Used But Not Abused

Used But Not Abused

List the preventive factors against use and abuse. Explain how each factor prevent drug use and abuse PREVENTIVE FACTOR AGAINST SUBSTANCE USE -----> AND ABUSE

Daftar Isi

1. List the preventive factors against use and abuse. Explain how each factor prevent drug use and abuse PREVENTIVE FACTOR AGAINST SUBSTANCE USE -----> AND ABUSE

Answer and Explanation:

1. Positive mindset - a useful way of always looking on the bright side of every aspect you are encountering. this can at least help you avoid anxiety and depression and promotes positive self-image and strong self-esteem!

2. Strong family support - this can assure all the family members that they always have each other's back and are fine with even the smallest achievement they got. it promotes a safe relationship with them and eliminates the pressure with academics or work and the wanting to do their best by taking in drugs  for increase in physical and cognitive performances.

3.  Effective laws and politics - this way it can be proven true and serious to the people and start to obey these laws and avoid breaking them because there are consequences they'll encounter.  

4. Choosing the healthier choice - being aware of the problems and consequences can help you choose the 'healthy choice'. letting the social influence drive you can only ruin your life. know what's best for you and be be willing to stand out from the rest. this can eliminate the curiosity of one and take the chance to educate peers about the dreadful effects of drugs.

5. Solid friendships - friends can help you deal with stress, anxiety and depression. they provide great happiness and helps you choose good lifestyle choices that keeps us strong and contented.

these are the things i came up with using the information from the module,, I'm sorry if it's not to your liking (;′⌒`)

but i still hope it'll help you (∩^o^)⊃━☆

2. A. Harmful effects of drug abuse and use on a familyB Harmful effects of drug abuse and use on Schoolc. Harmful effects of drug abuse and use in the Community​


c. Harmful effects of drug abuse and use in the Community...


A. Drugs make you forgot that they are your family members and you can hurt them.

B. You can hurt classmates and be expelled.

C. You will hurt animals and be crazy putting trash everywhere in the community and ofcourse you'll end up to jail.

Don't do drugs kids.

3. how does drug use and abuse become abused to a user​

When you get to much in take


4. y 2: ons: Explain the concept of Drug Use and Drug Abuse. Write your answer on the table belo Drug Use Drug Abuse​


Many people don't understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. They may mistakenly think that those who use drugs lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop their drug use simply by choosing to. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting usually takes more than good intentions or a strong will. Drugs change the brain in ways that make quitting hard, even for those who want to. Fortunately, researchers know more than ever about how drugs affect the brain and have found treatments that can help people recover from drug addiction and lead productive lives.

Abuse the beli brug use

5. What myths and misconceptions of drug use and abuse do you know?What are the signs and symptoms of drugs use and abuse?​

What myths and misconceptions of drug use and abuse do you know?

It’s easy to pick an addict out of the crowd.

Only “hard” drugs like cocaine and heroin are addictive

Alcohol causes alcoholism

What are the signs and symptoms of drugs use and abuse?

Physical Signs

Frequent runny nose (common with cocaine addiction)

Tremors or seizures.

Loss of physical coordination.

Extreme lethargy.

Chemical odor on breath or clothes.

Pinpoint pupils (common with opioid and heroin addiction)

Bloodshot or watery eyes.

Changes in weight.

Pa Brainliest Po Thank youuu

6. Give at least tree possible effect in each group1) effect of drugs Use and abuse in family2) effect of drugs Use and abuse in school3) effect of drugs Use and abuse in community​


Effect of drugs Use and abuse in family.

Right when a parent has a reliance, they'll be exorbitantly clamoring looking for and using their substance of choice, which possesses them from their commitments. Thusly, they won't resolve the issues of their child. This sauciness goes from not managing fundamental necessities, for instance, giving meals and keeping the adolescent clean, to discretionary prerequisites like ensuring their child is getting guidance and public movement.Addicts aren't probably going to finish with their arrangements or guarantees, and this brings about additional strain in their connections.Addiction cam cause financial problem. Therefore, the family will start having issues paying for fundamental things like food, attire, utilities, and lease or home loan.

Effect of drugs Use and abuse in school

1. The maltreatment of unlawful substances significantly affects school execution in youngsters and teenagers.

2. Grades will regularly experience because of absence of energy and concentration, helpless fixation, and loss of drive.

3. Students utilizing liquor or medications additionally frequently lose interest in extra curricular exercises and other solid social communications.

Effect of drugs Use and abuse in community​

1. Drugs are destructive to the cerebrum and the body framework itself; they influence the heart in numerous ways and as a result of that individuals become oblivious concerning what their activities are. They don't understand how seriously they can hurt the local area around them.

2.Drugs can contribute to violence, crime, financial problems, housing problems, homelessness and vagrancy.

