has shown great intellect.A. intelligent B. intellectual C. intelligenic D. intelligence6. A state of being dark isA. darkerB. darkestC. darkD. darkness​


Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. A mailman

2. A. defeated  

3.  A. happy


4. A person who makes works of art is an

A. artist

5.  B. intellectual

6.   D. darkness​



5. E Learning Task 9: Copy and accomplish the Learner's Information Sheet in your notebook. Be guided by the instructions provided for each item. 1. Write your full name in print, first name first. First name includes your second name, if you have any. Middle Initial means only the first letter of your middle name. Last name refers to your surname or family name. Example: JUANA B. DELA CRUZ 2. Write your school name; then, opposite to it is your Learner Reference Number. 3. Write your grade and section. Then, encircle your gender or sex. 4. In writing your birthday, follow the format: day/month/year, 5. For the place of birth, indicate the town or city and the province. 6. Write the telephone number. If not available, you may write your cellphone number instead. If there's no telephone or cellphone, write N/A for not applicable. 7. Write the names of your mother and your father the same with how you have written your ame. Opposite of your parents' names are their occupations. 8. Write only the number of brothers and sisters you have. 9. Write the name and address of your previous school. If are enrolled in the same school, you still have to write it. 10. Supply the data on your special skills or talents. Lastly write N/A for "not applicable' in the blanks which do not apply to you. Please print legibly. Use capital letters. Name School First Grade and Section, Aplaya Elementary School Santa Rosa City, Laguna LEARNER'S INFORMATION SHEET Birthdate Home Address: Middle Initial LRN: Sex (Encircle] MALE FEMALE Birthplace Day Month Year Number Street Barangay Telephone /Cell phone Number Father's Name Mother's Name Number of Brothers School Last Attended Lost Town/City Province Town/City Occupation Occupation Number of Sisters; Name and Address Province​


ano daw?


huh ano diko mabasa

6. 1) What is the target population in her study?A. all students in her schoolB. parents of all students in her schoolC. first year high school students in her schoolD. parents of first year high school in her school2) The principal creates a list of all first year high school students, decides to survey every seventh student on the list. Which random sampling technique does she apply?A. cluster C. stratifiedB. simple D. systematic3) Mrs. Mogol writes each name of all first year high school students on small pieces of paper, he then put them in a box and draws 300 names to participate in the study. Which random sampling technique does she apply?A. cluster C. stratifiedB. simple D. systematic4) The principal groups the first year high school students according to the barangay where they live. She randomly picks a barangay and all of the students living in that barangay answer the questionnaire. Which random sampling technique does she apply?A. cluster C. stratifiedB. simple D. systematic5) Mrs. Mogol groups the first year high school students according to their school’s last attended. She proportionately and randomly chooses students from each group. Which random sampling technique does she apply?A. cluster C. stratifiedB. simple D. systematic6) What do you call a number that describes a sample characteristic?A. data C. sampleB. parameter D. statistic7) What do you call a number that describes a population characteristic?A. data C. sampleB. parameter D. statistic8) What distribution pertains to the frequency distribution of the sample mean from all the possible random samples of a particular sample size n taken from the given population?A. frequency B. normal C. population D. sampling9) Which of the following is NOT a step-in creating sampling distribution of the sample mean?A. Determine the number of sets of all possible random samples.B. Compute for the standard deviation and variance of the samples.C. Construct a frequency distribution table of the sample means andprobability.D. List all the possible random samples and solve for the sample mean of each set of samples.10) Which of the following is the mean of sample 6, 10, 21, 25, and 28?A. 15.17 B. 18 C. 21.2 D. 22For numbers 11-15, refer to the following population consists of the data{2,4, 6, 8, 10}.11) How many different samples of size n = 3 can be drawn from thepopulation? A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 1212) Which of the following sample mean appears most frequent in thesampling distribution? A. 3.67 B. 4 C. 4.67 D. 613) What is the lowest value of the sample means in this sampling distribution?A. 3.67 B. 4 C. 4.67 D. 614) What is the probability of the sample mean 5.33 in the samplingdistribution of the sample mean? A. 110 B. 16 C. 15 D. 2515) Which of the following histogram correctly shows the samplingdistribution of sample means of size n = 3?​