What is drugs:


7. Compose a poem about the effects of drug use and abuse in the lives of drug users and abusers.​

[tex] \huge \color{lime}{ \boxed{{ \colorbox{red}{answer}}}}[/tex]

Drugs like marijuana,heroine and cocaine

can destroy your brain

because of the substance they contain

so refrain and abstain

it cause me so much pain

to see people who have been trained

by the country to maintain,retain and sustain

our economy are dealing in cocaine

can someone please explain?

this is not what Ghana bargained for

it grieves me more to see our leaders and

businessmen who conspire

to import drugs that have expired

at the detriment of other peoples life

for thier own selfish desires

who they intend to inspire

to me,this is dire

We have to relocate and locate to a

better location

we have to generate and regenerate

our generation

we have dissociate and associate

ourselves to a good association

nobody has been able to trace

the source of this menace

drug abuse is something we must not embrace

it is covering our space at a fast pace

and it is a disgrace

people take drugs for pleasure

others take them to overcome the pressure

but for most young ones it is through

curiosity and peer-pressure

ALL I want to tell you is that


don't become a burden on society

keep your integrity and preserve your dignity

Don't let the illicit use of drugs be your habit

Else you will become a drug addict


im sorry im not sure for my answer;)

8. a form of cruelty that invloves the use of words. a.bullying b.extortion c.sexual abuse d.verbal abuse​


d.verbal abuse​


A form of cruelty that invloves the use of words is verbal abuse. The word 'verbal' itself is with the use of words or spoken words. Shaming or degrading someone with mean words by mouth verbal abuse.


9. risk of using or abusing drugs

What Is Drug Addiction?

Addiction is a disease that affects your brain and behavior. When you’re addicted to drugs, you can’t resist the urge to use them, no matter how much harm the drugs may cause. The earlier you get treatment for drug addiction, the more likely you are to avoid some of the more dire consequences of the disease.

Drug addiction isn’t about just heroin, cocaine, or other illegal drugs. You can get addicted to alcohol, nicotine, sleep and anti-anxiety medications, and other legal substances.

You can also get addicted to prescription or illegally obtained narcotic pain medications, or opioids. This problem is at epidemic levels in the United States. In 2018, opioids played a role in two-thirds of all drug overdose deaths.

At first, you may choose to take a drug because you like the way it makes you feel. You may think you can control how much and how often you use it. But over time, drugs change how your brain works. These physical changes can last a long time. They make you lose control and can lead to damaging behaviors.

10. drugs of abuse improve memory what is facts about drug use and abuse​


Despite the seemingly tamed and glamorized idea of drug use, it must be remembered that it can still lead to abuse, addiction, legal offenses, serious health problems, and even death.



it depends on the drugs


Drugs are chemicals that affect a person in such a way as to bring about physiological, emotional, or behavioral change. ‘Dangerous drugs’ are those that have a high tendency for abuse and dependency, these substances may be organic or synthetic, and pose harm to those who use them.

Drug abuse is a serious factor in memory loss and a lack of concentration, which can affect aspects of your life you may not have considered. Drugs can make it hard for you to study, improve your skills at work, learn and retain new concepts, and even pay attention to what’s happening around you.

Facts Despite the seemingly tamed and the glamorized idea of drug use, it must be remembered that it can still lead to abuse, addiction, legal offenses, serious health problems, and even death.

11. when is drug use abuse?​




dahil nakakasira iti ng buhay ng tao




drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting usually takes more than good intentions or a strong will. Drugs change the brain in ways that make quitting hard, even for those who want to.

12. it is the most widely used and abused tools.l​



Hammers and other striking tools are widely used and often abused. Hammers are made for specific purposes in various types and sizes, and with striking surfaces of varying hardness.




Hanger gamit ng mama ko


Subrang sakit ho

13. is the habitual use of excessive alcoholA. Drug AbuseB. PovertyC. BullyD. Alcohol Abuse​




From the word Alcohol.Stay safe.Have a nice day ahead

14. different types of commonly abused substances and the warning signs of their use and help mga pre.​


Substance abuse differs from addiction. Many people with substance abuse problems are able to quit or can change their unhealthy behavior. Addiction, on the other hand, is a disease. It means you can’t stop using even when your condition causes you harm.

15. differences of substance use and abuse.


Substance use may not be a problem or lead to abuse or dependency in some people. Abuse: Substance abuse is when someone continues to use drugs or alcohol even when it causes problems, such as trouble with work, family, or their health.


correct me if Im wrong

pa brainlist po pls

16. When is drug use abuse?​


Drug abuse is a major problem in the United States. One of the most significant issues concerning drug abuse is the high risk for developing an addiction. The abuse of drugs can have serious ramifications on a person’s physical health, mental health, and overall well-being.

17. how to use or abuse the caffeine​


Consume in small, frequent amounts. Between 20-200mg per hour may be an optimal dose for cognitive function.

18. substance use and abuse


What is Substance Abuse?

Substances are illegal drugs, alcohol, solvents, “legal highs,” and prescription medicines. When used or overused they cause people to change the way they feel, think or act.