1.B.parents of all students in her scholl














7. Pre-Assessment Direction: Circle the letter of the best answer to the following questions, 1. What energy movement lasting about 5 to 15 minutes and does not require energy? A. ATP B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic 2. What energy system that breaks down carbohydrates using 1 to 2 minutes of energy? A. Adenosine B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic 3. What energy system that requires carbohydrates, fats and protein where energy is used in a longer period of time? A. Adenosine B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic 4. The following are nutrients needed by the body to produce energy, except: A. Carbohydrates B. Fats C. Protein D. Vitamin C 5. Ruxyll constantly performs aerobic exercises because he knows the benefits of it. Which of the following is the least beneficial factor of aerobic exercise? A. It builds muscles C. Reduce the risk of stroke B. Strengthens the heart D. Controls blood the blood pressure 6. Clarabelle is planning to manage her exercise routine. For her to stick on her exercise routine, which of the following is the best thing that she should do? A. Set SMART goals C. Meditate B. Walk before you run D. Observe others 7. Dancing offers creative outlet for people to express their personalities in a safe environment. The statement means: A. It improves the condition of the heart C. It improves aerobic fitness B. Greater self-confidence and self-esteem D. Weight management 8. Reane performed a solo dance during the recital. The following steps were observed: bilao, hayon-hayon, dos-a-dos and Jaleo, what is the dance genre? A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance 9. Hiroshi attended a battle during their school foundation day. He performed some b-boying, breaking, and down rock moves. What type of dance competion he is joining? A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance​



1. B

2. D

3. D

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. B

10. D

8. 1. A comparison of two numbers or quantities. a. Ratio b. proportion c. percent 2. Two equivalent ratios form a _______________ a. Ratio b. proportion c. percent 3.There are 8 pencils and 12 ruler.What is the ratio of the pencils to ruler ? a. 8:12 b. 12:8 c. 12:20 4. The terms used in proportion__________ a. Means and Extremes b. Base and exponent c. Rate and percent 5. A kind of proportion where one quantity increases and the other also increases. a. Partitive proportion b. Indirect proportion c. Direct proportion 6. In a _____________ proportion, a whole is divided into parts proportional to the given ratio. a. Partitive Proportion b. Indirect Proportion c. Direct Proportion 7. In an ____________proportion, one quantity increases as the other quantity decreases ad vice versa. a. Partitive b. Indirect c. Direct 8. 4:8 = 1;2 a. TRUE b. FALSE c. MAYBE 9. 4:20 in lowest term is_________ a. 2:10 b. 1:5 c. 3:10 10. There are ___________ ways of writing a ratio . a. two b. three c. four 11. 8:36 = 2:9 based on the given proportion the means are a. 8 and 9 b. 2 and 9 c. 36 and 2 12.Which of the following is an example of proportion. a. 3:6 = 18: 20 b. 5:10 = 2:4 c. 7:5 = 9:10 13.In a grade VI Math class, there are 27 boys and 23 girls. Write the ratio of boys to girls_____ a. 27:23 b. 23:27 c. 27:50 14.Write the ratio of girls to the whole class____________ a. 27:50 b. 23:50 c. 50:50 15.A volleyball team won 8 games out of 12 games it played. Write the ratio of wins to games played___________ a. 8:12 b. 12:8 c. 12:20 16.What is the ratio of wins to looses? a. 8:4 b. 2:3 c. 12:8 17.Write the ratio of looses to games played___________ a. 4:12 b. 8:12 c. 4:12 18.Solve 8:N = 5:15 a.12 b.16 c.24 19.The ratio of two numbers is 3:5. If the sum is 40, what is the smaller number? a.15 b.20 c.25 20. The ratio of male to female students at a college is 7 to 5. How many female students are there if there are 350 male? a. 250 b. 350 c. 450 21. A store has T-shirts for sale at ‘2 for P190.’ At the same rate, what will 5 T-shirt cost? a.375 b.425 c.475 22. . If 9 men can plow a field in 4 days. How long will 6 men do it? a.5 b.6 c.7 23. I have enough money to have a vacation of 15 days. if I spend Php600 a day. For how many days will my money last if I decided to spend only Php500 a day? a. 16 b.17 c.18 24. Three numbers are in the ratio 1:2:3 and their sum is 18. What is the smallest number? a.1 b.2 c.3 25. The sum of 2 numbers is 30 and their ratio is 1:2. What is the bigger number? a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 26. It is the amount that represents a part of a whole. a. percentage b. base c. rate 27. ______ is the number that represents the whole or entire amount. a. percentage b. base c. rate 28. ______ is the number compared to 100, Usually it has either with a percent sign (%) or the word “percent” with it. a. percentage b. base c. rate 29. What is the formula used in finding the percentage? a. P = R x B b. P = P/B c. P = P/R 30. What is the formula used in finding the rate. a. R = R x B b. R = P/B c. R = P/R 31. It is the formula used in finding the base? a. B = R x B b. B = P/B c. B = P/R For number 32 to 34,Refer to the problem below Robin’s daily allowance is Php. 40.00. He spends Php. 12.00 for snacks. This 30% of his daily allowance. 32. Identify the base? a. Php.40.00 b. Php. 12.00 c. 30% 33. Identify the rate? a. Php.40.00 b. Php. 12.00 c. 30% 34. Identify the percentage? a. Php.40.00 b. Php. 12.00 c. 30% 35. Find 75% of 60. a. 45 b. 35 c. 25 36. There are 250 pupils in a school. If 20% of them are boys, how many boy scouts does the school have? a. 50 b. 60 c. 70 37. 45 is what percent of 75? a. 60 b. 70 c. 80 38. In Mr. Lazo’s Math class, 8 pupils got high scores on the test. If this is 20% of the total number of pupils in the class, how many pupils does he have in all? a. 20 b. 30 c. 40 39. There are 200 participants attended during Mathematics Seminar workshop. If 40% of these were men and rest are women, how many are women participated in the Mathematics seminar workshop? a. 100 b. 110 c. 120 40. 10 is what percent of 20? a. 40% b. 50% c. 60%