Consuming illegal drugs is always considered misuse. Your relationship with legal substances becomes misuse when:


You overuse them.

You ingest them for a purpose outside their original intent.

You consume them in high volume.

You use them to impair judgement.

You develop a dependency on the substance.

19. Effect of Substance Use and Abuse​


Substance abuse can affect several aspects of a person's physical and mental health. Some medicines can cause drowsiness and slow breathing, while other medicines can cause insomnia, delusions, or hallucinations. Chronic substance use is associated with cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and liver disease.

Nausea and abdominal pain. This can also lead to changes in appetite and weight loss. It exposes a person to increased stress on the liver, serious liver damage or liver failure. Seizures, strokes, confusion, brain damage. Lung disease.

If you find this answer ideal to your question, I'd appreciate it if you mark this as the brainliest. Thanks and happy learning!

20. Answer the following questions:List the preventive factors against use and abuse. Explain how each factor help prevent druguse and abuse. Refer to the illustration below.PRENVENTIVE FACTORAGAINST SUBSTANCEUSE AND ABUSE​


1. Positive mindset - a useful way of always looking on the bright side of every aspect you are encountering. this can at least help you avoid anxiety and depression and promotes positive self-image and strong self-esteem!

2. Strong family support - this can assure all the family members that they always have each other's back and are fine with even the smallest achievement they got. it promotes a safe relationship with them and eliminates the pressure with academics or work and the wanting to do their best by taking in drugs  for increase in physical and cognitive performances.

3.  Effective laws and politics - this way it can be proven true and serious to the people and start to obey these laws and avoid breaking them because there are consequences they'll encounter.  

4. Choosing the healthier choice - being aware of the problems and consequences can help you choose the 'healthy choice'. letting the social influence drive you can only ruin your life. know what's best for you and be be willing to stand out from the rest. this can eliminate the curiosity of one and take the chance to educate peers about the dreadful effects of drugs.

5. Solid friendships - friends can help you deal with stress, anxiety and depression. they provide great happiness and helps you choose good lifestyle choices that keeps us strong and contented.


sorry the answer is too long

21. examples of substance use and abuse ​







22. what is the facts about drug use and abuse of drugs of abuse help in the digestion ofdrugs of abuse make a person bold and bravedrugs of abuse remove life's problems and worries​


dont abuse a drug because it can harm you


Drug use can make people lose their consciousness and hurt people

Drug abuse can make the life of the user harder and uses a drug to elicit certain feelings

23. TRUE or FALSE___1. Use and abuse of substances may not help loss weight.___2. Declining interest in studies and work is a sign of physical changes. ___3. Drugs use and abuse affects monetary limitation on the society because of addiction.___4. Drugs use and abuse is prone to serious damage and injury that affects the Society.___5. Numbness of the muscles and nerves is a short-term effects on drugs use and abuse.___6. Drugs of abuse do not improve memory.___7. Drugs of abuse help in the digestion of food ___8. Drugs of abuse place a user in a dangerous and life-threatening situation.___9. Drugs of abuse worsen life's problems and worries.___10. Drugs of abuse heat up the body.​






5. False






24. What is the importance of knowing the facts and myth and misconception, aboutdrug use, drug abuse and drugs of abuse?​


Myth: “All drugs are addictive”

Fact: Some drugs can create addiction or dependence much quicker than others. There is no evidence that people get ‘hooked’ after one or two uses, or that everyone who tries a drug will become addicted. Using a drug even once can cause serious problems. Addiction depends on the what, who, why, where and how of drug use.

25. When is drug use abuse?​


When someone is over using them. You may easily recognize someone who uses them often by the looks of their appearance.

26. what are the common use and abused drugs​




hope it helps

27. when is drug use abused?​


I can cause Death


Sana naka tulong


Yan ang sagot hope its help

28. 150 words for "use but not abuse"​


I use but i dont abuse all things around me.


Pa brainliest po please really need


Maltreated, Mistreated, browbeate

bulied, covid cowed

29. TRUE OR FALSE1.Use and abuse of substances may not help loss weight.2.Declining interest in studies and work is a sign of physical changes.3. Drugs use and abuse affects monetary limitation on the society because of addiction.4.Drug use and abuse is prone to serious damage and injury that affects the society5. Numbness of the muscles and nerves is a short-term effects on drugs use an abuse.6. Incoherent speech is a short-term effect on drugs use and abuse.7.Brain not functioning properly is considered as short-term effects on drug use and abuse.8.Drugs use and abuse indicates undisciplined behavior.9.Constant use and abuse of drugs to young adult reduce attention in going to school.10. Long-term effects can be felt for weeks, even for a life-time.​


1. True


3. True

4. True

5. True

6. False

7. True

8. True

9. True

10. True


Check mo nalang

30. what are the common used and abused drugs?​


Cap syrup


and Party Drugs.

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