1 . A

2. C  

3 . C

4 . A

5 . B

6 . C

7 . B

8 . A

9. A

10 . B

11 . A

12 . C

13 . C

14 . C

15 . A

16 . B

17 . B

18 . A

19 . C

20 . A

21.  B

22 . A

23 . A

24 . A

25 . B

26 . C

27 . A

28 . C

29 . A

30 . A

31 . A

32.  C

33.  A

34 . C

35 . C

36 . B

37. C

38 . B

39 . A

40. A



9. 2. Silk weaving in this Southeast Asian country dates to as early as the first century since textiles were used for trading. a. Brunei b. Cambodia c. Singapore d. Thailand 3. Golden Thread Silks were born in what country in the Southeast Asia? a. Cambodia b. Laos c. Philippines d. Vietnam 4. JM wants to watch the famous shadow puppetry show in Indonesia. What do you call to this shadow puppetry? a. Kabuki b. Noh c. Peking Opera d. Wayang Kulit 5. Farmers in Malaysia used these as scarecrows in the fields and as a means to lull their children to sleep. a. Flying Lantern b. Sa Paper c. Shadow Puppet d. Wau Kite 6. In Brunei Darussalam, men’s headgears are categorized into three except: a. Dastar b. Hat c. Kopiah d. Serban 7. Wat Pho is a famous sculpture and one of the tourist spot in Southeast Asia. In what country in the Southeast Asia does Wat Pho can be found? a. Indonesia b. Malaysia c. Thailand d. Vietnam 8. Michael visited the Pinto Art Museum in Antipolo City last Friday. He saw a lot of relief sculptures that are almost completely carved from its surface, highly shaped, with very little of the structure touching the base or plane. He also noticed that these sculptures can stand alone. What types of relief sculptures are being described? a. 2D Formb. Alto Form c. Bas Form d. Sunken 9. It is Laos' most famous statue made of gold of the sixteenth century. a. Dong Son b. Lao Statue c. Phra Bang d. Phra Say 10. Examples of their creations can be seen at the ASEAN Squares in the ASEAN member countries. a. Brunei b. Cambodia c. Philippines d. Singapore 11. Silk painting is one of the most popular forms of art in what country in Southeast Asia? a. Brunei b. Indonesia c. Malaysia d. Vietnam 12. Batik is featured in as the uniform of flight attendants for the official flag carrier airlines of the following countries except: a. Indonesia b. Malaysia c. Myanmar d. Singapore 13. The value of songkok-wearing is taught to the young both at home and at school wherein adult may not want to wear the songkok all the time but he will certainly wear it on various important occasions. From what country does songkok mostly being worn? a. Brunei b. Indonesia c. Malaysiad. Philippines 14. In Thailand, Loy Krathong Festival was celebrated and believed to have the brightest and most spectacular celebrations that features flying lantern. What month of the year does it being usually celebrated? a. August b. December c. November d. September 15. Leaves and flowers in their batiks are incorporated to avoid the interpretation of human and animal images as idolatry, in accordance with local Islamic doctrine. What country is being described? a. Cambodia b. Malaysia c. Philippines d. Singapore ​





10. Learning Task 9: Copy and accomplish the Learner's Information Sheet in your notebook. Be guided by the instructions provided for each item. 1. Write your full name in print, first name first. First name includes your second name, if you have any. Middle Initial means only the first letter of your middle name. Last name refers to your surname or family name. Example: JUANA B. DELA CRUZ 2. Write your school name; then, opposite to it is your Learner Reference Number. 3. Write your grade and section. Then, encircle your gender or sex. 4. In writing your birthday, follow the format: day/month/year. 5. For the place of birth, indicate the town or city and the province. 6. Write the telephone number. If not available, you may write your cellphone number instead. If there's no telephone or cellphone, write N/A for not applicable. 7. Write the names of your mother and your father the same with how you have written your name. Opposite of your parents' names are their occupations. 8. Write only the number of brothers and sisters you have. 9. Write the name and address of your previous school. If are enrolled in the same school, you still have to write it. 10. Supply the data on your special skills or talents. Lastly write N/A for "not applicable' in the blanks which do not apply to you. Please print legibly. Use capital letters. Name School First Grade and Section Birthdate Aplaya Elementary School Santa Rosa City, Laguna LEARNER'S INFORMATION SHEET Middle Initial Day Month Year Home Address : Number of Brothers School Last Attended Number Street Barangay Telephone /Cell phone Number Father's Name Mother's Name LRN: Sex (Encircle) MALE FEMALE Birthplace Last Town/City Province Town/City Province Occupation Occupation Number of Sisters Name and Address PIVOT 4A ABARION​


u can fill that up with ur information, whyd u have to make a question abt it?

11. 1 What is the other term form the Classical Era? a Age of Reason c. Age of Invention b. Age of Aristocracy d. Age of Transformation 2. Who among the classical composers is named as the "FATHER OF THE SYMPHONY? a Franz Joseph Haydn c. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart b. Ludwig van Beethoven d. Rembrandt 3. Who was known as the child prodigy and the most amazing genius in musical history? a Bemini c. Ludwig van Beethoven b. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart d. Franz Joseph Haydn 4. Which of the following artwork is painted on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Rome? a. Genesis c. Pleta b. Last Judgement d. Birth of Venus 5. It means "rebirth, revival and rediscover" a. Renaissance c. Baroque b. Pleta d. Classical 6. One of his famous artworks is the "PIETA" a. Donatello c. Michelangelo b. Leonardo da Vinci d. Peter Paul Rubens 7. It is also known as dance as a form of socialization in an event. a. Jazz Dance c. Ballet b. Folkdance d. Social Dance 8. Set of norms to be observed during dance socialization. a. Food Etiquette c. Dance Etiquette b. Rules and regulations d. Formal Attire 9. It is the country where cha cha originated. a. USA c. Cuba b. Colombia d. Australia 10. Teenagers who engage in drug use and abuse are not so prone to drop - out and failing in their academic performances. a. agree c. undecided b. disagree d. none of the above 11. There are healthy and enjoyable things to do than taking drugs. a. agree c. undecided b. disagree d. none of the above 12. Interest in attending classes is a protective factor under 2 a. family c. peers b. community d. school​


1. Age of Reason or Age of Enlightenment

2. Franz Joseph Haydn

3. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

4. Last Judgement

5. Reinassance

6. Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

7. Social Dance

8. Dance Etiquette

9. Cuba

10. Agree

11. Agree

12. School

12. Readiudicte inside the boy and associateliamua Manny has a myth of origin equal to that of any Greek or Roman hero. Abandoned by his father and brought up by a tough as pale mother, the poor boy who loves to box us rejected by a local squad but then joumeys many islands away, to the country's metropolis , Manila, to make it big Then he leaves the Philippines to make it even bigger, conquering the world again and again to bring back riches to share with his family and friends. Now in his hometown of General Santos City on the island of Mindanao, he and his family own commercial buildings, a convenience store, cates, and a souvenir shop that sells everything from DVDs of his fights to T-shirts to bobblehead dolls . In Manila, his children attend one of the most exclusive and expensive private schools . He is generous to a fault, spending thousands of dollars a day feeding and entertaining guests. For his last fight he distributed $800,000 in tickets to friends" Source Howard Chue Epan and Ishan Tharoor, "The Meaning of Manny Time, November 10, 2006question;Based on the excerpt read above, who is "Manny" as described in the article? A Manny Pacquiao C. Manny Villar B. Manny Pangilinan D. Manny Zapata​


A. Manny Pacquiao


hope it's helps


13. A. Answer the questions below. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided. ____ 1. How were you able to give the meaning of unfamiliar words? a. through context clues c. through its synonyms b. through inferences d. all of the above ____2. Identify the compound word used in the sentence. The golden rule stated that one should do to others what he or she wants others to do to him or her. a. stated b. others c. golden rule d. wants ____ 3. Christine has always been hardworking, that is why she submits her projects on time. What does the compound word hardworking mean? a. lazy b. unmindful c. punctual d. industrious ____4. Celebrating a fiesta is a time-honored Filipino tradition that dates back to the Spanish time centuries ago. What does the compound word time-honored mean? a. long-established c. recently practiced b. time-consuming d. nighttime ____ 5. Identify from among the other words in the sentence the synonym of the underlined compound word. Driving along the countryside where there are many greenery and fresh air, I fell in love with the rural area which I often visited. a. Fresh air b. rural area c. greenery d. often visited ____ 6. Antonyms are words _____________. a. that are spelled correctly c. that have the same meaning b. that are misspelled d. that have the opposite meaning ____ 7. ______ is a small paper form that shows how much money a person is putting in a bank account. a. deposit slip c. biodata b. withdrawal slip d. school form ____ 8. Which of the following forms requires an amount to be added to a savings account? a. Bio-data c. Deposit Slip b. Official Ballot d. Guidance Form _____ 9. This information refers to where you came from or live. This includes the number of your house, street, village/barangay or municipality, city or province. a. Date of Birth c. Father’s Name b. Complete Address d. Contact Number _____ 10. This information tells how many brothers and sisters you have. a. Occupation of Parents b. School Last Attended c. Number of Siblings d. Forename, Last Name and Middle Name ______ 11. This is the number where other people can call you. a. Complete Address b. Grade and Section c. Place of Birth d. Contact Number _____ 12. Which of the following is a surname? a. First name b. Middle Name c. Last name d. Forename ______13. When might you need to fill out a form? a. at the school club or guidance office b. when you deposit money to the bank c. when you vote for a candidate during election d. all of the above ______14. Which of the following forms requires an amount to be taken from a savings account? a. Bio-data c. Deposit Slip b. Withdrawal Slip d. Guidance Form ______15. Which of the following statement about forms is true? a. Forms are found in schools only. b. Using pencil is better than black pen when filling-out forms. c. Forms are documents that has spaces in which we can write information. d. Online forms and e-forms that can be found online are not considered document forms.

1. C

2. C.

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. D

7. A

8. C

9. C

10. C

11. D

12. C

13.  D

14. B

15. C

14. 1. What energy movement lasting about 5 to 15 minutes and does not require energy? А. АТР B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic 2. What energy system that breaks down carbohydrates using 1 to 2 minutes of energy? A. Adenosine B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic 3. What energy system that requires carbohydrates, fats and protein where energy is used in a longer period of time? A. Adenosine B. Glycolytic C. Oxidative D. Aerobic 4. The following are nutrients needed by the body to produce energy, except: A. Carbohydrates B. Fats C. Protein D. Vitamin C 5. Ruxyll constantly performs aerobic exercises because he knows the benefits of it. Which of the following is the least beneficial factor of aerobic exercise? A. It builds muscles C. Reduce the risk of stroke B. Strengthens the heart D. Controls blood the blood pressure 6. Clarabelle is planning to manage her exercise routine. For her to stick on her exercise routine, which of the following is the best thing that she should do? A. Set SMART goals C. Meditate B. Walk before you run D. Observe others 7. Dancing offers creative outlet for people to express their personalities in a safe environment. The statement means: A. It improves the condition of the heart C. It improves aerobic fitness B. Greater self-confidence and self-esteem D. Weight management 8. Reane performed a solo dance during the recital. The following steps were observed: bilao, hayon-hayon, dos-a-dos and Jaleo, what is the dance genre? A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance 9. Hiroshi attended a battle during their school foundation day. He performed some b-boying, breaking, and down rock moves. What type of dance competion he is joining? A. Ballroom Dance B. Folk Dance C. Hip-hop Dance D. Modern Dance​

1. D

2. B

3. D

4. D

5. A

6. B

7 . B

8. B

9. C

10. A

11 . D

12. B

13. D

14. B

15 . A

15. 5. Which of the following interprets the content the way the sender delivers the message? a. receiver b. feedback c. encoder d. author 6. What tone does student 2 imply in the conversation below? Student 1: You never told me that today is the deadline for our project, Student 2: I did. I even messaged you last night, a. anxious b. wary c. apprehensive d. sad 7. Which of the following speaks on how the host used the language to deliver his ideas and opinions? a. communicative function b. social context c. specific meaning dduration of interaction 8. In the example transcript below, how do you view the speaker's delivery? My mother sometimes has to attend to something and she would ask me to look after my siblings. It seems to me that I am the only one who could be of help to my parents. Then, there were instances that I had to find work so I could save some money and buy the things I need a. apologetic b. contrite c. repentant d. sorry 9. How do you think the speaker delivers the message below? It is a commonly accepted notion that it takes a village to raise a child. This means that several institutions are involved in shaping the child into becoming an informed, civically engaged member of a community, and industrious student at school. Institutions include the family or home, neighborhood or community, church, government, and the school. The interplay of these institutions is a critical factor in the formation of the child's mindset and behavior a. calm b. irritated c. convincing d. gloomy 10. What is the initial step to communicate your point of view? a. know the purpose b. know the topic 2​


5) receiver

6) wary

7) communicative function

16. "Manny has a myth of origin equal to that of any Greek or Roman hero. Abandoned by his father and brought up by atough-as-nails mother, the poor boy who loves to box us rejected by a local squad but then journeys many islands away,to the country's metropolis, Mamla, to make it big. Then he leaves the Philippines to make it even bigger, conquering theworld again and again to bring back riches to share with his family and friends.Now in his hometown of General Santos City on the island of Mindanao, he and his family own commercial buildings, aconvenience store, cafes, and a souvenir shop that sells everything from DVDs of his fights to T-shirts to bobblehead dolls.In Manila, his children attend one of the most exclusive and expensive private schools. He is generous to a fault, spendingthousands of dollars a day feeding and entertaining guests. For his last fight he distributed $800,000 in tickets to friends".Source: Howard Chua-Eoan and tshan Tharoor, The Meaning of Manny", Time, November 16, 200939. Based on the excerpt read above, who is "Manny as described in the article?A. Manny PacquiaoC. Manny VillarB. Manny PangilinanD. Manny Zapata​


39. A. Manny Pacquiao


hope it's helps


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